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1、七、非谓语动词所能充当的成分主语表语宾语宾语补足语定语状语V-ing形式现在分词动名词不定式(to do)过去分词(done)非谓语动词的形式变化非谓语形式构成时态语态复合结构否定式主动被动不定式一般式to doto be donefor sb. to do sth.或of sb. to do sth.在“to”前加not或never完成式to have doneto have been done进行式to be doing/完成进行式to have been doing/动名词一般式doingbeing donesb.或sbs doing作主语要用sbs doing在前加not特别注意复合结

2、构的否定式: sbs not doingsbs not having done完成式having donehaving been done现在分词与动名词变化形式相同在前加not在解非谓语习题时同学们遇到最大的困难有两个:一是如何判别是谓语动词还是非谓语动词;二是如何选用哪一种非谓语动词及其恰当的形式。非谓语语法功能的比较做宾语的非谓语动词比较情况常用动词只接不定式做宾语的动词hope, want, offer, long, fail, expect, wish, ask, decide, pretend, manage, agree, afford, determine, promise,

3、happen只接动名词做宾语的动词或短语mind, miss, enjoy, imagine, practise, suggest, finish, escape, excuse, appreciate, admit, prevent, keep, dislike, avoid, risk, resistfeel like, succeed in, be fond of, object to, get down to, be engaged in, insist on, think of, be proud of, take pride in, set about, be afraid of,

4、 be tired of, look forward to, devote oneself to, be worth, be busy, pay attention to, stick to两者都可以意义基本相同begin, start, like, love, hate, prefer, continue(接不定式多指具体的动作,接动名词多指一般或习惯行为)need, want, require(主语与动名词之间存在逻辑上的动宾关系,接动名词主动形式表示被动意义,若接不定式则应用被动形式)意义相反stop to do 停止手中所做的事,去做另一件事 stop doing 停止正在做的事意义不

5、同remember/forget/regret to do(指动作尚未发生)remember/forget/regret doing(指动作已经发生)go on to do(接着做另外一件事)go on doing(接着做同一件事)try to do(设法,努力去做,尽力)try doing(试试去做,看有何结果)mean to do(打算做,企图做)mean doing (意思是,意味着)cant help (to) do(不能帮忙做)cant help doing(忍不住要做)be considered to have done被认为已经做了considerto be认为是consider

6、 doing考虑做某事做宾补的非谓语动词比较分 类常见动词与宾语的逻辑关系及时间概念例 句不定式ask, beg, expect, get, order, tell, want, wish, encourage主谓关系,强调动作将发生或已经完成I asked to be sent to the countryside.I heard him call me several times.have, notice, see, watch, hear, feel, let, make现在分词notice, see, watch, hear, find, keep, have, feel主谓关系,强调

7、动作正在进行,尚未完成I found her listening to the radio.过去分词动宾关系,动作已经完成,多强调状态We found the village greatly changed.做定语的非谓语动词比较分 类区 别例 句不定式与被修饰词往往有动宾关系,一般式表示将来,进行式表示与谓语动作同时发生,完成式表示在谓语动词之前发生I have a lot of papers to type.I have a lot of papers to be typed.I havent decided which hotel to stay at.(介词at不能丢)动名词通常指被修

8、饰词的用途,无逻辑上的主谓关系Shall we go to the swimming pool?现在分词与被修饰词之间是主谓关系,表示动作与谓语动作同时发生the boiling water / the boiled waterthe developing country/the developed countrythe falling leaves/the fallen leaves过去分词与被修饰词之间是被动关系,表示动作发生在谓语动作之前,现已经完成或只表示状态注意:the bridge to be built 将建造的桥, the bridge being built 正在建造的桥,t

9、he bridge built已经建好的桥非谓语动词高考考点【考点一】不定式作状语不定式作状语时相当于一个状语从句,不定式作状语时往往用来作目的状语、结果状语或原因状语。1不定式用来作目的状语:作目的状语时,不定式的逻辑主语通常也是全句的主语,这里往往译作“为了,想要”。To be a winner,you need to give all you have and try your best.要想成为赢家,你要付出所有并竭尽全力。 2不定式用于so.as to .,such.as to;enough to;too.to;only to等结构中作结果状语。Would you be so kin

10、d as to lend me your bicycle?你能不能行行好,借给我你的自行车?He is such a fool as to think that his strange behaviour can inflect others.他如此愚蠢以至于认为他奇怪的行为会影响他人。He hurried to the booking office only to have been told all the tickets had been sold out.他匆忙去了售票处,结果被告诉所有的票已经卖完了。专家提醒:“onlyto do”表示出乎意料的结果,tell 和主语He 之间存在动

11、宾关系,因而应用不定式的被动结构。而现在分词作结果状语则表示自然而然的结果。His parents died,leaving him an orphan.他的父母去世了,使他成为孤儿。【经典考题】1. There were many talented actors out there just waiting_.Ato discover Bto be discoveredCdiscovered Dbeing discovered2 Why are the students working so hard these days. _ready for the coming entrance ex

12、amination.ATo get BGetCGetting DGot3 With Fathers Day around the corner,I have taken some money out of the bank _ presents for my dad.Abuy Bto buyCbuying Dto have bought【考点二】过去分词作状语1过去分词作状语和现在分词作状语一样,修饰主句的谓语动词,意义上相当于状语从句,表示时间、原因、条件、伴随状况等。Given the right kind of training,these teenager soccer players

13、 may one day grow into international stars.如果得到正确的训练,这些少年足球选手有朝一日可能成为国际明星。Reminded not to miss the flight at 1520,the manager set out for the airport in a hurry.得到提醒不要错过1520的航班 ,他匆忙出发过了机场。2某些动词的过去分词已经形容词化,且往往用于一些系表结构中。此时这些过去分词既不表示被动,也不表示完成,而表示一种状态,这样的词有:lost(迷路的),seated(坐),hidden(躲),lost/absorbed in

14、(沉溺于),dressed in(穿着),tired of(感到厌倦)等,不管它们作什么成分都不用其ing形式。Lost in the mountains for a week,we were finally saved by the local police.在大山里迷失一个星期,我们最终被当地警察所救。Absorbed in his book,he didnt notice me enter the room.专心读书,他没注意到我进入房间。【经典考题】1. _from the top of the tower,the south foot of the mountain is a sea of trees.ASeen BSeeingCHaving seen DTo see2 Michaels new house is like a huge palace,_with his old one.Acomparing BcomparesCto compare



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