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1、二窎中学“学的课堂,五步问题式”英语导学稿之8B Unit8 Comic strip & Welcome to the unit (执教者:刘隽隽) Class_ Name_ Asking questions1. Our environmemt is changing for the worse,what should we do?2. Can you express your own ideas about living a green life? Learning by yourselves (孩子,预习很重要哦,相信你一定行的!)A. Learn new words by yoursel

2、ves1. dig /di/ vi.&vt. _ 2. serious /siris/ adj._3. cause /k:z/ vt._ 4. wise /waiz/ adj._5. breadfruit /bredfru:t/ n._ 6. recycle /,ri:saikl/ vt._7. reduce /ridju:s/ vi.&vt. _B. Read the dialogues on page106&107 C. Translate the following phrases1.打算做某事_2.植更多的树_3.对有好处_4.在花园里挖沟_5.减少空气污染_6.通过骑自行车_7.关灯

3、_8.回收利用东西_9.过上绿色的生活_10.开车送我上学_11.导致严重的空气污染_12.缩短淋浴时间_13.节约水/能源_ Working in groups (让我们小组成员在课堂上通力合作,一起为组争光吧!)Acivity one: Work in pairs and read the coversation between Eddie and Hobo.You can add your own ideas.Activity two: Discuss how to live a green life. The Class1,Grade8 students are talking abo

4、ut ways to live a green life. Do you know some other ways ?(至少写出三点)_ Working in class (孩子,期待你更精彩的表现。)Activity three: Make a speech 节约资源,保护环境,从我们身边的小事做起,号召同学们一起保护环境过绿色生活提示:每天步行上学;离开教室记得关灯;不用水时记得关水龙头;垃圾分类,循环使用;不使用塑料袋;Good afternoon,everyone! Today I want to say something about living a green life ._ A

5、sking new questions (孩子,你还有困惑吗?)当堂达标:一、根据括号中的中英文提示或句意,写出句中所缺单词,使句子通顺。 1.People are trying their best to _( make something less or smaller in size,price,etc.) the pollution. 2. I _(挖)a hole in the garden with a tool several days ago. 3. You are_(明智的)enough to take a map and a mobile phone with you. 4

6、. Noise pollution has_(导致)a lot of trouble. 5. My English teacher looks very _(严肃的). 二、选所给词的适当形式完成句子。 dig ride turn plant choose 1. Please rememberl _off the lights when you leave the room.2. My grandfather likes _in the garden every day .3. A lot of small trees will_here this year.4. People can red

7、uce air pollution by _bicycle.5. Its wise for people _public transport now.三、 单项选择 1. More money_ if we use both sides of paper. A. will save B. was saved C.has saved D. will be saved 2. _energy, you can turn off the water when you brush your teeth A. Save B. Saving C. To save D. Saved 3. There_ a river near the house, but now it has turned into farmland. A. used to have B.used to be C. is used to having D. is used to be 2



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