2023-2024学年译林版八年级英语上册Unit 6 知识清单教案

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1、2023-2024学年八年级英语上册单元知识清单Unit 6 Birdwatching一、Comic strip and Welcome to the unit1go birdwathcing = go to watch birds 去观鸟 2go to the market to watch the birds去市场观鸟 3 like the birds at the market 喜欢市场上的鸟 4join the Birdwatching Society 参加观鸟协会5brown and grey feathers 棕灰色的羽毛【区别】feather 鸟类的羽毛(可数名词); fur 其

2、它动物的皮毛(不可数名词) hair 头发 (不可数名词)6What do cranes look like? 鹤长的什么样子? 【询问长相、外貌】 7How many types/kinds of cranes are there in the world? 世界上有多少种鹤? 8They are rare birds 它们是稀有的鸟类。二、Reading1in Heilongjiang Province 在黑龙江省2Zhalong / Yancheng Nature Reserve 扎龙/盐城自然保护区 nature 名词:大自然 natural 形容词:自然的;天然的3in North-

3、east China = in the north-east of China 在中国东北【拓展】in East China = in the east of China = in the eastern part of China 在中国东部4one of the worlds most important wetlands世界上最重要的湿地之一=one of the most important wetlands in the world 5【重点】provide food and cover for a lot of wildlife = provide a lot of wildlif

4、e with food and cover为许多野生动物提供食物和庇护所【区分】provide sth for sb = provide sb with sth offer sth to sb = offer sb sthcover 作名词:庇护所,封面,盖子 作动词:覆盖 eg: Please cover the boy with my coat 请用我的外套将那个男孩盖起来。 The ground is covered with snow 大地被雪覆盖着。 (被动语态) 6It is a perfect place for some rare birds 对一些珍稀的鸟类来说它是一个完美的

5、地方。 7all year round = the whole year 一年到头 8go there only for a short stay 只去那儿作短暂停留 = stay there only for a short time 9 while的用法:while作名词:一会儿 eg: after a while 过了一会儿while作连词:当时候(后接长动词) eg: I was watching TV while father was sleepingwhile作连词:然而(表并列关系) eg: Boys like playing football while girls like

6、dancing 10be active in the daytime 在白天很活跃 1140 per cent of them live in Zhalong 它们中的40%生活在扎龙。12make the wetlands smaller in order to have more space for farms and buildings让湿地变得更好是为了给农场和楼房留有更多的空间。in order to do sth 为了做某事否定: in order not to do sth 为了不做某事in order that + 目的状语从句 = so that + 目的状语从句 为了,以便

7、13This will lead to less and less space for wildlife 这将导致野生动物的空间越来越少。lead:带领;领导过去式:led】lead to sth lead to doing sth 导致某事的发生或结果,其中to 为介词。less and less space/room 越来越少的空间 【space/room作“空间”时不可数】 14have enough food to eat 有足够的食物吃15Now the Chinese government has made laws to prevent all these things in Z

8、halong现在中国政府已经制定了法律来预防这些事情(发生)在扎龙。has made 为现在完成时结构 【现在完成时:have/has + 过去分词】 prevent防止、阻止、预防 【用法】prevent sth 预防/阻止某事 prevent doing sth 预防/阻止做某事 prevent sb (from) doing sth = stop sb (from) doing sth 阻止某人做某事= keep sbfrom doing sth 【注意】keep sb doing sth 保持某人一直做某事 16the members of the Birdwatching Socie

9、ty 观鸟协会的成员 17go to study the birds in Zhalong 去研究扎龙的鸟 18record their types and changes in their numbers 记录它们的种类以及数量上的变化 19need more people to count and describe the birds 需要更多的人来数鸟并且对其进行描述 count 动词:数,计数 countable 形容词:可数的;uncountable 形容词:不可数的 describe 动词:描述 description 名词:描述20help people understand t

10、he importance of the wetlands 帮助人们理解湿地的重要性 understand 过去式: understood21Studying Zhalong helps us learn about protecting wildlife 【动名词短语作主语(单数)】 三、Grammar【语法】A 用动词不定式表目的状语。 Eg: I often go to the market to watch the birds I made a kite to play with my son = I made a kite in order to play with my son 【

11、语法】B、用动词不定式作宾语补足语。 【结构: 动词 + 宾语 + 动词不定式(作宾补)】 (1)带to的动词不定式作宾语补足语的动词主要有:要求允许提议(ask, allow, advise),期望邀请鼓励(expect, invite, encourage),教导告诉想要(teach, tell, want,need),等待希望愿意(wait for, wish, would like / love)。如: We are now inviting them to help us We need more people to count and describe the birds We a

12、sk people not to catch birds for any reason(2)不带to动词不定式作补语,在主动语态句里to省略 (被动语态句里to要加上)。多数动词是感官动词和使役动词,包括四“看”:look at, observe, see, watch,三“让”:have, let, make,二“听”:hear, listen to,一“感觉”:feel,一“注意”:notice。如:This picture makes me feel excited!Mr Mu agreed to let me join their school tripShe often sees t

13、he boy play football in the park(3)有的动词不定式作宾补时to可带可不带,如help后接动词不定式作补语。They can help you (to) learn English Using email English helps you write quickly 【拓展】动词不定式的其它用法介绍: (1)用作后置定语定语:句子的主语或宾语是动词不定式的逻辑主语,不定式与其所修饰的名词、代词等存在逻辑的动宾关系I have so many clothes ( to wash) today We have no house (to live in) I hav

14、e much homework (to do) (2)用作原因状语,多见于“sb+be+adj+to do”结构句中。如:I feel very lucky to have a friend like you I am sorry to hear that (3)用作结果状语,多见于“tooto”,“enough to”结构句中。如:Im too tired to walk any farther The room is big enough for three people to live in = The room is too small for three people to live inI ran home quickly to find my house on fire(4)用作宾语:常直接跟在及物动词ask, choose, agree, hope, decide, learn,know, wish, want,would like / love等后面作宾语。如:We want to go shoppin



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