第08讲九年级下册Unit1 重点短语和句型-译林版九年级英语精品课教案

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1、九年级英语精品课第08讲九年级下册Unit1 重点短语和句型【基础知识】词组、短语归纳1take a rest休息2on ones way back在某人回来的路上3had better(not)do sth最好不做某事4wake sb up叫醒某人5keep doing sth继续做某事6go on继续7Chinese paper-cutting中国剪纸8plan to do sth计划做某事9be worth doing sth值得做某事10welcome to欢迎到11the raising of the national flag 升国旗仪式12one of其中之一13the capi

2、tal of的首都14used to do sth过去常常做某事15so many如此多的16turninto把变成17take a boat trip坐船旅行18next to贴近19have/has been to到过20take up占据(空间)21feel cold感到冷22be different from与不同23arrive in/at到达24rain cats and dogs倾盆大雨25be far away from远离26be/get used to doing sth习惯做某事27asas 和一样28ask sb to do sth要求某人做某事29on the thi

3、rd day在第三天30set out出发31for example例如32look down看不起,俯视33nod ones head点头34shake ones head摇头35communicate with sb与某人交流36be famous for因而出名句型归纳37The Great wall is amazing, isnt it? 长城真是令人惊叹,不是吗?38Wed better keep moving我们最好继续前进。39Since you are in Beijing now, why dont you start from here? 既然你现在在北京,为什么你不从这

4、儿开始呢?40The Emperors of the Ming and Qing Dynasties used to live here明朝和清朝的皇帝们过去居住在这里41It runs for over 6,000 kilometers across northern China, with watchtowers every few hundred meters它穿越中国的北部,有6000多公里长,每几百米就设有瞭望台。42It is one of the wonders of the world它是世界奇观之一。43It lies on the two sides of Lijiang

5、River它位于漓江的两岸。44I hope you can visit my city one day! 我希望有一天你能参观我的城市。45But I dont think the pollution is as serious as I imagined但是我想污染没有我想象的严重。46Most people can speak both English and Chinese大多数人能说英语和汉语。47So it is not too difficult to communicate with the local people所以和当地居民交流不是很困难。【真题演练】一、根据汉语提示填空

6、1This is the second time I have ever seen the _ (升起) of the national flag in Beijing2The car runs at a _ (速度) of 120 kilometres per hour3Mr and Mrs Black went to the big shopping mall to buy a lot of _ (家具)4The _ (服务) in that hotel can not meet the customers needs5My uncle _ (服役) in the army when he

7、 was young6If you dont like summer in Nanjing, you may go to Dalian _ (代替)7The hotel itself can accommodate 80 guests In _ (另外)there are two halls8The _ (货币) used in China is RMB9Its too late to leave now _ (更何况), its raining outside10Most people in South Korea speak _ (韩语)二、用所给单词的正确形式填空11Although t

8、heres still a long way to go, wed better _ (continue) to the end12My favourite _ (attract) is the Great Wall13You can experience its _ (beautiful) and greatness if you go to the Great Wall14You can hire a bicycle from the bus station and ride around the city _ (safe)15The Great Wall was built for _

9、(protect) the northern border of China16The square _ (fill) with foreigners every morning17In the _ (east) countries, people are friendly to guests18To her _ (surprising), the girls won the match at last19John found his dog _ (lie) on the ground when he got home20You cant imagine the _ (great) of Mo

10、unt Tai if you dont climb it for yourself三、完成句子根据汉语完成句子21_ (据报道) a lot of people lost their jobs in the city last month22_ (毫无疑问) he will be admitted to the key university23_ (没必要) for you to get up early tomorrow24_ (看起来似乎) its going to rain25_ (很可能) the thieves dont know how much it is worth完成句子26

11、游客们喜欢一大早就聚集在天安门广场来看升国旗。The tourists enjoy _ on Tiananmen Square early in the morning _27南京市位于长江的两岸。The City of Nanjing _ of the Changjiang River28现在租一辆共享单车既方便又便宜。_ a shared bike29在城市四周,遍布形状各异的山脉。_, mountains stand _30不到长城非好汉。He _ the Great Wall is not _参考答案1raising2speed3furniture4service5served6ins

12、tead7addition8currency9Besides10Korean【分析】1句意:这是我在北京第二次看升国旗。根据the和 of the national flag名词所有格结构,可知用名词形式,故填raising。2句意:这辆车以每小时120公里的速度跑。根据at a speed of用一个的速度;故填speed。3句意:布莱克先生和太太去大商场买了许多家具。根据furniture家具,不可数名词;故填furniture。4句意:那个宾馆的服务不能满足客人的需要。根据service服务,名词,不可数名词;故填service。5句意:当我叔叔年轻时,他在部队服役。根据serve服役,

13、服务,根据when he was young可知是过去时态;故填served6句意:如果你不喜欢南京的夏天,你可以去北戴河。根据instead代替,副词,通常用于句末;故填instead。7句意:这个宾馆本身能容纳80个客人,另外有两个大厅。根据in addition另外;故填addition。8句意:中国使用的货币是人民币。根据currency货币;故填currency。9句意:天太晚了,不能走了,更何况外面在下雨。根据besides除之外,更何况;故填Besides。10句意:韩国多数人说韩语。根据Korean韩语;故填Korean。11continue12attraction13beauty14safely15protecting16is filled17eastern18surprise19lying20greatness【分析】11句意:尽管有很长的路要走,我们最好坚持到底。根据had better do sth最好做某事;故填continue。12句意:对我最有吸引力的是长城。根据favourite后用名词做主语,根据is可知是单数;故填attraction。13句意:如果你去长城,你能经历它的美丽和雄伟。根据its可知修饰名词;故填beauty 。14句意:你能在汽车站租一辆自行车,然后



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