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1、(冀教版)五年级英语下册教案 unit2 lesson12Lesson 12 The Palace Museum一、教学目标: (一)知识与技能目标: 1、四会词camera picture. 三会词film 2、能灵活运用句型:A: May I take your picture? B: Sure. 进行拍照的交际活动,培养其语言运用能力。 3、谈论名胜。How old is? Its aboutyears old. (二)情感态度目标:学生能积极参与课堂教学活动,能相互合作,在轻松的学习氛围中感受和学习知识,并在“游北京”的半真实情境中了解中国的名胜及国情,培养学生对祖国的热爱之情。 二、

2、教学重点: (一)灵活运用“May I take your picture?”进行交际。 (二)谈论名胜. (三)四会词“picture, camera” 三、教学难点:运用所学在真实情景中创编对话。 四、课前准备:像机、照片(实物)、福娃头饰、多媒体课件、板书设计。 五、设计思路:强调从学生的学习兴趣出发,以学生为主体,在语境中教学单词,词不离句。编唱儿歌,琅琅上口,充分发挥课堂评价的作用。使学生始终有自信,保持对学习的热情。采用小组比赛,个人评优的形式,给学生提供合作交流的机会和自由展示的平台。创设真实的语境拍照,让学生在轻松愉快地氛围中学以致用。 六、评价设计 (一)对小组合作过程的评价

3、:小组合作过程中教师对各小组进行巡视,指导与评价。 (二)对小组及其成员的评价:教师采用语言与实物相结合的方式进行评价。 (三)学生互评:以相互鼓励为主。 七、板书设计: Lesson 12 The Palace Museum camera picture film A: May I take your picture? B: Sure. A: Its very easy. Its very hard. Team A _ Team B _ 八、教学过程: I、Warming up. (一)Greetings. T : Good morning, everyone! Ss : Good morn

4、ing, Miss Zhang! T : How are you today? Ss : Fine, thanks. And you ? T : Im so well. (二)Sing a song. I love trips. Do you love trips? (Me,too.) Great! Were the same. Lets sing together, please follow me! 多媒体出示乘车旅游图片,师生同唱。 设计说明:师生问候及师生共唱英文歌曲,并随之而动,创设了师生共同参与的和谐的学习氛围,该活动能积极地起到热身的作用,歌词如下: travelling, tr

5、avelling, I like travelling. go on a trip to Beijing. Beautiful Beijing. I like travelling, travel to Beijing. Tiananmen Squarewonderful, have fun in Beijing. II、Presentation (一)教师出示自己旅游的照片(实物) I like trips. Trips are fun look, Here are some pictures of my trip. Do you want to have a look? (Yes.) 提问

6、:1、What do you think of my picture? 2、Can you guess where I am? (二)学生谈论照片 This is you at . Its a good picture. beautiful (三)收回照片 I love my pictures. Use your head. When you go on a trip, what do you need? Ss : I need clothes/tickets/a map/money/照相机. 设计说明:这三小步通过旅游中照片的谈论,自然而然使人想到旅游所需要带的东西,既为下文游览名胜埋下伏笔

7、,又能使学生对照相机的英文表达有强烈的表达欲望,这时在情境中去教学相机,学生就会积极主动的去学,水到渠成,教师拿出照相机。 Oh. Dont forget a camera。We can take many pictures with a camera. (四)教师介绍两种不同照相机。 1、Look, I have two cameras, theyre different. This camera needs film. Whats film? This is film,what am I doing? Im putting film in the camera. Youre putting

8、 film in the camera. Wheres the film? Film goes in the camera. This camera doesnt need film. Its very easy. 2、Who has a camera? St1. Look, I have a camera, . St2. Look, this is my camera, . 顺便问一问,两生的照相机需不需胶卷。 设计说明:让学生介绍照相机,发挥其积极主动性,在教学过程中有意识训练学生的应用思维能力。过渡到拍照:Time to take pictures! Can you? Today let

9、s have a try. (五)拍照 1、示范 A: Look at.she is a pretty girl.May I take yourpicture?B: Sure.A: Oh, its very easy.A: Can you take a picture for me? B: Sure. A: Is it easy or hard? A: Do you want to take a picture for your friend? B: Yes, I do. May I take ? C: Sure. 设计说明:把示范拍的照片及时反映在屏幕上,给人耳目一新的感觉,在教师引导下,在

10、情境中突破本课重点,且激发学习兴趣,热情高涨。 2、另一生学拍 Anybody else? Whod like to have a try? (Me)或许不会拍照。 St1: May I take a picture? St2: Sure. St1: Oh, no, its very hard. T : Dont worry, I can help you. 设计说明:在第一个学生拍完后,全班给予集体评价,这样在好奇心得到充分肯定的驱使下,学生们会跃跃欲试,整体看来,学生在情境中学语言、运用语言,手脑并用,既学会了拍照,又学会了语言。 Drill, 小组游戏: )比快。Cameras are

11、easy. Who else? Lets play together. Pass the camera one by one, and take a picture for your friend. When you finish, say Bingo. Lets see which group goes more quickly. 设计说明:小组拍照“比快”,既训练句型,又促进了学生合作交流,对获胜者,师生共同激励。 )拍照比好。“Go Go stop”游戏,为学生提供自主学习和相互交流的机会,同时还为学生创造了自我的空间。 Now, you can take pictures quickl

12、y. Cameras are fun, do you want to play a game? Lets play“Go Go stop”. Lets see their pictures! Who is better? 让学生自评。 )大屏幕出示歌词,学唱。 Camera, Camera, Camera, Camera. Its fun. Its fun. Do you like it? Do you like it? Yes, I do. Yes, I do. Take a picture, Take a picture, Yes, I can. Yes, I can. Its very.

13、 Its very. Yes, I can. Yes, I can. 设计说明:轻松愉快的巩固所学。 过渡:Now I have a new idea I want to go on a trip with a camera. Lets go on a trip! Where? Maybe its Beijing. Why? We know Beijing is holding the Olympic Games. Are you excited? Lets cheer:“Come on, China! Come on. Beijing!”Beijing is so great. Lets g

14、o!OK? III、Practice (一)Here we are! Welcome to Beijing!Im happy to show you around Beijing. A: Lets go on a trip to the Palace Museum. B: Great. A: Its very old and beautiful isnt it? B: Yes. How old is it? A: Its about 500 years old. B: Thats very old. lets take a picture. A: Good idea. Can you take

15、 a picture for us? 拍完后:Are you having fun? Anywhere else? lets go to . 设计,火娃先示范表演,其他福娃也走下去当导游,在谈论名胜的背景下,实拍照片。这一节课亮点、高潮即在于此。语言不拘泥于教材,培养学生的创新能力。 (二)回到课本: 、听录音,看图片,回答问题 We are having fun in Beijing. (Danny, Jenny and Li Ming are on a trip in Beijing. What about them?) Look、listen and answer me my questions: 1) Where are they? 2) Whats the matter with Danny? 设计说明:通过训练学生的观察力、听力、理解能力。了解对话大意,并检查所学知识的掌握情况。 、分角色读,(四个角色)(教师旁白)师生



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