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1、MD Consult & First Consult临床医学全文数据库+循证医学数据库Calis集团组团产品1. 概 述 MD Consult由全球最大的医学出版集团爱思唯尔(Elsevier),于1997年出版发行的临床医学在线咨询平台。具有400多年历史的Elsevier出版集团,以高质量专业学术出版物享誉全球。MD Consult作为Elsevier临床医学核心数据库产品,为目标用户提供最新的、最全面的、最权威的专业医学知识。 目前,MD Consult已被全球超过1900家医院所采用,拥有超过30 0000在线用户,覆盖美国95%以上的医学院校,被誉为医学教学、科研和临床工作的最佳资源

2、配置方案。1.1 MD Consult目录 Table 1.1 MD Consult十大模块 N Name 名称 数量1First Consult循证医学数据库 Table1.2.12Books参考书 493Journals期刊 534The Clinics北美临床 355Patient Education患者教育 10 000+6Drugs药物库 100 0007Guidelines诊疗指南 1 000+8Images图片库 50 000+9News新闻资讯 -10CME 医学继续教育 -1.2 MD Consult 内容 MD Consult十大模块:以First Consult循证医学知

3、识作为核心内容;以顶级参考书、高质量期刊、临床指南和FDA药物信息作为必要的补充,采用高度结构化的知识组织形式,快速、精准锚定目标内容,为用户临床实践、教学和科研提供决策支持。 1.2.1 First Consult First Consult 界面医学主题、鉴别诊断、操作 Table1.21 First Consult 循证医学内容统计N Name 名称Number1Medical Topics 医学主题6882Differential Diagnosis 鉴别诊断5623Procedures 操作144 1.2.2 Books 参考书 MD Consult核心库包含49本顶级参考书,用户可

4、以跟据需要选订其他441种电子书,2010年全球入选Doody 核心书目比例如下图所示,Elsevier占27%,位居第一。 Table 1.2.2 MD Consult平台包含电子书统计 eBook TitleEditionPublisherAbeloff: Abeloffs Clinical Oncology4Churchill LivingstoneAdam: Grainger & Allisons Diagnostic Radiology5Churchill LivingstoneAdkinson: Middletons Allergy: Principles and Practice

5、7MosbyAuerbach: Wilderness Medicine5MosbyBope: Conns Current Therapy 20101SaundersBradley: Neurology in Clinical Practice5Butterworth-HeinemannBrenner: Brenner & Rectors The Kidney8WB SaundersBrowner: Skeletal Trauma4WB SaundersCanale & Beaty: Campbells Operative Orthopaedics11MosbyCleveland Clinic:

6、 Current Clinical Medicine 20091SaundersDeLee: DeLee and Drezs Orthopaedic Sports Medicine3WB SaundersDuthie: Practice of Geriatrics4WB SaundersFeldman: Sleisenger & Fordtrans Gastrointestinal and Liver Disease9SaundersFerri: Ferris Clinical Advisor 20101MosbyFerri: Practical Guide to the Care of th

7、e Medical Patient7MosbyFirestein: Kelleys Textbook of Rheumatology8WB SaundersFlint: Cummings Otolaryngology5MosbyFrontera: Essentials of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation2SaundersGabbe: Obstetrics- Normal and Problem Pregnancies5Churchill LivingstoneGoldberger: Clinical Electrocardiography7Mosby

8、Goldman: Cecil Medicine23WB SaundersGreen & Swiontkowski: Skeletal Trauma in Children4WB SaundersHabif: Clinical Dermatology5MosbyHoffman: Hematology: Basic Principles and Practice5Churchill LivingstoneJacobson: Psychiatric Secrets2Hanley and BelfusKatz: Comprehensive Gynecology5MosbyKeane: Nadas Pe

9、diatric Cardiology2SaundersKhatri: Operative Surgery Manual1WB SaundersKliegman: Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics18WB SaundersKronenberg: Williams Textbook of Endocrinology11WB SaundersKumar: Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease8WB SaundersLibby: Braunwalds Heart Disease8WB SaundersLong: Prin

10、ciples & Practice of Pediatric Infectious Disease3Churchill LivingstoneMandell: Mandell, Douglas, and Bennetts Principles and Practice of Infectious Diseases7Churchill LivingstoneMarx: Rosens Emergency Medicine7MosbyMason: Murray & Nadels Textbook of Respiratory Medicine5SaundersMcPherson & Pincus:

11、Henrys Clinical Diagnosis and Management by Laboratory Methods21WB SaundersMettler: Essentials of Radiology2WB SaundersMiller: Millers Anesthesia7Churchill LivingstonePiccini & Nilsson: The Osler Medical Handbook2Johns Hopkins UniversityRakel: Integrative Medicine2WB SaundersRakel: Textbook of Famil

12、y Medicine7WB SaundersRoberts: Clinical Procedures in Emergency Medicine5SaundersShannon: Haddad and Winchesters Clinical Management of Poisoning and Drug Overdose4WB SaundersStern: Massachusetts General Hospital Comprehensive Clinical Psychiatry1MosbyTownsend: Sabiston Textbook of Surgery18WB SaundersWalsh: Palliative M


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