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1、年产6000吨木聚糖酶发酵车间的设计 作 者 姓 名 李斌 专 业 生物技术及应用 指引教师姓名 张大伟 目 录摘 要 1ABSTRACT 2 第一章 绪论 31.1木聚糖酶简介 31.1.1木聚糖酶的理化性质 31.1.2木聚糖酶的生产简史 41.1.3木聚糖酶用途 41.1.4木聚糖酶产业发呈现状 51.2巴斯德毕赤酵母简介 61.2.1巴斯德毕赤酵母体现系统 61.2.2巴斯德毕赤酵母的优缺陷 61.2.3前景展望 7 第二章 木聚糖酶发酵机理72.1重组巴斯德毕赤酵母发酵合成木聚糖酶的代谢途径 72.1.1甘油代谢途径 7 2.1.2甲醇代谢途径92.2巴斯德毕赤酵母发酵生产木聚糖酶过

2、程中的重要影响因素 112.2.1碳源的影响112.2.2氮源的影响112.2.3基本盐和PTM1微量盐的影响 112.2.4添加其他物质,减少蛋白酶降解122.2.5pH的影响122.2.6温度的影响122.2.7溶氧浓度(DO )的影响 132.2.8诱导前菌体密度( CWPT I )与比生长速率(PT I )的影响13 第三章 木聚糖酶发酵的工艺流程 133.1高效分泌木聚糖酶的毕赤酵母工程菌株的获得133.1.1材料 133.1.2黑曲霉木聚糖酶cDNA 的获得 133.1.3体现载体VMANpPIC9K 的构建 133.1.4重组菌株VMANpPIC9KGS115 的获得和高酶活菌株

3、的筛选133.1.5重组毕赤酵母的扩大培养 133.2重组巴斯德毕赤酵母工程菌发酵生产木聚糖酶 143.2.1原料 143.2.2重组菌株的液体发酵 153.2.3发酵工序 153.3发酵液后解决获得木聚糖酶 163.3.1离心 163.3.2干燥 173.4工艺流程 173.5产品的工艺规定 183.5.1产品的规格与使用措施 183.5.2产品的包装与储运 183.5.3常用饲料原料中木聚糖量 18 第四章 工艺计算 194.1物料衡算 194.1.1原料的物料衡算194.2热量衡算204.3冷却水水耗20 第五章 设备的设计与选型215.1输送设备的设计计算 215.2发酵设备的设计及选

4、型235.2.1发酵罐的设计计算235.2.2种子罐的设计265.3发酵车间有关设备的型号一览表 26 第六章 发酵车间的布置设计 29 6.1概述296.2生产车间工艺布置的原则296.2.1车间布置设计的根据296.2.2生产车间工艺布置的原则306.3发酵车间的设计316.4管路的设计32 第七章 总平面布置与建筑阐明337.1设计根据和范畴337.1.1设计根据337.2厂址337.2.1厂址地理位置337.2.2厂区基本条件337.3总厂平面设计337.3.1平面设计原则347.3.2平面的总体布置的设计方案347.3.3工厂出入口布置特性357.3.4厂区设计357.3.5坐标系统

5、357.3.6厂区划分规定357.4建筑物得布置位置36参照文献37道谢38摘 要木聚糖酶(-1,4-D-Xylanase, EC3.2.1.78)是一类可以水解-1,4-糖苷键的半纤维素酶,已广泛应用于食品、医药、饲料、造纸、采油等诸多领域。本设计以一株高效体现木聚糖酶的重组毕赤酵母为发酵菌株,对年产6000吨木聚糖酶的发酵车间进行设计。发酵工艺采用持续补料培养工艺,选用2个0.8m3一级种子罐和2个8 m3二级种子罐,采用2个80m3发酵罐,发酵罐直径3100 mm。发酵罐罐体厚度设计是6.5mm,制作材料采用1Cr18Ni9Ti耐酸不锈钢。本设计根据拟定的工艺流程进行了物料衡算,并绘制了

6、全厂工艺流程图、全厂总平面布置图及三级发酵罐的装配图。核心词:木聚糖酶 高密度发酵 补料培养 发酵罐 ABSTRACTxylanase (-1 ,4-D-xylanase , EC3.2.1.78) are a class can hydrolyze -1 ,4-glycosidic bond hemicellulase, its role in xylan substrate grapes , xylan, galactoxylan and galactoxylan such as grape xylan more widely distributed in nature, most are

7、 renewable resources. hemicellulose resources as the major products of deep processing, -xylanase has been widely applied In food, medicine, feed, paper, oil and many other fields.In this study, using RT-PCR, selection was highly expressed xylanase secreted Pichia pastoris strain MAN22, and the liqu

8、id fermentation. Temperature control during fermentation 30 C, by adjusting the stirring rate to the dissolved oxygen concentration was maintained at 30%, mainly in methanol as carbon source, nitrogen source, ammonia did, by adding ammonia flow control pH 5.5, make every 12 h Add a Methanol, post-fe

9、rmentation to add 5% (NH4) 2 SO4, NH4 + levels were maintained to 150mmol / L or more (2 g / L or so). Seeds with two 0.6m3 and two 6 m3 tank and two second seed containers, with two 60m3 fermenter, the fermentation tank diameter of 3100m. Fermentation Tanks thickness design is 6.5mm, made of stainl

10、ess steel materials used 1Cr18Ni9Ti acid. Selected according to the design of -xylanase production process and the design of computing devices, according to the requirements of the mission statement drawn flow chart of the whole plant, whole plant general layout plans and -xylanase fermentation tank assembly Fig.朗读显示相应的拉丁字符的拼音字典Key words: xylanase ; High density fermentation; seed pot; fermentation pot



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