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1、Unit11. His word has something to do with animals他的工作于动物有关2. We started early in order to arrive before dark为了在天黑前到达,我们早早动了身3. Judging by her accent, she must be form the North从他的口音判断,他一定是个北方人 4. If you need her to come ,inform her in advance如果你们要他来,就事先通知她5. I dont know why he changed his mind我不清楚他为

2、什么改变主意 6. Most people like to swim once they have learn how(to swim)多数人一旦学会游泳,就会喜欢上他的7. The more preparations you make now, the more confidence you will have in the exam你先现在准备的越充分,考试就越有信心8. If you learn English well, you will use it often, The frequent use ,in turn, will make you learn well英语学好了,你就会

3、经常用它,而经常使用反过来又会是你学的更好Unit21.I am taking care of a worker from a neighboring factory我正在照料附近工厂的一位员工2. After going to bed last night ,I turned the matter over and over in my mind but still couldnt find a solution我昨天晚上上床以后对这个问题反复进行了思考,但仍然找不到解决办法3.No matter how cold or hot it is ,I keep practicing everyd

4、ay 不管天气多冷或多热,我们每天坚持学习4.To achieve what you hope for ,you should start wording hard from today为了得到所期望的一切,你应该从今天就开始努力5.Although we have been apart from each other for three years , we still keep our friendship going .虽然分别了三年,但我们俩依然保持着友谊6.It rained As a result , none of us could go to the concert.天下雨了7

5、. As is true of many college students, students of our university love to read the novels of this author.如同很多大学生8. My health is to a large measure due to the care by the doctors and nurses.我的健康Unit31. An estimated 200 people attended yesterdays meeting /attended the meeting yesterday 大约200人2. I like

6、 the house with two large windows facing the sea, but just cant afford it 我很喜欢3. According to the new regulation , posting ads without permission can be find as much as 10,000 yuan 根据新的规则4. To a great extent, we are responsible for what we say and (what we ) do 在很大的程度5. We should make the most of al

7、l kinds of resources on the Internet我们应该充分6. If you are content to make such a small amount of money every month ,selling newspaper is a pretty good job for you 如果你满足7. Observation and exploration are common means in scientific research that could bring major discoveries 观察与探索8. You cant understand

8、the relationships until you analyze the situation in great depth只有当Unit41. Nowadays we are increasingly relying on information and computer technology如今2. This means the new regulation is of great benefit to both the state-owned and the private business这意味3. He is slowly adapting to the life of a la

9、id-off worker他正在慢慢4. The personnel manager said, “First, you must focus on the following problems.”人事部经理5. A dream will never become reality unless one understands what it will take to achieve the dream梦想永远不会成为现实6. As business is bad, the company is going lay off twenty workers由于生育7. The products ma

10、nufactured by this company are for special purposes这家公司8. Peter is hunting for a job now, as his money will only last him one month彼得正在找工作Unit51. She is very careful. She wont take a risk when driving 她很小心2. Those who have a passion for football can experience great enjoyment那些酷爱足球 3. In addition to

11、 teenagers, males and females of other ages also enjoy mountaineering除了青少年意外4. His students looked upon him with respect他的学生对他十分尊敬5. It was Dr. Smith that we invited to give us a lecture邀请来6. One of the advantages of e-mail over regular mail is that it is fast比起普通邮件7. Only with good health, can we s

12、tudy well and work well 只有拥有健康8. If you compare Tom with his classmates, you will find works hard and knows how to relax如果你将汤姆Unit61. The mother went out to work, so the father took responsibility for looking after the children at home.母亲出去工作了2. Research shows that smoking is directly related to lun

13、g cancer.研究表明3. Parents should be concerned about their childrens performance at school.父母应该关心4. Your too much worry over your health may really make you sick过分担心.5. The head of the village pointed out that the tree had become a source of income, as tourists had been coming from all parts of the cou

14、ntry to see it.村长指出6. Mother said, “Chocolate is okay, but only if you have one bar a day.”妈妈说7. Whether people are satisfied with this policy outweighs all other considerations.人们对这项8. We should take less greasy food such as butter and eat as much fruit and vegetables as possible to keep a balanced

15、 diet.为了膳食平衡Unit7 1. My brain doesnt seem to be working well today.我的脑筋 2. Her mother often alters her clothes according to the latest fashion他母亲. 3. Instead of going to Qingdao for the summer vacation, well go to Tibet.我们不去 4. I once talked face to face with that movie star.我曾经 5. He walked very sl

16、owly as if he had hurt his leg他走起路 6. The car is packed/full. We cant let you in, let alone your luggage and three dogs.车已经 7. The girl turned to her mother for comfort.那女孩 8. I paid $300 for this used computer but it is worth much more.我花了Unit81. They had taken hundreds of photos before they knew it.不知不觉 2. It will take him three years to ma


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