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1、从 ABC 到流利口语 unit01Unit one IntroductionGood evening everyone,it is a pleasure to meet you all. 大家晚上好,很高兴见到你们。My name is Wang Dong,Im from Guangdong,China. 我叫王东,来自中国的广东。This is my second trip to the United States,and I really enjoy staying here. 这是我第二次来美国旅游,在那里我很高兴。I am working for a trading company

2、as an assistant manager in the overseas distribution section,thank you. 我在一家贸易公司的海外销售部门当副经理。Introducing oneself 自我介绍I am Steven. 我叫史蒂芬。Allow me to introduce myself.请允许我介绍一下自己。I am Steven.我叫史蒂芬。Excuse me,my name is Steven.大家好,我叫史蒂芬May I introduce myself? I am Steven.我可以自我介绍吗?我叫史蒂芬。Hi,Im Steven .你好,我叫

3、史蒂芬。will you please introduce me to that lady?请你把我介绍给那位女士好吗?I think I have seen you somewhere before 我想我以前在哪里见过你。Arent you Sam,I am Steven.你是山姆吗,我是史蒂芬。Asking someone 询问某人Who are you? 你是谁?May I have your name,please? 我可以知道你的名字吗?What is your friends name? 你的朋友叫什么名字?Who is that ?那是谁?Introducing others

4、介绍某人May I introduce Mr Wang?我可以介绍王先生吗?Allow me to introduce Mr Wang to you。请允许我向你介绍一下王先生吧。Allow me to intorduce you to Mr Wang.请允许我向王先生介绍一下你。Let me introduce Mr Wang.让我来介绍一下王先生。Id like you to meet my friend,Tinna.这是我的朋友 Tinna.Meet my friend,Tinna,please.来认识一下我朋友 Tinna.Mr Chen,this is Mr Wang .陈先生,这是

5、王先生。What to say when being introduced 自我介绍用语。how do you do , 你好!Im glad to meet you .很高兴见到你。Nice to meet you.很高兴见到你。Its a pleasure to meet you.见到你很高兴。I am delighted to say you here.很高兴在这里见到你。Ive heard so much about you.我听过很多关于你的事。Mike has often talked about you.Mike 常常说到你。Yes,I think I do.是的,我认为我确实是

6、。Yes,I think I have.是的,我认为我见过。No,I dont think I do.不,我认为不是这样。No,I dont think I have.我认为我没做过。Conversations 交谈Dialogue oneA. May I introduce myself? I am Steven Smith.请让自我介绍,我叫 Steven.B. Glad to meet you,Mr Smith.My name is Jenny很高兴见到你,Smith 先生。我叫 Jenny. Dialogue twoA. Professor Chen,allow me to intro

7、duce to you the head of our department,Mr Wang. 陈教授,让我给你介绍一下我们的系主任王先生。B. How do you do ,Mr Wang。你好王先生。A.How do you do,Professor Chen.你好陈教授。Dialogue threeA. Mary,this is Jones brother,David.Mary,这是 Jone 的兄弟,David.B.Im very glad to meet you.很高兴见到你。A。Its a pleasure to meet you.很高兴见到你。B. How do you like

8、 Beijing so far?你觉得北京怎么样呀?A, Its really different from what I expected.它和我所预想的大不一样。B. Dont worry.You will get used to it in no time.不 要担心,你马上就会适应的。 Dialogue FourA. Great party,Isnt it? 聚会开得很好,不是吗?B. Yeah,really.Jane and Ted always have great parties.是的, Jane 和 Ted 总是把聚会搞的很好。A. This is my first.I onl

9、y met Jane last week.She and I teach at a same school. 这是我第一次参加聚会。我上个星期刚认识Jane 她和我在同一个学校教书。B. Oh,so you are a teacher.你是一个老师。A. Yeah,history.What about you?是 的,历史老师。你呢?B. Im a car business.我卖汽车。A. Salesman ?销售员?B. Yes,thats right. 是的。A. Oh,I see.By the way,my name is Mary我知道了。你好,我叫 Mary.B. Nice to m

10、eet you,Im Jim Taler很高兴见到你,我叫 Taler. self-introduction basic expressions 自我介绍基本表达。从 ABC 到流利口语 unit02Unit 2 GreetingsI will, good bye.Informal GreetingsHi,Mr.Smith.Morning,Mary.Mary!Formal GreetingsHello,Mr.Smith.Good morning(afternoon,evening),Mr.Smith.How are you?Howre things with you?Hows everythi

11、ng with you?Howre you getting along?Hows the family?Hows everyone?Glad to meet you again.I havent seen you for ages.Howve you been?I havent seen you for a long time. ResponseHello(Hi),Mr.Brown.Good morning(afternoon,evening),Mr.Brown.Morning,John.Fine,thanks.(And how are you?)Very well.(And you?)Not

12、 bad.(How about you?)Not so well.(What about you?)Not too bad.Cant complain.Wonderful,things couldnt be better. GossipingWhats new?Whats up?What have you been up to these days?How do you keep fit?Lovely weather,isnt it?Its really hot,isnt it?How is your business?How is it going?Are you good in yur s

13、tudies?Say hi to your father for me.I dont want anything to happen to you.I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. Were happy that you could come.问候 非正式的问候 你好,史密斯先生。 早上好,玛丽。玛丽!正式的问候 你好,史密斯先生。 早上(下午,晚上)好,史密斯先生。你好吗?你过得怎么样? 你一切都好吗? 你过得怎么样? 家里好吗? 大家好吗? 很高兴又见到你。 我很长时间没见到你了。你过得怎么样? 我好长时间没有见到你了。回答

14、你好,布朗先生。 早上(下午,晚上)好,布朗先生。 早上好,约翰。很好,谢谢。(你好吗?) 很好。(你呢?) 不错。(你怎么样?) 不太好。(你怎么样?) 不错。还过得去。 好极了,一切都很好。 闲谈有什么新鲜的(事)? 发生什么事了 你最近在做什么? 你是怎么保持健美的? 很棒的天气,不是吗? 天气很热,不是吗? 你的生意好吗? 进行得如何? 你的功课好不好?代我向你父亲问好。 我不希望你发生什么事。我打心底里感谢你。我们很高兴你能来。Ending a conversationIve got to run.I have to go.Ill call you.Well,talk to you

15、later,then.Oh,and give my love to Ted.Please excuse me,but I really have to be going. ConversationsDialogue 1Good morning,Jerry.Hows everything?Fine,just fine.Thanks.Doing anything for lunch?Well,as a matter of fact,Ive got a lunch date with Bob Thomas.Dialogue 2Merry Christmas!The same to you!Are you doing anything special?Were having some friends over.What are you doing?Oh.Im just going to take it easy.Dialogue 3Have a nice weekend!Thanks.You too!Do you have any pla



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