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1、雅思阅读高分要素之时间分配和正确率雅思阅读考试共有三篇文章,每篇文章的字数在1000字左右,40道题,答题时间为1个小时。今天小编给大家带来了雅思阅读高分要素之时间分配和正确率,希望能够帮忙到大家,下面小编就和大家分享,来观赏一下吧。雅思阅读高分要素之时间分配和正确率首先,我们来看一下时间分配。在雅思阅读考试中,每篇文章都会给出答题参考时间,比方You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions1-13, which are based on Reading Passage 1 below.当所有时间结束时,最好停下来,否那么就会耽搁下面的答题,从而影



4、etethe summary of the last twoparagraphs这样的提示信息会在一定程度上降低考生解答该题的难度,然而,很多考生却忽略它,从文章第一段开始定位题目在原文中对应内容的位置,结果只能浪费时间,影响做题时间以及效率。因此,考生要懂得如何读懂题目,才能最大化的利用时间,并提高正确率。点击查看详情以上就是雅思阅读高分要素之时间分配和正确率的详细内容,二者必不可少,只有既保证了时间的合理分配又提高了正确率,才能收获最美的果实。雅思阅读考试小范围预测:Passage ThreeReading Passage 3Title: 一个人对 Sacks 的书“Musicophili

5、a的书评单项选择 4题Question types: YES/NO/NOT GIVEN 6题Sentence completion 3题文章内容回忆 一个人对 Sacks 写的 music 与 brain 的 book 的评价。题型难度分析 还是以选择和是非无判断题为主。剑桥雅思推荐原文练习:剑5-3-1、剑6-1-1、剑7-2-1雅思阅读每日一练:人类大脑与机器实验Brain-computer interfaces sound like the stuff of science fiction. AndrewPalmer sorts the reality from the hype脑机接口

6、听起来像是科幻小说中的东西。在喧嚣的炒作中,安德鲁帕尔默帮我们厘清现实状况IN THE gleaming facilities of the Wyss Centre for Bio and Neuro engineeringin Geneva, a lab technician takes a well plate out of an incubator. Each wellcontains a tiny piece of brain tissue derived from human stem cells and sittingon top of an array of electrodes

7、. A screen displays what the electrodes arepicking up: the characteristic peak-and-trough wave forms of firing neurons.在日内瓦韦斯(Wyss)生物和神经项目中心那闪闪发光的大楼中,一名实验室技术人员从培养箱中取出一块多孔板。每个孔中都有小小一块来源于人类干细胞的脑组织放在一个电极阵列上。一块屏幕上显示着电极拾取的信息:神经元放电的特征峰谷波形。To see these signals emanating from disembodied tissue is weird. Th

8、e firingof a neuron is the basic building block of intelligence. Aggregated andcombined, such “action potentials retrieve every memory, guide every movementand marshal every thought. As you read this sentence, neurons are firing allover your brain: to make sense of the shapes of the letters on the p

9、age; to turnthose shapes into phonemes and those phonemes into words; and to confer meaningon those words.看到这些脱离身体的组织会发射信号让人感到有些怪异。神经元的放电是构建智力的根本材料。这些“动作电位聚集和组合起来,就可拾取每一个记忆,支配每一个动作,组织每一个想法。在你读这句话的时候,你整个大脑中的神经元就在不停地放电:理解页面上的字母形状,把这些形状变成音素,把音素组成单词,再赋予这些单词意义。This symphony of signals is bewilderingly co

10、mplex. There are as many as85bn neurons in an adult human brain, and a typical neuron has 10,000connections to other such cells. The job of mapping these connections is stillin its early stages. But as the brain gives up its secrets, remarkablepossibilities have opened up: of decoding neural activit

11、y and using that code tocontrol external devices.这曲“信号交响乐的复杂程度令人晕眩。成年人脑中有多达850亿个神经元,而一个典型的神经元细胞会连接到10000个同类细胞。描绘这些连接的工作还处于初期阶段。但是随着大脑秘密的逐步揭示,人们已经发明出不凡的可能性:解码神经活动并用这些密码控制外部设备。A channel of communication of this sort requires a brain-computer interface(BCI). Such things are already in use. Since 2022,

12、13 paralysed people have beenimplanted with a system called Brain Gate, first developed at Brown University(a handful of others have been given a similar device). An array of smallelectrodes, called a Utah array, is implanted into the motor cortex, a strip ofthe brain that governs movement. These el

13、ectrodes detect the neurons that firewhen someone intends to move his hands and arms. These signals are sent throughwires that poke out of the persons skull to a decoder, where they aretranslated into a variety of outputs, from moving a cursor to controlling alimb.要建立这样的沟通渠道,就需要一个脑机接口(BCI)。人们已经在使用这种

14、东西了。自2022年以来,已有13位瘫痪者被植入了一个名为BrainGate的系统,它是由布朗大学首先开发的(还有少数其他人也植入了类似的设备)。一组被称为犹他(Utah)阵列的小电极被植入到运动皮层,即大脑中管理运动的局部。如果有人想动动他的手和手臂,这些电极会检测到放电的神经元。信号通过穿出颅骨的电线传送到解码器,再转换成各种输出,如移动光标或控制肢体。The system has allowed a woman paralysed by a stroke to use a robotic armto take her first sip of coffee without help fr

15、om a caregiver. It has also beenused by a paralysed person to type at a rate of eight words a minute. It haseven reanimated useless human limbs. In a study led by Bob Kirsch of CaseWestern Reserve University, published in the Lancetthis year, Brain Gate wasdeployed artificially to stimulate muscles

16、in the arms of William Kochevar, whowas paralysed in a cycling accident. As a result, he was able to feed himselffor the first time in eight years.该系统让一名中风瘫痪的妇女在没有看护者帮忙的情况下用机器人手臂喝到了第一口咖啡。还有一位瘫痪者能以每分钟八个字的速度打字。它甚至让本已无用的肢体再次活动起来。由凯斯西储大学的鲍勃基尔希(BobKirsch)领导的一项研究今年在?柳叶刀上发表了论文,为在一次骑车事故中瘫痪的威廉科切瓦(WilliamKochevar)人为部署了BrainGate,以刺激他手臂上的肌肉。结果八年来他第一次能够自


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