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1、新版浅谈如何提高乡镇党员干部素质汇编 浅谈如何提高乡镇党员干部素质 加强乡镇工作作,根本在班子,关键在干部部。乡镇党员干部是直接联系系群众的桥梁和纽带,基层党党组织在开展三级联创活动中中,最重要的就是要有一支有有战斗力、有凝聚力、不折不不扣地实施各项方案的坚强的的党员干部队伍,提高乡镇党党员干部素质是发展农村经济济、维护社会稳定、加强基层层党建,全面建设农村小康社社会的关键环节。 一、加强强学习,提高认识,不断提高高乡镇党员干部政治理论水平平 坚持持基层党委中心组学习制度和和学习考评制度。以创建学习习型乡镇活动为载体,规定每每周学*时间,建立学习考考勤、考评制,通过“三会一一课”电化教育等形式

2、,对党党员干部进行党的理论、法律律法规及专业知识教育,开展展宗旨教育,保持敏锐的政治治鉴别力,增强贯彻执行党的的路线、方针、政策的能力,吃透文件精神,达到学习宣宣传政策要透彻,理解政策要要全面,执行政策要自觉,贯贯彻落实政策不走样的目的。同时要通过不断学习,分析析认清当前国际国内形势及乡乡镇改革所处的环境,认真学学习党的路线、方针、政策,武装头脑。思考问题,从全全局出发,以党和国家的利益益为重,真正成为知识面广、理论水平高、开拓进取的优优秀党员干部。通过学习,不不断提高干部的自身素质,从从而更好地推动基层党建工作作,推动经济发展,使两个文文明建设再上新台阶。 二、改进工作作风,以良好的作作风赢

3、得群众的信任 乡镇党党员干部天天都要和群众打交交道,要切实按照“三个代表表”重要思想的要求,关心群群众生活,维护群众利益,不不断拓展政务公开的内容,规规范工作制度。党员干部要积积极行动起来,将本职工作做做好,端正态度,以良好的精精神面貌投入到工作中,为群群众做出表率。在生活、工作作中要尽量避免犯错误,有时时即使一个微小的错误,也会会给群众带来很大伤害,造成成恶劣影响,使群众对干部失失去信任,从而影响各项的开开展工作。同时要不断提高领领导能力,掌握领导艺术,把把握工作的特点和规律,协调调各方面的工作,驾驭全局,带领群众不断提高致富能力力,增加收入。当前,某些基基层工作仍不规范,处理问题题存在“土

4、办法”、“土政策策”等不良现象。因此必须进进一步加强对乡镇党员干部的的教育和引导,开展形势教育育,提高干部的政策水平和法法制观念。党员干部要勤政廉廉洁,经得起权力、金钱和美美色的诱惑,要认识到权力是是人民赋予的,不能有丝毫松松懈,要加强世界观、人生观观的改造,始终保持自重、自自省、自警、自励的良好状态态,率先垂范、凝聚人心。进进一步转变工作作风,改进工工作方法,让基层党员干部成成为广大农民群众的主心骨和和贴心人。 三、多途径、多多渠道提高党员干部的实践能能力 一是选派部分乡镇党员员干部到北疆或经济发达地区区挂职。使他们学到更多的好好经验、好作法,进一步解放放思想,开阔视野,增强驾驭驭市场经济的


6、农农民致富的本领。四是鼓励乡乡镇干部通过自学、函授等方方式方法,参加经济管理专业业或农业科技专业学习培训,对学有专长推动乡镇经济发发展的党员干部授予相应的技技术职务,对业绩突出的予以以重奖,从而在导向上激励干干部努力自我更新、完善自我我,从而尽快成长为“复合型型”人才。 党员干部只有提提高了理论水平,领导能力,加强了作风建设,廉洁勤政政,才能发挥先锋模范作用,更好地贯彻党的方针、路线线,结合实际,创造性地开展展工作,团结带领群众奔小康康。 作者:谋之约 industrialization, industrial characteristics, contribute to ecological

7、 environmental protection. One is to actively implement the project support, vigorously implement the Microfinance in the area of hope project assistance projects; two is the key to implement talent support in the initiative for the economic development in the reservoir area of the introduction of t

8、alent at the same time, vigorously implement the reservoir youth transfer plans to promote employment, promote the transfer of labor in youth, promote the resettlement work in youth labor employment; three is to vigorously implement ecological support , in the reservoir area to carry out the service

9、 for the Three Gorges migrants, building a green reservoir activities, in order to protect the ecological environment of the reservoir area to make a real contribution.Five, continue to consolidate the work of the Communist Youth League FoundationAlways adhere to the party building, strengthen rural

10、 grassroots league construction, push the construction of rural youth center, vigorously extending the work of arms, and carry out the rural education to strengthen the sense of Youth League activities, continue to lay a solid foundation for the rural work of the Communist Youth League. to strengthe

11、n the construction of rural organizations. Relying on Party building, strengthen the construction of rural grassroots organizations, the Communist Youth League work demonstration town construction of 50 XX, 100 XX the construction of socialist new countryside demonstration village. And carry out rur

12、al education activities. To strengthen the sense of Youth League education activities as an opportunity to actively seek the support of the party and government relying on the activities of the village Party branch, village organization room, building bases, and strive to 3 years to achieve the city

13、 each village has a room. to promote the work of the Communist Youth League into the park. According to the organization with the people, in the construction industry ideas, flexible set of key links in the industrial chain of each group on the organization, relying on leading enterprises, professio

14、nal associations, production base, professional technology service base, farmers market construction group, the implementation of company + the youth , base + + + capable members of youth , Youth League Organization + + rich hotshot Jiantuan mode, actively explore the youth center based on the assoc

15、iation, branch + members approach, in the County Industrial Park, the establishment of Agricultural Industrial Park and perfect group the organization, to achieve the flow of youth Consistent with the organization's settings. to promote a strong construction of rural youth center. The rural you

16、th center construction to make a breakthrough in quantity, improve the quality of rural youth center, the construction of the county to implement target assessment system. Actively explore the rural youth center social operation mechanism, to fully integrate all kinds of resource group, continuous mining potential service give full play to the youth center, youth, youth servic



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