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1、国际货物买卖合同编制写作分类条款(中英文对照)总目录 TABLE OF CONTENTS1. 常见买卖合同名称Name of Common Sale and Purchase Contract2. 当事人主体信息Information for Party Subject3. 约首和序言 (鉴于条款) Preamble Clause4. 定义与解释Definitions and Interpretation5. 商业道德与诚信公平Business Ethics and Good faith, fair dealing6. 货物描述 / 品名Description and nam of commo

2、dity7. 数量和溢短装Quantity and weight tolerance8. 品质条款 quality9. 产品标准和技术要求Product standards and technical requirements10. 价格与贸易术语Price and trade term11. 价格调整 Price adjustment12. 包装 Packing13. 装运 Shipping14. 运输 Transportation15. 付款 Payment16. 信用证 Letter of Credit17. 保险 Insurance18. 履约保证金和预付款 Performance S

3、ecurity and advance payment19. 交付 Delivery20. 检验检疫和验收Inspection, quarantine and acceptance21. 税、关税和其他费用承担Tax and Duties Taxes and other expenses22. 单证 Documents23. 随附货物提交的技术文件 Technical documents accompanying delivery of goods24. 货物权利与风险Rights and risks of goods25. 违约金damages for breach of contract2

4、6. 索赔 Claims27. 对不合格产品的处理Treatment of defective and unqualified products 第130页28. 瑕疵产品召回Defective product Recall29. 迟延交货处罚Penalty on late delivery30. 知识产权和第三方权利Intellectual property right and Third-Party Rights31. 质量保证和售后服务Quality assurance and after-sale service32. 通知 Notice 第148页33. 因便利而终止合同Termin

5、ation for Convenience34. 适用法律 Governing Law35. 保护对方条款Protection clause36. 责任限制条款Liability Limitation37. 争端的解决Resolution of Disputes38. 不可抗力 Force Majeure39. 独家代理和排他性条款Exclusivity40. 当事人关系 Party relationship41. 保密信息Confidential Information42. 陈述与保证条款Representation and Warranty43. 生效日和有效期条款Effective d

6、ate and Duration44. 效力存续 Survival Clause45. 权利义务转让条款Transfer of Rights and Obligations46. 变更 Amendment47. 条款的可分割性 Severability48. 完整性和优先性条款Entire Agreement (or Whole Agreement)49. 签署和证明条款signature and Witness Clause50. 金额及利息的计算条款Sum and Interest Calculation51. 附录附件和补充条款Schedules, Annexes and Supplem

7、entary Terms52. 文本和语言Language / Copies53. 不放弃权利Non-waiver of Rights部分章节示例如下:14. 运输条款 Transportation运输方式:TERM OF SHIPMENT:空运 By air海洋运输Ocean Transport班轮运输Liner Transport或定期船运输租船运输Charter Transport或不定期船运输,包括:定程租船 Voyage Charter 或航次租船定期租船 Time Charter光船租船Bareboat Charter 或净船期租航次期租Time Charter on Trip B

8、asis,TCT装运时间Time of shipment (注意区分“装运时间Time of shipment与“交货时间Time of Delivery”)The goods should be shipped by railway transport. Delivery period - according to Specification No. 1 to the present Contract. 货物应通过铁路运输。交付期根据本合同说明1中的规定.如果销售合同涉及到货物的运输,卖方应把货物移交给第一承运人,以运交给买方;if the contract of sale involves

9、 carriage of the goods, in handing the goods over to the first carrier for transmission to the buyer;如果卖方有义务安排货物的运输,他必须订立必要的合同,以按照通常运输条件,用适合情况的运输工具,把货物运到指定地点。If the seller is bound to arrange for carriage of the goods,he must make such contracts as are necessary for carriage to the place fixed by me

10、ans of transportation appropriate in the circumstances and accordingto the usual terms for such transportation.The Distributor shall store and transport the Products in conditions that will preserve the Products in good condition and will comply with any reasonable requests made by Supplier concerni

11、ng the conditions in which the Products are to be stored or transported.经销商储存并运输经销产品的设施应保证经销产品处于良好状态,并应符合供应商关于产品储存和运输条件的合理要求。本合同项下货物的装运舱位由买方或买方的运输代理人租订。The shipping space for the contracted goods shall be booked by the Buyer or the Buyers shipping agent _.在FOB条件下,卖方应负责将所订货物在本合同第8条所规定的装船期内按买方所通知的任何日期

12、装上买方所指定的船只。Under FOB terms, the Seller shall undertake to load the contracted goods on board the vessel nominated by the Buyer on any date notified by the Buyer, within the time of shipment as stipulated in Clause 8 of this Contract.集装箱运输。Container shipment最终目的地:Final destination卸货港转货商货运代理人Freight f

13、orwarder Agent at port of unloading乙方可自行来甲方指定地点提货,亦可委托甲方代办航空、快递等形式的托运。甲方承担铁路行包或汽运及保险的费用(如铁路,公路运输)。如乙方要求特殊运输方式(如航空和快递),需出具委托书,运输和保险费用由乙方承担。甲方发货后,将提货单及发货票随后寄给乙方。Party B may come to the site appointed by Party A for goods and also may entrust Party A to handle the air transportation and express deliver

14、y on behalf. Party A shall bear the expenses of freight charges and insurance expenses (for example, railway and road transportation). Where Party B requires special transportation mode (for example, air transportation and express delivery), Party B shall provide letter of authority and bear the fre

15、ight charges and insurance expenses. Afterthe delivery of goods by Party A, Party A shall send the bill of goods and invoice to Party B.Lay time for the vessels is determined by the Seller according to the International standards for the type of a tanker, calculation its capacity, quantity loadable Goods in accordance with the Schedule of delivery (Appendix No.2).卖方按照国际标准中的此类轮船决定货船的延期时间,货船的容量、承载货物量与运输计划(附录2)保持一致。The SELLER shall book space in the shipping companies which enjoy good reputation. The carrying vessel shall have good record of transpo



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