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1、湘少版2022年三年级下学期英语看图写单词专项竞赛题班级:_ 姓名:_1. 根据图片提示,回答问题。1How many dogs? 2How many chameleons? 3How many chairs? 4How many cats? 2. 看图填词。例:onelion1three_ 2three_3four_ 4two_3. 看图写单词。1 23 45 64. 给句子选择对应的图片。(_)1一Hello! Im Kate一Hi! Im Li MingA.B.(_)2Open your pencil-boxA.B.(_)3Open your mouthA.B.(_)4I have a

2、ballA.B.(_)5I like bananasA.B.5. 根据图意,写出相应的单词。1 2Zhang3Fang 45good6. 单词拼写(词汇运用)。1. I am tall, you are_.2. My brothers hair is_.3. I have a_mouth.4. My ears are_.7. 选择合适的单词,填入相应的身体部位的括号里。(只填序号)1. hand 2. head 3. arm 4. leg 5. foot 6. nose 7. eye 8. mouth 9. ear8. 单词拼写(词汇运用)。1.Heres a birthday_for you

3、, Alice.2.Lets_the cake together.3.Happy birthday! Heres a_for you.4.I have some apples and_5.Look at this lovely_. 9. 根据图片,写出单词。1. 2.3. 4.5.10. 看图写话,用like和can各写一句话。1211. 看图补全句子。1Look at the_. It is fat.2Look at the_. It is big.3Look at the_. It is on the log.4Look at the_. It is in the truck.5Look

4、at the_. It is on the pear.12. 找出与所给图片相符的句子抄写在四线三格内。Point to the window.Point to the blackboard.13. 看图,补全单词。 f_ i_ j_ g_ h_14. 按照提示完成下列句子。Thethreeapplesare_(填颜色)Juiceis_(填颜色)Thefishis_(填颜色)15. 看图片写出正确的单词。1 23 45 616. 给句子选出对应的图片。(_)1. This is my bag. A.(_)2. I have a new car. B.(_)3. Happy birthday t

5、o you! C.(_)4. Let s fly my kite. D.(_)5. Have some apples. E.17. 根据图片提示,补全对话。1. How many birds? 2. How many cats? 3. How many dogs? 4. How many pandas? 18. 根据图片,选出合适的单词,将句子补充完整。1. It has_eyes. ( big/small)2. The_is my new friend. (girl/boy)3. -Wheres the ball?-Its_the chair. (on/under)4.Lets buy some_(oranges/grapes)19. 看图,找单词,选择对应的序号。A.B.C.D.E.F.G.H.I.J.1mouth(_) 2cat(_)3foot(_) 4bag(_)5fish(_) 6ruler(_)7pen(_) 8pencil box(_)9juice(_) 10elephant(_)9 / 9


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