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1、九年级上备战期末考试高分突击测试题九年级英语备考练习 试卷简介:本试卷共有30道题,全部为选择题。为备考期末考试的习题。 学习建议:九年级上学期结束的时候,基本上初中三年的知识点都已经掌握完毕,需要同学们做归纳总结。一、单选题(共30道,每道4分)1.What kind of _ do you often play with your friends? Basketball. We often play basketball together.A.cupB.filmC.gameD.book2.Can you lend_ your pen? I cant find mine. Sure. Her

2、e you are.A.yourB.youC.myD.me3.There is _wrong with him. He just needs a good rest.A.nothingB.somethingC.everythingD.anything4.The students are having an English lesson _ their classroom.A.inB.onC.forD.of5.Sam got up early _ he was late for school.A.andB.butC.orD.so6.Whats_ over there? Its a machine

3、 for cutting grass.A.itB.itsC.thisD.that7.How many times have you been here? This is my _ visit.A.fourB.the fourC.fourthD.the fourth8.Mary _ the piano well. She is often asked to play at the concert.A.playB.playsC.playingD.played9.Lucy _ her dog and now she is walking it.A.will findB.is findingC.has

4、 foundD.finds10.Its not necessary to _ every new word while reading. You can guess its meaning.A.look forB.look afterC.look atD.look up11.Tina got ill yesterday. She felt a little _ this morning.A.illB.worseC.worstD.the worst12.Look. What a modern hospital! Yes, it is. It _ in 2007.A.is builtB.was b

5、uiltC.can be builtD.will be built13.I told Jane _ her homework before Friday.A.finishB.finishesC.finishingD.to finish14.Ben was unhappy _ he got a C in the math test.A.becauseB.beforeC.ifD.when15.I need to go to the bank. Could you tell me _? Its just on the corner.A.where is itB.where it isC.where

6、it wasD.where was it16. _? I am a doctor.A.How are youB.How do you doC.What do you doD.What do you want17. Whose bag is this? See the girl by the door? Its_.A.herB.sheC.herselfD.hers18. Where is Shanghai? It is _the east of China.A.inB.toC.onD.at19.They arrived here in time but didnt know _ to do ne

7、xt.A.howB.whyC.whatD.when20.You _ return the book now; you can keep it till next week.A.shouldB.mustntC.needntD.may21.We were so excited that we rushed into the street _ we heard the news.A.untilB.ever sinceC.as ifD.as soon as22.The students_ how to do the experiment in class yesterday.A.taughtB.wer

8、e taughtC.are taughtD.teach23.Jenny is a quick thinker, and she always works out the cost _ more quickly than me.A.someB.manyC.littleD.much24. Have you got a job offer? Not yet, I _.A.waitedB.am waitingC.waitD.was waiting25. I really like the song You and Me. Me too! Sarah Brightman has a very sweet

9、 _.A.dressB.voiceC.soundD.face26.Tom, would you please _ the box? Its for your sister.A.not to openB.dont openC.not openD.to not open27. John, how old is your grandfather? _. We had a party for his _ birthday last week.A.Eighty, eightiethB.Eighty, eightyC.Eightieth, eightyD.Eightieth, eightieth28. W

10、hats that noise? Oh I forgot _ you. The workers are testing the new machine.A.tellingB.tellC.toldD.to tell29. Is your home far from school? No. Its only _walk.A.ten-minutesB.ten minutesC.ten minutesD.ten-minute30. When _ for Hong Kong, do you know? Im not sure. When he _, Ill let you know.A.he leaves, leavesB.will be leave, will leaveC.he leaves, will leaveD.will he leave, leaves众享课程主页 http:/ 东区总校:郑州市文化路与黄河路交叉口中孚大厦7楼B室 电话:65335902 西区总校:郑州市陇海路与桐柏路交叉口凯旋门大厦B座405室 电话:68856662第 1 页 共 3 页


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