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1、陕西省宝鸡市渭滨区2023-2024学年八年级上学期期末考试英语试卷学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、完形填空There was an old man who ate very little and always wore old clothes.He 1 every coin he made. The old miser (吝啬鬼) lived in a house with a garden. To protect his coins, the miser 2 his coins in a pit(坑) under some stones in the garden. After wak

2、ing up in the morning, the miser went to the pit and counted(数) the coins. He did this every day, 3 he never spent any of the coins.One day, a thief(小偷) hid in the garden earlier and 4 the old man to go back into his house. After it was dark, the 5 went to the hiding place and stole the coins. The n

3、ext day, the old miser found that the stones were not in place and that all of his gold coins were missing. He became very 6 .His neighbor saw that the miser was angry and asked the miser about it. After learning what 7 , the neighbor asked, “ 8 didnt you keep the money inside your house? It is easi

4、er to get your money if you want to buy 9 !” “Buy?” said the miser. “I 10 used the gold. I wouldnt spend it.” After hearing this, the neighbor threw a stone into the pit and said, “If so, save this stone. It is as worthless (不值钱的) as the gold you have lost.”1A. spentB. savedC. forgotD. threw2A. hidB

5、. usedC. lostD. added3A. orB. sinceC. butD. until4A. asked forB. waited forC. paid forD. hoped for5A. villagerB. miserC. neighborD. thief6A. upsetB. excitedC. tiredD. happy7A. matteredB. workedC. happenedD. changed8A. WhenB. HowC. WhyD. What9A. itB. everythingC. nothingD. something10A. often B. usua

6、llyC. neverD. alwaysDo you know the history of hot pot(火锅)? Its one of the most famous 1 in China. There are many stories about how hot pot appeared. The most traditional and oldest one has to do 2 Genghis Khan. Genghis Khan was the founder(建立者) of the Mongol Empire. He was also one of the greatest

7、military leaders(军事领袖).The place where he lived was very 3 in winter. He needed food to 4 his army warm, strong and healthy. When it was time to eat, they built stoves(炉). After finishing building these things, they put ice and snow into the pot. When they turned into water, and the 5 of the water w

8、as high, they put meat into it. 6 a short time, the meat was OK, and they began to eat it. That might be the 7 hot pot. They ate mutton, beef and horse meat most. Later people brought hot pot to other parts of China and improved it. People began to put more kinds of ingredients(烹调的原料) into the hot p

9、ot, such as vegetables and seafood. By the Qing Dynasty, hot pot had become popular in most parts of China.Today, we can find many 8 kinds of hot pot in Beijing, Chongqing, Sichuan and 9 in some foreign countries. When we 10 the delicious hot pot, we also feel the special food culture of China.11A.

10、foodsB. vegetablesC. cooksD. pots12A. withB. aboutC. forD. on13A. hotB. coolC. coldD. warm14A. keepB. takeC. giveD. serve15A. heightB. sideC. temperatureD. shape16A. ThroughB. AfterC. AtD. Before17A. firstB. newC. freeD. last18A. traditionalB. differentC. famousD. useful19A. finallyB. alreadyC. even

11、D. yet20A. mixB. reachC. serveD. enjoy二、阅读理解Lisa has always been overweight (肥胖的). She wanted to lose weight, not only because she wanted to look more beautiful and healthier, but also because it would make life easier.For example, it was difficult for Lisa to find ready-made clothes. She had to ask

12、 a tailor(裁缝) to make clothes that were large enough. In school, she needed a special chair that was bigger and stronger than other chairs. If she went for a walk, she got tired very quickly.She was also unhappy about the way people treated (对待) her sometimes. “People look at me and even make fun of

13、 me. I cant enjoy having dinner with my friends because Im afraid of getting fatter.”But now things are quite different. Last month her classmates were preparing(准备)for School Art Week. Someone advised Lisa to play the lead role of the proud (骄傲的) Queen who was tall and overweight. Lisa agreed and p

14、racticed a lot. Soon after the play, Lisa became a star! She did so well that everybody knew the proud Queen.Now Lisa doesnt worry about being overweight anymore. She believes in the English saying: “Every dog has its day.”21Why did Lisa want to lose weight?a. To be healthier.b. To make life easier.

15、c. To wear clothes made by a tailor.d. To be more beautiful.A. abcB. abdC. acdD. bcd22According to Paragraph 3, how did some people treat Lisa?A. They liked to make friends with her.B. They sometimes laughed at her.C. They enjoyed having dinner with her.D. They treated her the same as others.23What does the story tell us?A. Everybody hopes to be beautiful.B. We should take care of ourselves.C. Everybody has


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