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1、- 本资料来自 - 起草: 审核: 批准: a1. 目的 Objective建立人力资源管理体系,明确对各岗位人员录用、培训和考核的控制要求,以确保给各岗位委派合适的人员。Establish the human resource management system to clear the requirements of the employees recruit, training and evaluation to ensure the right person is appointed.2. 适用范围Applicable Scope本规范适用于深圳市HUAWEI实业有限公司内部员工的培

2、训管理。Be applied to internal training management in the HUAWEI company.3. 职责 Responsibilities3.1. 人事行政部administration department3.1.1. 依据各部门编制的 部 岗位说明书, 负责人员的招聘、培训、考核并监督实施,并对组织培训效果进行评估。In charge of the employees recruiting, training and assessing according to the , and evaluated the training effective

3、ness. 3.1.2. 管理者代表批准 部 岗位说明书The Management representative will approve the.3.1.3. 办理全公司培训经费预算之编列、控制、运用等有关事项。To handle, control and use the company training budget, etc.3.1.4. 办理全公司培训需求调查、检讨实施状况、成果分析与评估。To complete the company training requirements survey, to evaluate the training effectiveness, to m

4、onitor the training implementation, and do the achievement analysis and assessing. 3.1.5. 办理有关全公司培训课程安排、实施、推展事项。The administration department will complete the company training arrangement, implement the training, and promote the training. 3.1.6. 根据各部门的需求编制整公司年度培训计划。To establish the company annual t

5、raining plan.3.1.7. 对员工参加各项培训课程记录进行建档,并记录于*培训记录(新入职和在岗)To set up the training history records for the employees, and fillrecorded in the . 3.2. 各部门 related departments 3.2.1. 办理部门内培训经费预算之编列、控制、运用等有关事项。To handle, control and use the training budget within the department. 3.2.2. 办理部门内培训需求调查、检讨实施状况。To

6、complete the department training requirements survey, to evaluate the training effectiveness, to monitor the training implementation.3.2.3. 办理部门内培训课程安排、实施、推展事项。The related departments will complete their own training arrangement, implement the training, and promote the training. 4. 程序内容 Procedure Co

7、ntents4.1. 人力资源配备 human resource requirements 4.1.1. 岗位说明书position requirements description 各部门编制本部门的 部 岗位说明书,明确各岗位对从业人员的学历、培训、工作经历、资格的具体要求。(详见附件岗位说明书制作审批流程图)The related departments will work out the to clear the work position requirements, include the education, training, work experience a

8、nd qualifications, etc(sift annex) 批准后的岗位说明书交于人事行政部,作为人员选择和安排的主要依据。The approved position requirements description shall be sent to administration department to be used as the standards of employee recruiting and arrangement.4.2. 年度需求人员预算 annual employee demands4.2.1. 每年十二月份,各部门依据公司的“经营计划”确定下

9、一年度人员需求,并交由人事行政部统一整理,人员需求计划需定后,人事行政部召开年度人力需求计划会议,并将结果交由主管副总经理审核,总经理批准后实施.The related departments will determine the employee demands based on the company business plan at the Dec every year, and hand over to the administration department. The administration department shall summarize all the demands

10、 to complete the employee demand plan and open the annual human resource demand plan meeting. The plan will be implemented after reviewed by the vice general manager responsible, and approved by the general manager. 4.3. 招聘与面试 recruit and interview 4.3.1. 招聘途径:网络、内部招聘、人才市场、推荐、学校选才. Recruit methods w

11、ill include the internet, inside the company, human resource market, recommend and to choosing in the school. 4.3.2. 需求信息发布 public the demand information 人事行政部依据 年度人力需求计划,将所需职位、岗位要求、所需人数等发布网上. 并每日收集简历.The administration will public the related employee demand requirements in the internet ac

12、cording to the , and collect the resumes every day. 人事行政部联系人才市场,将所需招聘人员明细FAX人才市场,并确定招聘日期,同时通知用人部门的主管副总经理。The administration will fax the related employee demand requirements to the intelligent market, confirm the recruiting date, and inform the vice general manager responsible related to. 4

13、.3.2.3. 对于用工不急且需培养潜在人才时,人事行政部联系正规院校,学校必须是教育系统直属,且具备一定的师资实力.The employee for the human resource preparation will choose from the schools which belong to the formal education system, and have higher education power. 4.3.3. 招聘前准备 recruiting preparation 确定招聘日期和途径后,人事文员需准备公司简介、招聘人员清单、面试通知单、笔,并交与招聘人员。Afte

14、r the recruiting date and methods are confirmed, the related personnel shall prepare the company instruction, employee demand list, interview notice, pen, and hand over to the recruiters on site. 4.3.4. 简历收集与筛选 resumes collection and choose 人事行政部依据先“德”(心态)后“才”原则及 部人员岗位说明书,对简历进行初步筛选,对符合公司要求的人员,可开出面试通知单,通知到公司面试,不能确定的简历,由人事行政部暂时收集,至公司时依据面试权限交与相关部门筛选。The administration department will choose the related person initially based on the resumes according to the and the principle of first moral second sk


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