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1、精选UNIT 5 ITS NICE AUTUMN DAY Lesson 15同步练习一、根据汉语提示, 选择并补充下列单词。( )1. h _ t(炎热的)A. o B. a C. e( )2. c _ l _(寒冷的)A. o; o B. o; a C. o; d( )3. w _ _ m(温暖的)A. av B. ar C. ae( )4. s _ _ ny(晴朗的)A. un B. nu C. um( )5.t _ d _ y(今天)A. a; o B. o; a C. o; e二、组合单词并翻译。1. a r i n y _ ( )2. s w o n y _ ( )3. u n s

2、n y _ ( )4. i n e r t w _ ( )5. e k i l _ ( )6. y d i n w _ ( )三、判断下列图片与句子是()否()相符。( )1. Its warm today. ( )2. Its cold today. ( )3. Its snowy and cold today. ( )4. Its sunny and warm today. ( )5. The weather is nice today. 四、根据情景选择正确的表述语,将其序号填入括号里。A. Its a nice autumn day. B. Can we go to the zoo?C. Whats the weather like today?五、连词成句。1. the like weather today Whats ?_2. and sunny Its hot . _参考答案一、1. A 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. B二、1. rainy 有雨的 2. snowy 有雪的3. sunny 晴朗的 4. winter 冬天5. like像; 喜欢 6. windy 有风的三、l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 四、1C 2B 3A五、1Whats the weather like today?2Its sunny and hot.


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