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1、新王牌小班辅导教学设计教案班级代号高三英语A1上课地点金桥校区上学时间10:20-12:20季 度秋季班上课次数教师代号杜z课题名称春考复习:强化训练教学重点熟悉春考考试范畴,重难点及把握考题旳难易限度。教学难点熟悉春考考试范畴,重难点及把握考题旳难易限度。教 学 内 容II.Grammar and Vocabulary (共30分)Section A (共10分,每题1分)Directions: Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one

2、 answer that best completes the sentence. 8. The two sisters were so busy last night that _ of them had time to look after the baby.A. eitherB. neitherC. anyD. none9. _ Eric likes most about Shanghai is probably its wide variety of food.A. That B. Where C. Which D. What10. Whether or not your role m

3、odels are famous, they should be people worth _.A. to copy B. to be copied C. copying D. being copied11. Some teens cannot be controlled by their parents, _ the parents try hard to control them.A. even ifB. as thoughC. now thatD. in case12. Harry _ to take violin lessons when a friend of his fathers

4、 played for him. A. inspiredB. inspires C. was inspiredD. is inspired13. In the novel by Peters, _ the film is based, the main character is a teenager.A. from whom B. with whom C. on which D. in which14. Scientists are studying animals to look for proof _ they have feelings similar to ours.A. thatB.

5、 whatC. whetherD. which15. In the afternoon, Tom and Jerry sat side by side, _ how they could solve that problem.A. discussedB. having discussedC. to have discussedD. discussing16. Some parents argue that it is their job to get their kids _ in community service. A. to involve B. involved C. involvin

6、g D. involve17. I think it is always the people who have the same culture _ can share their feelings.A. which B. what C. as D. thatSection B (共10分,每题1分)Directions: Read the text below. Use the word given in the brackets to form a word that fits in the space. It was a rainy morning two years ago. Shi

7、rley Huxham was cycling 18 (gentle) downhill. As she waved to a friend, her bike slid uncontrollably on the wet road, throwing her to the ground. “Id never even thought of buying a helmet,” she says. For months she was partly paralysed (瘫痪) down her left side and still has 19 (healthy) problems toda

8、y.Some might think that Shirley was just unlucky. How 20 (danger) can it be to fall from a bicycle? In fact, each year on Britains roads more than 200 people are killed and at least 4,000 seriously injured on bicycles. But these numbers dont tell the whole story: the majority of the 21 (die) and inj

9、ured were not wearing helmets.A study of bicycle accidents in the US found that helmets could 22 (reduction) the risk of serious head injury by 85 percent. Yet it is estimated that in Britain, no more than five percent of bicycle 23 (ride) wear helmets. Why dont more cyclists wear 24 (they)? People

10、think that helmets look foolish, that theyre 25 (convenient), and that accidents only happen to other people. One of the wrong ideas bicyclists have is that lower speeds can put them at 26 (little) risk than motorcyclists, who are legally obliged to wear helmets. In fact, according to a British repo

11、rt, a higher percentage of bicyclists than motorcyclists suffer head injuries. And their injuries can be just as severe.Helmets, however, can make a big 27 (different). Shirley wasnt just unlucky. If she had worn a helmet, she wouldnt have spent months in hospital. Why take the risk? Section C (共10分

12、,每题1分)Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.You get an e-mail from your friend. It says Bill Gates will send you cash if you just click on a certain Web page. You

13、r friend swears this is official, and that his friend says it 28 . Will you believe it?Stories like that are known as urban legends (传说). They are called this 29 they are like old country folk tales, but told in a modern city context.Why do people tell urban legends? Why do listeners believe them? 3

14、0 is true of many legends, there is usually a grain of truth in an urban legend that seems to confirm it. That small seed of truth helps keep the story alive. 31 , many urban legends are meant to serve as warnings to children and teens. This fact could explain why a lot of urban legends are 32 : Do

15、not take candy from strangers, because it might have poison in it.Some urban legends, however, reflect what people want to believe. After the disastrous Asian tsunami (海啸) of , for example, one heart-warming tale spread around the world. 33 the story, elephants near a Thai resort sensed that the huge waves were coming. They led people to high ground and went back into the floodwaters 34 other people. T


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