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1、江西省2023届高三下学期5月联考模拟预测英语试卷学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、阅读理解From life-saving medical technologies to everyday household iterns, these four brilliant women left an indelible mark on history with their inventions.Modern ironing board by Sarah BooneBefore the invention, clothing used to be ironed on wooden planks b

2、alanced between chairs, Though it seems like a simple invention, Boone put a lot of thoughts into it, which was evident in the end product. Aside form solving the initial problem of uneven ironing, Boone also made the ironing boards legs folded for storage and designed a curved(弧形的)shape for the bod

3、y to accommodate sleeves and curved areas. Alongside her invention, Boone also became one of the first African-American.Silk by Empress Lei ZuThough there is no way of confirming the account, ancient writings (including Confucius) attribute the first invention of silk to the Chinese Empress Lei.Zu ,

4、 who was four-teen at the time and had been enjoying tea in the imperial gardens when a fateful incident took place. A cocoon (茧)fell into her teacup and lost its cohesiveness(粘结性) upon contact with the hot water. The fact that the cocoon was a single strand of silk had drawn Lei Zus attention and s

5、he wove the thread into fabric, creating silk cloth. Caller ID and call waiting by Shirley Ann JacksonDr Shirley Ann Jackson broke the glass ceiling as the first African-American woman to be awarded a doctorate from MIT. She contributed to the invention of caller ID and call waiting during her resea

6、rch period at AT&.T Bell Laboratories, so we can now see the phone number and name of whoever is ringing our phones.Pray-on skin repair technique by Fiona WoodDr Fiona Wood introduced spray-on skin repair technique to the world in the 1990s. The technique changed the way in which burn victims used t

7、o be treated, as spray on repair technique can be directly applied to wounds to form a new layer of skin that promotes healing and minimises the risk of infection.1What can we learn about Sarah Boone?A. She learned a lot from ironing.B. She solved the problem of washing.C. She created a piece of use

8、ful furniture.D. She was the first person to receive a patent.2What inspired Lei Zu to find silk?A. Her interest in drinking tea.B. A cocoon dropping into her cup.C. A desire to write something crucialD. Her working in the imperial gardens.3Who made a contribution to medical cause?A. Sarah Boone.B.

9、Lei Zu. C. Shirley Ann Jackson.D. Fiona Wood.My father was the kind of guy who could walk into a room full of strangers and leave with new best friends for life! He was a hard worker and was known as Mr Fix-It to everyone. He was also one of the most cheerful, affable(和蔼可亲的) and gentle people you wo

10、uld ever meet, which made us, his beloved daughters feel proud.But when Dad was in his fifties, my family began to notice him struggling. His work and skills began to become worse and worse, and he became depressed and withdrawn. This was not the man I knew. At the age of fifty-eight, Dad was diagno

11、sed with early-onset Alzheimers disease. As for our family, it was the worst.Our first step was to attend a meeting hosted by the Alzheimers Association. to learn more about the disease and programs that might help us. That meeting inspired me to start a Walk to End Alzheimers team. But I still want

12、ed to do more. In 2017. I became a board member of the Alzheimers Association Delaware Valley. Chapter.The loss from this disease is gradual. My fathers decline continued for several years .Losing my father more and more each day was leaving a big hole in my heart and my life. I decided to fill that

13、 hole with action to honor my father.Thats why I recently decided to leave a gift to the Alzheimers Association by naming it as a beneficiary of my retirement plan. My future gift will provide money to support research because I dont want another person in my family or someone in other families to h

14、ave to suffer from Alzheimers diseaseI am so proud to be able to honor my father and other family members who lost their fights to Alzheimers in this way. My dad was an inspiration to me, and I hope, through my gift, I can inspire others to join in the fight to end Alzheimers.4What can we infer abou

15、t the authors father before having Alzheimers?A.He was an outgoing man.B.He hiked with strangers.C. He made a living by sales.D. He was a popular repairer of cars.5What did the author initially do for her fathers disease?A.She consulted many experts.B. She established a research team.C. She gained m

16、ore relevant information.D. She funded the Alzheimers Association.6What gift does the author leave to the Alzheimers Association?A. Research funds for the disease.B. A record of her fathers mental state.C. Her research papers on families like hers.D. Experts suggestions on her fathers disease.7What does the author focus on in the last paragraph?A. Her p


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