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1、广州市天河区六年级英语上第二单元测试 (M3 M4) (A卷)口试部分(10分)(另测)听力部分(30分)()1. A. DisneylandB. Mickey MouseC.Donald Duck()2. A. lateB. laterC.same()3. A. makeB. matterC.doctor()4. A. oneB. twiceC.four()5. A. oilyB. boyC.noisy()6. A. lastB. simpleC.thin()7. A. neverB. littleC.better()8. A. stillB. untilC.milk()9. A. take

2、 photosB. take exerciseC.take a rest()10. A. last nightB. last monthC.last year一、听句子三次,选出句子所含有的信息,并把其字母编号写在括号内。(10分)Class No. Name Assessment()1. Amy went to the countryside with her classmate.()2. Amy went to the countryside by bus.()3. They play football and took photos in the morning.()4. They we

3、nt shopping and saw a film inthe afternoon.()5. They went back home at about 5:00.读写部分(60分)五、请写出下列动词的过去式。(5分)buy meet see feel eatsit do come study give六、看图并根据首字母提示,填写下列单词中所缺的字母。(10分)1.()2.()3. ()4. ()5.()6.()7. ()8. ()9. ()10.()三、听句子三次,写出句子所缺的单词。(5分)1. We should keep a good.2. I was very when I my

4、old friend in the street.3. is very important for everyone.4. That s a.四、听短文三次,判断下列句子是否符合短文内容,如符合,在括号内写“T,否则写“F”。(5分)1. The man has a h.2. He has a s3. The boy has a broken f.4. My mother was very a when I c back home late last night.5. The boy s a lot every day.6. We b our teeth every morning.7. Th

5、ey s a film yesterday.8. The lady b something in the supermarket yesterday.9. He s on the chair when he was tired.10. There are three c.七、选择正确的答案填空,并把所选答案的字母编号写在相应的括号内。(15分)()1. He was ill, so he stayed in hospital two days.A. forB.atC. on九、将右边答句的字母编号写在相应问句前的括号内()1. What s the matter with you?()2. W

6、hat did the doctor say?()3. What did you do yesterday?()4. Where did you go last night?()5. How did they go to Shenzhen()6. Did you go our yesterday?()7. How many ducks did you have?()2. Please take the medicine a day.A. twiceB.oneC. four()3. You had a cold. You wear more clothes.A. canB. shouldntC.

7、 should()4. To keep a good diet, you should eat fruits and vegetables.A. moreB. lessC. little()5. A:My uncle is ill.B:I am to hear that.A. busyB. happyC. sorry()6. Amy a fever last night.A. hasB. hadC. have()7. Yesterday Tom football after school.A. playB. playsC. played()8. My father often to work

8、by bus.A. goB. goesC. went()9. The doctor me a check-up yesterday.A. giveB. gaveC. gives()10. I dont feel tiredA.in allB.at allC.at now()11. Xiaoling in Beijing in 2001.A. didn t liveB. didn t livedC. do lived()12. I my friends tomorrow.A. visitsB. will visitC. visited()13. The baby sleeps 9 hours e

9、ach night.A. at leastB. plenty ofC. too many()14. What you this morning?A. did, haveB. did, hadC. do, had()15. Listen! The students in the music room.A. are singingB. singC. sang八、根据中文意思提示,把下列英语句子补充完整,将答案写在相应的横线上。 (每空一词)(12分)1. He took the medicine(三次)a day for one week.2. Dont eat(太多)sweet or oily

10、food.3. We must(保持一个良好的饮食习惯)4. (去年)we went to a trip to Japan.5. I stayed at home(一整天)last Sunday.(7分)A. They went there by trainB. He asked me to drink lots of waterC. I have a cold.D. I had a party with my friendsE. I stayed at home.F. Yes, I did.G. I had ten.十、阅读下面对话,判断文后句子是否符合短文内容,如符合,在括号内写“,否则写

11、“ F”。(6分)A: Jim. You dont look well. What s the matter with you?B: Doctor. I have a broken leg. I feel from the tree.A: Dont worry. Let me give you a check-up.B: Jim. It seems serious产重的).You should take a rest and stay in bed for a month.Take this medicine three times a day. And be care of the woun

12、ds 口 ).Climbingthe tree is dangerous 险的),Please don t do it again.( : Thank you, doctor. I wont do it!( : You re welcome!( )1. Jim had a fever.( )2. Jim fell from the bike.( )3. The doctor gave him a check-up.( )4. Jim should stay in bed for a week.( )5. Jim should take the medicine three times a day.( )6. Jim will climb the tree again.卜一、写话。请用不少于5句话(约40词),介绍你上个星期日一天的活动。(5分)【参考词: cook, clean, play, have, study, do see, come, go


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