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1、2024年度安徽省银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识通关试题库(有答案)一单选题(共60题)1、Air fares will be _on July 20. Domestic flights will go down by 10 percent, but international flights will go up by .A.revisedB.residedC.reshapedD.reserved【答案】 A2、It is not hard to read Arya,because she()blushes with embarrassment when she has a terrible c

2、onversation with others.A.habituallyB.habitC.habitsD.habitual【答案】 A3、巴塞尔协议III中,净稳定融资比例主要用于度量长期内银行解决资金错配的能力,该比例为()。A.银行可用稳定资金来源/业务所需的稳定资金来源50%B.银行可用稳定资金来源/业务所需的稳定资金来源100%C.银行可用稳定资金来源/业务所需的稳定资金来源150%D.银行可用稳定资金来源/业务所需的稳定资金来源200%【答案】 B4、()签订于八国联军侵华之后,这一条约使中国彻底沦为半殖民地半封建社会。A.南京条约B.瑷珲条约C.马关条约D.辛丑条约【答案】 D5、

3、Passage 1A.introduce a new course to studentsB.help students learn about investmentC.teach how to apply for a credit cardD.encourage studentspersonal savings【答案】 B6、资料:Chinas Fosun has offered to buy almost 17 percent of Millennium BCP, Portugals largest listed bank, and potentially lift its stake t

4、o 30 percent, following a having in its share price in the year to date.A.?0.03B.?0.02C.?0.05D.?0.025【答案】 A7、2008年全球金融危机爆发以来,世界主要国家央行开始采取特殊货币政策,美国在利率水平已经接近纪录最低时,推出了一系列非常规货币政策,包括为了支持银行贷款的长期流动性供给,为压低长期利率的资产购买计划等,除美国以外,美国、日本和欧洲银行也采取了非常规货币政策。IMF于2013年5月16日发布了非常规货币政策:最近经验与前景报告,报告称发达国家的非常规货币政策在很大程度上帮助实现了该

5、国政策目标,诸如持续两年左右的购买国债计划帮助美国和英国的GDP增速提升了约2个百分点,然而,发达国家的这些政策对世界其他国家也造成了很大的影响,大量资本流入拉丁美洲和亚洲,导致新兴市场的汇率过度升值和波动。A.汇率B.投机性货币需求C.货币供给D.物价【答案】 B8、需求拉上的通货膨胀可以通俗地表述为( )。A.太多的货币追求太多的商品B.太多的货币追求太少的商品C.太少的货币追求太多的商品D.太少的货币追求太少的商品【答案】 B9、生产者的短期成本一定()长期成本。A.高于B.低于C.等于D.都有可能【答案】 A10、根据企业会计准则,短期投资一般使用()进行核算。A.成本法B.权益法C.

6、合同法D.收益法【答案】 A11、资料:To manage teams organization require effective managers.Highly skilled and trained managers can make more informed decisions. The use of beat practice models enables managers to ensure their teams operate efficiently.This will improve quality for customers as staff will be better

7、 trained to deal with customers needs.It will also improve team effectiveness and help organizations to perform better.A.s/he loves people to discuss problemsB.s/he is likely to delay the decisionsC.s/he seldom consults othersD.s/he needs to make quick response【答案】 A12、Thats()I dont agree.You should

8、 have a more active attitude.A.whereB.howC.whenD.what【答案】 A13、“只有错买的,没有错卖的”指普遍存在于经济生活中的()。A.道德风险B.逆向选择C.信息不对称D.测量误差【答案】 C14、人民币汇率形成机制改革坚持主动性、可控性、渐进性的原则,2005年7月21日,人民币 汇率形成机制改革启动,开始实行以市场供求为基础、参考一篮子货币政策进行调节、有管理 的浮动汇率制度。自汇率形成机制改革以来,人民币汇率弹性逐步扩大,并形成双向波动的格 局,呈现稳中有升的态势。A.固定汇率制B.浮动汇率制C.盯住汇率制D.有管理的浮动汇率制【答案】

9、C15、关于商业汇票贴现核算的下列表述中,不正确的是()。A.商业银行通过“贴现资产”科目核算办理相关业务B.该科目应该按照贴现种类和贴现申请人进行明细核算C.会计部门接到贴现凭证及商业汇票后,按照规定的贴现率计算出贴现利息并给予扣收,实付贴现金额=汇票金额-汇票天数*贴现天数*月贴现率D.编制会计分录:借记:贴现资产商业承兑汇票或银行承兑汇票(面值)贷记:吸收存款贴现申请人户,贷记贴现资产利息调整【答案】 C16、Although some of these projects have been recently completed,the majority of projects will

10、 _ in the fall of 2019.A.initiateB.originateC.manipulateD.commence【答案】 D17、 我国合同法在要约的生效时间上采取的是()。A.发信主义B.到达主义C.以发信主义为主,到达主义为辅D.以到达主义为主,发信主义为辅【答案】 B18、商业性金融机构是按照现代企业制度改造和组建起来的,以营利为目的的银行和非银行金融机构,它们承担了全部商业性金融业务。中华人民共和国的商业性金融机构不包括()。A.期货市场B.证券机构C.银行业金融机构D.保险机构【答案】 A19、资料:Its easy to trace the evolution

11、of the automobile.At most,were only talking about a few centuries of technological development,and most of the plans,prototypes and models are still around. With just a little research,you can easily trace the latest model electric hybrid back to its steam-powered ancestors.A.Morpholoical and geneti

12、c studies helped scientists to trace unknown common ancestor of chimps and humans existedB.Morphological and genetic studies determined exact species of common ancestor of chimps and humans existedC.Genetic studies found hominid fossils to bridge the evolutionary progression from unknown common ance

13、stor to modern humansD.Morphological studies helped finding the famous East African fossils and set up an milestone in this field【答案】 C20、资料:When we see well,we do not think about our eyes very often. It is only when we cannot see perfectly that we realize how important our eyes are.A.a difficulty t

14、hat can be corrected by an operationB.eyes that are not exactly the right shapeC.an eye difficulty that cannot be corrected by glassesD.one eye bigger than the other【答案】 B21、Each man and woman must sign _ full names before entering the examination room.A.hisB.herC.theirD.ones【答案】 C22、甲乙在银行存款共9600元,如果两人取走各自存款的40%,然后甲再从存款中转账120元给乙,这时两人存款数相等。那么甲的原存款为多少元?


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