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1、2015年12月四级考试题目与解析(持续更新)写作四级写作题目及范文写作第一版:For this part , you are allowed 30 minu tes to write an essay comme nti ng on thesaying Learning is a daily experienee and a lifetime mission.You can citeexamples to illustrate the importa nee of lifelo ng lear ning“. You should write at least120 words but no

2、more tha n 180 words.破题思路:第一段:解释引言内容.提出文章的主旨:“学习的重要性”第二段:分析原因 此处可以结合例子.第三段:得出结论此文章写作时可以全面参照有道考神四级写作课程中“功能句”的讲解。参考范文:Learning is a daily experienee and a lifetime mission. This is a proverb full oflogic. In other words, lear ning is sig ni fica nt in our whole life .In deed, we can lear nmany things

3、from it. If you un dersta nd it and apply it to your study or work, youll n ecessarily ben efit a lot from it.There are many reas ons which can expla in this phe nomenon and the follow ing arethe typical on es. The first reas on is that lear ning can light our road in the comingfuture. There is no d

4、enying the fact that the society is developing increasingly fast1文档来源为:从网络收集整理.word版本可编辑.and we are ofte n easily surpassed by the people around. The only way to avoid thisis to learn to improve ourselves. As an illustration, I d like to take myself as anexample. After graduation from college, my li

5、fe has been full of working pressure, which con tributes to my decisi on of purs uing further educati on. That s why I canmake my own way in such a competitive society.The effect of learning can be boiled down to two major ones. First, with the spirit of learning, we are more capable of overcoming t

6、he difficulties in the future. More importantly, we can enrich our spare time life by learning. No matter who you are, you must remember that lear ning is the basic skill in our life.写作第二版:For this part, you are allowed 30 minu tes to write an essay comme nti ng on thesay ing Liste ning is more impo

7、rta nt tha n talki ng. You can cite examples toillustrate the importa nee of pay ing atte nti on to othersopinions. You shouldwrite at least 120 words but no more tha n 180 words.破题思路:第一段:解释引言内容.提出文章的主旨:“倾听重要性”第二段:分析原因 此处可以结合例子.第三段:得出结论此文章写作时可以全面参照有道考神四级写作课程中“功能句”的讲解。“Listening is more important tha

8、n talking.” This proverb means that listening issometh ing worthwhile to con sider whe n we have com muni cati on with others.People often focus on their speaking ability, believing that good speaking equals good com muni cati on. There is some truth in this stateme nt, but people who hold this opin

9、ion ignore a more importa nt fact. God gave people two ears and one mouth, so it requires us to keep the ratios of liste ning and speak ing by two to one. The ability to speak well is a n ecessary comp onent to successful com mun icatio n. The capability of liste ning is as importa nt as speak ing i

10、n that liste ning is the best respect for people around us. Liste n atte ntively whe n others are speak in g. It is the best and the most effective complime nt that you can give them.To con clude, Liste ning can preve nt in terruptio n or formulate a resp onse even before other speakers have fini sh

11、ed. Good liste ners are ofte n some of the best speakers who can improve the quality of the communication. So listeners should in teract with speakers, and resp ond promptly.写作第三版:For this part, you are allowed 30 minu tes to write an essay comme nting on the say ing “ Never go out there to see what

12、 happens, go out there to make things ha ppen. ” You can cite examples to illustrate the importanee of being participants r ather tha n mere onio okers in life. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.破题思路:第一段:解释引言内容.提出文章的主旨:“实践重要性”第二段:分析原因 此处可以结合例子.第三段:得出结论注:此版本在我们文章:可能创造历史的押

13、题文章中,社会实践的话题,已经押中。There is an old say ing“ Never go out there to see what happe ns, go out there tomake things happe n” .It s the experie nee of our forefathers, however ,it is correct i n many eases even today.On ly whe n you participate more can you make things perfect. Partieipati on has b een mo

14、re and more importa nt in the society. Stude nts are asked to en ter society a nd get some ideas of it. Surely participation has many advantages. Firstly, it can offer stud ents a cha nee to con tact society and meet differe nt kinds of people. In this way pe ople can gain some valuable social exper

15、ienee, which will be useful to their future l ife. Secon dly, as college stude nts, we can apply what they have lear ned in class to practical work, thus knowing themselves more clearly. Take the study of oral Engli sh for example, participati on in any cha nces of com mun icati ons with others in E

16、ng lish, which en ables us to become flue nt in speak ing.In summary, participation is the key factor in our daily life no matter who you are, no matter what you are doing. We should put their studies in the first place and se e participation just as a useful supplement, so they ought to try to strike a balanee betwee n them.1. B. They enjoyed the movie on space explorati o



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