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1、中考单词复习知识句子清单131. .memorial/mmril/n纪念碑(或像等);纪念物;纪念品adj纪念的;悼念的The town raised a memorial to those killed in the war.这座小镇为战争中牺牲的人树立了一座纪念碑。复数: memorials记忆技巧:memor- 记忆 + -ial .的memor-记忆memoryn. 记忆力memor- 记忆 + -y 名词后缀memorizevt. 记住memor- 记忆 + -ize 动词后缀2. .humble/hmbl/adj谦逊的;虚心的;卑微的He always makes much of

2、his humble origins.他总是非常在意他卑微的出身。第三人称单数: humbles现在分词: humbling过去式: humbled过去分词: humbled比较级: humbler最高级: humblest派生词: humbly adv.记忆技巧:hum 土,地 + -ble 形容词后缀lowly adj. 卑微的,低下的辨析指社会地位、职位等低下的,有时为幽默用法,可与 humble 换用。例证The lowly are often most intelligent.卑贱者往往最聪明。3. .criticiseNAmE-ize/krtsaz/vi&vt批评;指责;评价Thi

3、s isnt really what my wife is trying to criticise me about.这并不是我的妻子真正试图批评我的东西。4. .criticism/krtszm/n批评;指责;评论He shrugged off the criticism.他对批评不予理睬。复数: criticisms记忆技巧:crit 判断, 分辨 + -ic 人/学科 + -ism 名词后缀crit判断, 分辨criticizev. 批评crit 判断, 分辨 + -ic 人/学科 + -ize 动词后缀5. .representative/reprzenttv/adj典型的;有代表性的

4、n代表He was the Queens representative at the ceremony.他代表女王出席了庆典。复数: representatives比较级: more representative最高级: most representative记忆技巧:represent 代表;象征 + -ative 有.倾向/性质的deputy n. 代理人,副职辨析指被上级授权具体行事、职位仅居于其下的人。例证My brother will act as a deputy for me while I am away.我不在时,我弟弟将代理我的工作。6. .ink/k/n墨水;墨汁;油墨T

5、hese ink stains wont wash out.这些墨渍洗不掉。第三人称单数: inks现在分词: inking过去式: inked过去分词: inked7. .animation/nmen/n(电脑、录像)动画制作;动画片The films are a mix of animation and full-length features.这些电影是动画和情节长片的混合体。animation n. 动画片辨析指动态的动画片或动画游戏。例证This electronic dictionary includes some animations.这部电子词典中有一些动画片。8. civil

6、/svl/adj国民的;民用的;民事的We cannot take sides in a civil war.内战中,我们不能支持任何一方。派生词: civilly adv.记忆技巧:civ 公民 + -ilpolite adj. 有礼貌的,客气的辨析指言谈举止礼貌得当的,能够考虑到他人的需要或感受。例证The young man is always very polite.那个年轻人总是很有礼貌。9. pearlpl:n珍珠A local jeweler says the pearl is worth at least $500.一位本地珠宝商说这颗珍珠至少值$500。10. somewha

7、tsmwt:adv有点;稍微He has a somewhat donnish air about him.他身上有点学究气。记忆技巧:some det.若干 + what pron.什么somedet.若干somethingpron. 某物,某事some det.若干 + thing n.东西somebodypron. 某人some det.若干 + body n.身体11. madammdm:n夫人;女士Pardon me, are you finished, madam?对不起,您好了吗,太太?复数: madams记忆技巧:ma n.母亲 + dam- 女士lady n. 正式女士,夫人

8、; 美,口小姐辨析多用于演讲或祝酒时称呼在场的女性,此时通常用复数;也指对英国贵族女眷或爵士妻子的称呼,或生气时对不认识的女子的称呼。例证Can you tell me who Lady Fitzgerald is?你能告诉我哪位是菲茨杰拉德夫人吗?12. calorieklri:n卡路里(热量单位)Reduced-calorie cheese is a great substitute for cream cheese.低卡路里干酪是奶油干酪的极好替代品。复数: calories记忆技巧:calor- 热 + -ie 名词后缀13. associationssien:n协会;关联The as

9、sociation holds an annual reunion.这个协会每年举行一次重聚会。复数: associations记忆技巧:associat(e) 使发生联系 + -ion 行为,状态circle n. 圈子,界辨析指由相互认识、定期会面的人组成的群体,也可指有着类似兴趣或工作的一群人。例证She was part of an exclusive social circle.她所处的社交圈子很排外。regardlessrdls:adv不顾;不加理会She always travels first-class regardless of expense.无论费用多高她总是乘头等舱。

10、记忆技巧:regard v.看待 + -less 无.的regardlessof:不管;不顾She always travels first-class regardless of expense.无论费用多高她总是乘头等舱。14. categoryktri:n类别;种类His pictures dont fit into any category.他的画哪一类也算不上。复数: categorieskind n. 种类辨析普通用词,指有某种共同点、可以归为一类的人或事物,可与 sort/type 换用。例证Solar energy is a new kind/sort/type of sour

11、ce of energy.太阳能是一种新型能源。15. vitaminvtmnvatmn:n维生素Oranges are rich in vitamin C.橘子含有丰富的维生素C。复数: vitamins记忆技巧:vit- 生命 + -amin 氨fibre/fiberfab(r):n纤维;纤维制品Most vegetables contain fibre.大多数蔬菜含有纤维。复数: fibres16. quantitykwntti:n数量;数额Is it available in sufficient quantity?这东西能不能足量供应?复数: quantities记忆技巧:quant

12、- 量,数量 + -ity 状态,性质aggregate n. 正式总数,合计辨析指把各部分加起来的总数。例证Dividends for the year amounted in the aggregate to $50, 000.该年的红利总计达5万美元17. dairyderi:adj奶制的;乳品(业)的He kept a few dairy cows.他养了几头奶牛。复数: dairiesmoderationmdren:n适度;合理TV is not necessarily toxic, but is something that has to be done in moderation

13、; something that balances the other needs of the child for healthy devel看电视不一定是有害的,但必须有节制;平衡孩子健康发展的其他需求18. idealadil:adj完美的;理想的;想象的He has found his ideal mate.他已经找到了理想的配偶。复数: ideals派生词: ideally adv.记忆技巧:ide 意,观念 + -al .的perfect adj. 理想的,完美的辨析强调无可挑剔、完美无缺的。例证Thats perfect! This hair style is just what

14、 I wanted.太完美了!这个发型正是我想要的。19. fundamentalfndmentl:adj根本的;基础的;基本的Hard work is fundamental to success.勤奋工作是成功的基础。复数: fundamentals比较级: more fundamental最高级: most fundamental记忆技巧:fundament n.基础 + -al .的elementary adj. 基本的,初级的辨析强调基本的、简单的,或指事物处于初级阶段的,通常作定语。例证The lawyer was ignorant of even the most elementary facts.那位律师连最基本的事实都不知道。20. chewtu:v咀嚼;嚼碎I do not chew gum in public.我不在公共场合嚼口香糖。第三人称单数: chews复数: chews现在分词: chewing过去式: chewed过去分词: chewedeat v. 吃,食用辨析普通用词,通常指用餐、吃东西。



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