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1、 全国中学生英语能力竞赛(NEPCS)预赛初二组试题笔试部分(共八大题,计120分) I单项选择(Multiple-choice test)(共20小题,计20分) A)从各题A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个和划线部分意思相同或相近选项。(答案涂在答题纸上) 1The elephant wanted one more banana Aother Bthe other Ca Danother 2The girl next door married a doctor Alived with Bgot married to Cwas married with Dwent to see 3Judy s

2、ometimes drinks coffee before lunch Asometime Ball the time Cat times Dsome times 4I have no timeHurry up! Hold your horsesIt takes time to open it A耐心点儿。 B牵好马。C管好自己。 D别松劲儿。 5Dad brought me a doggy bag when he got home A袋装狗食 B打包袋 C难吃食物 D有小狗图案袋子 B)选出下列各题最佳答案。(答案涂在答题纸上) 6There_ only one desk and three

3、 chairs in that room last night Awas Bwere Cto be Dare 7My sister always says she is too thinBut I think she is just _ thin AmoreBmuch Ca few Da little 8We all laughed_ Johnny when he made faces Aon BatCfor Dof 9What are you doing here? I dont like this skirtIm trying to find_ to wear Aelse anything

4、 Beverything Csomething else Dnew something 10_ ? I caught a bad cold AWhat do you do? BWhat did you catch? CWhy are you here? DWhats the matter? 11The boy is short _ fat Awith Bor Cso Dbut 12_ do you like China? Oh,very much AWhy BHow CWhat DWhen 13There is _ boy playing _ football under the tree_

5、boy lives near _ Changjiang River Aa;不填;The;不填Ba;the;A;the C不填;the;The;the D不填;a;The;不填 14The bus kept the people _ for so long Ato think Bwaiting Cbe worried Dhealthy 15Help yourself to some fruit! _ AOh,Im hungry BYes,pleaseCNo,I cant DOh,thank you 16Im sorry about that _ AThats all right BIm OK C

6、Thank you DNo,you neednt 17Which umbrella is yours? The _ one is _ Asecond;mine Bfour;my Cfifth;me Dtwo;mine 18In _,“the ground floor”has the same meaning as“the first floor”in China Athe USA BChinese CEngland DEnglish 19Mel looks _ of the two boys Aolder Bliker Cthe best Dthe younger 20Freds daught

7、er _ the machine over thereShe wants to _ how it works Alooks at;findBis watching;find out Cis looking for;know Dfinds;look out II阅读了解(Reading comprehension)(共30小题,计30分) 阅读下面短文或图表,按规定完毕文后各题。 (A) Foot ball Football,or soccer,is one of the most popular games around the worldIt is played on a fieldTher

8、e are goalposts(球门柱)at either endThere is a net(网) behind the goalpostsThis net catches the ball when it goes into the goalThe ball is round and is inflated with(充满)air There are two teams of eleven playersA team scores(得分)a goal when one of its players kicks the football into the netThis would be e

9、asier if there were no goalkeepersThe goalkeepersjob is to stop the ball going over the goal line between the postsHe is the only player who can touch the ball with his handsAll the others have to play only with their feet or their heads,except when throwing it in after it has gone out of play Every

10、 player in the team has a job to doThe goalkeeper stops the ball going into his goal with the help of his defenders(后卫)Midfield(中场)players help the defenders and pass the ball to the forwards(前锋)The forwardsjob is to score goals Football is played by boys and girls,men and women all over the worldIt

11、 is an Olympic sportThe most famous football event in the world is the World CupWhen teams play,many millions of people watch the matches on television Choose the best answer(答案涂在答题纸上) 21Where is a net used(被用)in football? AIn front of the goalpostsBBehind the goalposts COn the midfield DIn the goal

12、s 22What is the most famous football event in the world? AThe Chinese Cup BThe Olympic Games CThe World CupDThe World Championship 23Why is it difficult to score a goal? ABecause the goalkeeper makes it difficult BBecause the defenders dont help CBecause the goal isnt empty DBecause a lot of people

13、watch the matches 24What is the forwardsjob? ATo stop the ballBTo hold the ball CTo help the goalkeeperDTo score goals 25What does“Olympic sport”mean? AA sport played by everyone BA football game CA sport played at the Olympic Games DA popular sport (B) Most children today go to a school where each cla



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