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1、 Revision of Junior English - Adjectives计时开始4812162024283236404448525660Game Time (3 minutes)Use adjectives to make a word snake.For example: young - great - terrible - easyTry to use some adjectives to describethe following pictures.charming young popular famousenergetic delicious, yummy, colourful

2、, freshwell-known, attractive, fantastic,pleasantSandy is as _as Mandy.Sandy Mandytall /lovely/ prettyThe twins are very/ quite _ .sweetPeriod Two形容词和副词形容词和副词Adjectives and Adverbs形容词形容词、副词副词 形容词的构成形容词的构成: 1.名词名词+ y变为形容词变为形容词rainy, sunny foggy stormy, windy, snowy, frosty, cloudy, lucky, healthy, sl

3、eepy, noisy, guilty 2.名词名词+ ly变为形容词变为形容词lovely, friendly, lonely, lively weekly, daily n+ ful: careful, beautifuln+ less: careless, uselessn+ ous: dangerousV+ tive activeV+able enjoyable3.名词名词+ 其它后缀其它后缀变为形容词:变为形容词:1. 形容词作定语的位置形容词作定语的位置1.He is a tall man.2.Its a beautiful present.3.The red pencil is

4、mine.4.There is something wrong with the watch.5.Is there anything special?6.There is nothing new.2.形容词作表语形容词作表语1.He is very strong.2.Its getting warm.3.The soup tastes delicious.4.What he said proved true.5.She fell asleep.1)表语放在表语放在be动词和系动词之后动词和系动词之后, 系动词有系动词有be , become, get, prove, get, turn, lo

5、ok, sound, feel, taste, smell等等.2) 有些成对出现的形容词有些成对出现的形容词 Interesting/interestedShe became _ in English.Surprising/surprisedEveryone was _ at the news.Exciting/ excitedWhat we experienced is really _.Moving/ movedThe film was so _ that everyone was _ to tears.interestedsurprisedexcitingmovingmoved3. 形

6、容词作宾补形容词作宾补1.Running in the morning makes him strong.2.We think the film really interesting.3.Who has left the door open?4.I found her asleep on the grass.形容词作宾补指的是形容词作宾补指的是形容词修饰补充说明宾语形容词修饰补充说明宾语.形容词作宾补形容词作宾补主语主语+谓语谓语+宾语宾语+形容词形容词(作宾补作宾补)1.请保持教室清洁请保持教室清洁.2.我觉得这个故事很有趣我觉得这个故事很有趣.3.他说的话让我很高兴他说的话让我很高兴.Pl

7、ease keep the classroom clean.I found the story interesting.His words make me happy.What he said makes me happy.注意注意1:Simon looks _.A. happy B. happilySimon looked _ at me becauseI broke his glasses. A. angry B . angrily happyangrily中考链接:中考链接:As the trip was pleasant, they didnt feel _(疲劳疲劳) at all.

8、 tiredThe cake Mrs Black made looks _, but it tastes _. A.bad; good B. bad; well C.badly; good D. badly; wellThe food on the plate smells _. You cant eat it. A.delicious B. badly C.well D.bad副词:副词:1.作用作用2.构成与变化构成与变化3.分类分类A 副词的作用副词的作用1.1.用来修饰用来修饰2.2.说明时间说明时间, ,地点地点, ,程度程度, ,方式等方式等, , 做状语做状语. .动词动词形容词

9、形容词全句全句副词副词副词做副词做状语状语I bought a storybook yesterday.( 时间时间 )I bought it there.( 地点地点 )I read it happily.(方式方式 )Its very interesting.(程度程度 )Many birds live there _ (快快乐地生活乐地生活) all year round, they can_(容易地抓容易地抓) catch fish for food. happilyeasilyThese trousers are_( 太紧太紧),I prefer to wear jeans. too

10、 tight 副词修饰动词副词修饰动词副词修饰形容词副词修饰形容词I couldnt jump _(够高够高 ) to reach the maple leaves. 副词修饰副词副词修饰副词high enough_,its very difficult for giant pandas to survive in the wild. 副词修饰全句副词修饰全句Sadly副词的构成副词的构成1. 1. 形容词形容词+ +lyly构成副词构成副词e.g. different bad close free clear bright dangerous slow careful correct nea

11、t nice differentlycloselyclearlydangerouslycarefullyneatly badlyfreelybrightlyslowlycorrectlynicely2. 如果形容词以如果形容词以-y结尾结尾,变副词时要将变副词时要将y变为变为i,再加上再加上-ly e.g. angry happy heavy noisy easy lucky busyangrily happilyheavilynoisilyeasilyluckilybusily -y i + -lygentleterriblesimpleprobablepossiblegentlyterri

12、blysimplyprobablypossibly3. 以以le结尾的形容词结尾的形容词, 变副词时要变副词时要 将将e去去掉掉,再加再加-y-le -e + y根据要求写出下列单词的正确形式:根据要求写出下列单词的正确形式:1.easy(副词副词)2.correct(副词副词)3.quiet(副词副词) 4.polite(副词副词) 5. noise(副词副词)6. heavy (副词副词)7. luck(副词副词)8. angry(副词副词)easilycorrectlyquietlypolitelynoisilyheavilyluckilyangrilyHe is _ (live), c

13、lever and outgoing.Our neighbours are _ (friend) and we are happy here.livelyfriendly注意注意:3. 并非以并非以-ly结尾的词都是结尾的词都是副词副词adj. adj.注意注意: 2. true truly它的形容词变成副词时是它的形容词变成副词时是去去e 再再加加 -lyfarearlylatestraighthard注意注意4:.有些词的形容词与副词的形有些词的形容词与副词的形式式一样一样.fasthighlong二1qucikly 2 easily 3 angrily 4 truly 5 widely6

14、 terribly 7 fast 8 simply 9 carefully 10 heavily 11 busily 12 hard1. 顺序副词顺序副词Millie usually gets up at 6pm. .First, she brushes her teeth. Then, she washes her face.Next, she has breakfast.Afterwards, she takes a bus.Finally, she gets to school and has lessons.2. 频率副词频率副词alwaysusually often sometime

15、sseldom neverfrequency adverb 频率副词频率副词-_do you play computer games?- Never.How often对他们提问要用对他们提问要用How often(多长时多长时间一次间一次)形容词形容词和和副词副词比较级比较级和和最高级最高级的构成的构成规则变化规则变化单音节词单音节词和和少数双音节词少数双音节词 1) 1) 一般情况加一般情况加 er 或或 est fast faster fastest high higher highest clever cleverer cleverest 2) 2) 以字母以字母 e 结尾加结尾加 r

16、 或或 st fine finer finest late later latest nice nicer nicest3) 3) 重读闭音节重读闭音节、末尾只有一个辅音末尾只有一个辅音 字母字母时时双写双写加加 er 或或 est fat fatter fattest big bigger biggest thin thinner thinnest 4) 4) 以辅音字母加以辅音字母加 y 结尾变结尾变 y 为为 i 加加 er 或或 est early earlier earliest easy easier easiest lucky luckier luckiest 不规则变化不规则变

17、化 good/well better best many/much more most little less least far farther farthest ( far further furthest ) bad/badly/ill worse worst 三音节,多音节和+ly的副词比较级和最高级用more/ the mostdeliciouspopularwonderfulslowlyhappilycarefully more delicious/ most deliciousmore popular/most popularmore wonderful/ most wonder

18、fulmore slowly/most slowly一一1faster;fastest 2 hotter, hottest 3 lazier; laziest 4 cleverer; cleverest5 bigger; biggest 6 nicer; nicest7better, best 8 worse, worst9 more useful, most useful 10 fatter, fattest 11 later; latest 12 earlier; earliest 13 less; least14more, most 15 more famous, most famous

19、 16 more quickly, most quickly17 more expensive, most expensive18 busier, busiest 19 more, most 20 wider, widest三1 the farthest2 interesting3 more difficult 4 well 5 earlier6 interested7 less8 more9else10farther11 The rich12 the older13 more carefully 14 badly; worse15 clearly4.形容词的比较级和最高级形容词的比较级和最高

20、级原级比较法原级比较法I hope this book is as good as that one. As形容词形容词(副词副词)原级原级as 与与一样一样She is not as young as my sister.The horse cant run as fast as it did.Not as/so 形容词形容词(副词副词)原级原级as 与与不一样不一样 / 不如不如翻译练习翻译练习1.我和她一样勤奋我和她一样勤奋.2.她的书不如我的多她的书不如我的多.3.汉语同英语一样难学汉语同英语一样难学.I am as diligent as she is.She has not as

21、many books as I have.Chinese is as difficult a language as English.4.形容词的比较级和最高级形容词的比较级和最高级比较级用法比较级用法1)形容词比较级形容词比较级+than, 表示一方超过另表示一方超过另一方一方. She is cleverer than the other girls in her class.练习练习:这间房子比那间房子大这间房子比那间房子大. 这本书不如那本书有趣这本书不如那本书有趣. 这间房子比那间房子大这间房子比那间房子大.这本书不如那本书有趣这本书不如那本书有趣.This room is bigg

22、er than that one.This book is less interesting than that one.John Tomthan1.Johns eyes are bigger than Toms.2. Tom s tail is smaller than Johns. 4.形容词的比较级和最高级形容词的比较级和最高级比较级用法比较级用法2) 比较级比较级+and +比较级比较级, 表示表示越来越越来越Summer is coming, its getting hotter and hotter.练习练习: 天变得越来越黑天变得越来越黑. 情况一天比一天好起来情况一天比一天好起

23、来.The little boy is getting _ and _.taller taller 天变得越来越黑天变得越来越黑. 情况一天比一天好起来情况一天比一天好起来.Its getting darker and darker.Things are getting better and better everyday.4.形容词的比较级和最高级形容词的比较级和最高级比较级用法比较级用法3) The +比较级比较级+主语主语+ 谓语谓语, the +比较级比较级+主语主语+谓语谓语The busier he is, the happier he feels.他他越忙越忙, 他感到他感到越高

24、兴越高兴.The _, , the _.more hamburgers you eatfatter you will be翻译练习翻译练习1.她越长她越长, 越漂亮越漂亮.2.你越仔细你越仔细, 出错越少出错越少.3.你越锻炼你越锻炼, 就越健康就越健康.The elder she is, the more beautiful she grows.The more careful you are, the less mistakes you will make.The more exercise you do, the healthier you will become.Who is _ no

25、w, Jeremy Lin or Yao Ming?more famousJay is _ of the two.the younger2.肯定形式:肯定形式:as + adj.(原级)(原级)+ as 意为意为和和一样一样,表示同级的比较表示同级的比较 否定形式:否定形式:not as/so +adj.(原级)(原级) +as1.very , quite , too ,so 等+ adj.(原级(原级) ) 使用形容词比较级1.The +_,the +_越,就越2._+and+ _(或“more and more / less and less +_”)3. Which/Who+ is+_,

26、A or B ?4._ +of the two5.在形容词比较级前可用_,_, still, a little far, a lot 等修饰,表示程度比较级 比较级比较级 比较级原级比较级The +比较级evenmuchWho is _ ,Michael Jackson, Lady Gaga or Hu Xia?the youngest 使用形容词最高级时(1)可用“ one of +_ +_”表示“是最之一者 ”。 (2)the+最高级+of (in) +比较范围 the 形容词最高级形式名词复数 (3)the+序数词+形容词最高级词词 尾尾 变变 化化原级原级比较比较级级最高最高级级1)一

27、般情况下在词尾加一般情况下在词尾加-er(比较级比较级),加加-est(最高级最高级)。tall hard 2)以字母以字母e接尾的词加接尾的词加r (比较级比较级),加加st (最高级最高级)。large wide3)以重读闭音节结尾词末尾只有一个以重读闭音节结尾词末尾只有一个辅音字母,双写辅音字母再加辅音字母,双写辅音字母再加er (比比较级较级), 加加est (最高级最高级)。big hot thin fat wet4)以辅音字母以辅音字母+y结尾的词变结尾的词变y为为i再加再加er (比较级比较级),est (最高级最高级)。happy dry early5)多音节词和部分双音节词在

28、其前面多音节词和部分双音节词在其前面加加more (比较级比较级), 加加most (最高级最高级)。difficult popular slowlytaller hardertallest hardestlarger wider largest widestbigger hotter thinner fatter wetterbiggest hottest thinnest fattest wettest happier drier earlierhappiest driest earliest more difficult more popular more slowly most dif

29、ficult most popularmost slowlyExercises:good - _ -_bad/ill - _ -_ little - _ -_Many/much -_ - _far -_ /_ -_/ _old - _/_ -_/_better bestworse worstless leastmore mostfarther farthestfurther furthestolder oldestelder eldestclean-_ -_ wide-_ -_easy-_-_ fat -_-_beautiful-_-_cleaner cleanestwider wideste

30、asier easiestfatter fattestmore beautifulthe most beautiful3.(2010,昆明)Going to South Africa for the World Cup makes me _, for I am a football fan.A .relaxed B. relaxing C. excited D. exciting4. (2011,湖南)Li Na is _ tennis player in China now.A .most famous B. the most famousC. more famous D.famousC B

31、 1._people you help, _ you will be.A .More; happier B. Many; happyC .The more; the happier D. The many; the happy2.(2010,广州)-Why dont you like winter in Beijing?-Because it is _ winter in Guangzhou.A .as cold as B. much colder thanC. not so cold as D. not colder thanC B 5.(2010,河北)Sometimes walking

32、is even _ than driving during the busy traffic time.A .fast B. faster C. slow D. slower6.Of the two coats, shed like to choose the _ one to save money for a book.A .cheapest B. cheaper C. more expensive D .most expensiveB B Which is better, shopping online or shopping in real shops?Positive side (Gi

33、rls): My point is that shopping online is better .Negative side (Boys):My point is that shopping in real shops is better.Tips :利:convenient(方便的);lower price; save time 弊:cant see the products; get cheated (被骗)现在网购(shopping online)越来越普及,请你谈谈网购的利与弊,阐述你的观点并给出理由。80词左右。参考词和句子:advantages:convenient(方便的);l

34、ower price; save timedisadvantages:cant see the products; get cheated(被骗) Outline 1.Introduction (nowadays/these days/ at present shopping online more and more popular) 2.Advantages( on one hand / some people think)3.Disadvantages(on the other hand / other people think)4. Your opinion. At present ,s

35、hopping online is getting more and more popular. It has both advantagesand disadvantages. On one hand, it really brings us convenience and helps us save a lot of time. Not only can we buy things without going out, but we can buy things at a lower price. On the other hand, shopping online is not good

36、because we cant see the products. Sometimes we may get cheated. In my opinion, I prefer to shop online. BecauseI think this kind of shopping is both convenient and cheap. Its also a good way to save money. And I believe more and more people will like it .Finish P47- P51 of your exercise book. Finish your composition.



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