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1、名词一、知识要点知识要点 核心内容注意要领可数名词和不可数名词可数名词单数名词单数就是该词自身,用在句子中时, 在其前加a/an对可数名词的数量提问用how many; 对不可数名词的数量提问用how much复数1. 可数名词复数的规则变化1) 一般情况直接在词尾加s.2) 以s,x,ch,sh结尾的名词在词尾加es.3) 以辅音字母加y结尾的名次,变y为i加es.4) 以元音加y结尾的名词,直接加s5) 以f或fe结尾的名词,变f或fe为v再加es.6) 以o 结尾的名词,加s(个别加es)2. 可数名词不规则的变化1) 单复数同行 Sheep-sheep, fish-fish, deer

2、-deer, people-people, English-English, Chinese-Chinese2) 改变单词中的元音字母 Man-men, woman-women, foot-feet, tooth-teeth,goose-geese3) 词尾加en或ren Child-children4) 特殊变化 mouse-mice3. 复合名词前面的词是man,woman,1) 变复数时,构成复合名词的两个名词都要变成复数形式;如是其他词,变复数,只变后面的名词 man teacher-men teachers Boy student-boy students2) man, woman构

3、成的合成名词,则只需把man,woamn变成复数 Policeman-policemen Postman-postwomen不可数名词 不可数名词的量有以下两种表达方法:1. 可用much, a lot of, a little, little, lots of, plenty of, some等表达不可数名词的量2. 可用量词表达不可数名词的量数词+量词+of+不可数名词A cup of tea-two cups of teaA glass of water-two glasses of water名词所有格名词+s构成方法:1. 一般在名词后加 s Jims computer2. 以s结尾

4、的复数名词, 只加 teachers books3. 词尾不是以s结尾的复数名词,加 s childrens books4. 几个人共同拥有某物时,在最后一个人名后加 s Lily and Lucys room5. 每个人分别拥有某物时,在每个人名后各加 s Lilys and Lucys rooms6. 名词所有格加在人名或职位后面时,可以表达某人的家或店铺。 The Whites 7. 有些指时间或距离的短语,也可以用s构成所有格 10 minutes walk由of短语构成的所有格1. 无生命的名词一般用of短语构成名词所有格,表达所有关系The name of the boyThe d

5、oor of the room2. 双重所有格活学活用1. 写出下列单词的复数形式1) Bag _ Baby _ Woman_2) Knife_ People _ Tomato_3) Mouse_ Box _ Child _4) Sheep_ Boy _ year _2. 单项选择()1. Im thirsty. I want to buy some_.A. waters B.water C.bread()2. Id like_of apple juice.A. glass B.two glass C.a glass()3. How many _are there in your school

6、?A. student B.students C.studentes()4. My father has_for breakfast.A. two piece of breadB. two oieces of breadC. two piece of breads()5. I usually bush my_in the morning.A. tooth B.tooths C.teeth()6. We see many_and_on the hillA. horse;sheep B.horsses;sheeps C.horses;sheep()7. The post office is a b

7、it far from here. Its about_.A. thirsty minutess walkB. thirsty minutes walkC. thirsty minutes walkD. thirsty minutes walk()8. The football under the bed is_.A. Lucy and Lilys B. Lucys and Lilys C. Lucys and Lily D. Lucy and Lily()9. -whose room is it? -Its_.A. Li Ming B. Li Mings C. Li Mings()10. S

8、he told me _news last week.A. a B.a piece of C.a piece 3. 翻译1) 教师的门 _2) 那位老人的雨伞_3) 汤姆和安的手表_4) 王英和海伦的桌子_5) 他们的椅子_6) 这鞋子的颜色_7) 我哥哥的电脑_8) 飞机场的飞机_9) 图书馆的书_10) 我妈妈的朋友_常考名词分类1. 颜色redblueyelloworangegreenpinkblackwhitebrowngraypurple询问颜色What colour.?whats your favourite colour?what colour is your favourite

9、?同:color/colour例:(1) what colour is your schoolbag?(2) My bike is red(对划线部分提问)2动物catdogmonkeypandarabbitduckpigbirdmousetigerlionsnakecowhenbearelephantdragongiraffezebrasheepgoat变复数:cat-snake-sheep-monkey-giraffe例:1) There are many _(duck) in the zoo.2) There are two_(sheep) and one _(zebra).3)we s

10、ee many _and_on the hillA. horse;sheep B. horses;sheeps C.horses; sheep3. 球体类basketballgolffootballrugbytennisbaseballvolleyballhockeytable tennishandball考点:Play basketball/football玩某项球类,用动词play,且球类前不要定冠词the例:I often go to play _tennis on MondayA. a B.the C./4. 学习用品rulerpencilerasercrayonbagpenpenci

11、l boxbookschoolbagMaths bookEnglish bookChinese bookstorybooknotebookdictionarycomic bookword bookpostcardmagazine造句:1) 一本英语书2) 我的书在书包里3) 我喜欢故事书5. 三餐、餐具breakfastlunchdinner/supperplatebowlforkknifespoonchopsticks考:1) Have breakfast/lunch/dinner2) Eat breakfast/lunch/dinner3) For breakfast/lunch/dinn

12、er4) Make breakfast/lunch/dinner5) Big breakfast/lunch/dinner6) A bowl of soup7) Knife (复数)8) A plate of.6. 身体部位faceeareyenosemoutharmhandheadbodylegfoottailfoottoothstomach考:1)Hand in hand_2)Face to face_3)foot(复数)_4)tooth(复数)_5)头疼_6)牙疼_7)胃疼_8)耳朵疼_9)感冒_10)发热_11)咳嗽_句型:Whats wrong with you?Whats the matter with you?Whats wrong with your watch?7. 食物breadegg


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