Unit+8+知识点讲义 人教版英语八年级上册

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1、英语张老师专用讲义 八上Unit 8 单元知识点复习巩固一、词汇回顾9学科网(北京)股份有限公司1. _ pr 倒;倾倒 2. _jort 酸奶;3. _hni蜂蜜 4. _spun 勺,调羹 5. _d 增加6. _fanli 最后,最终 7. _r 糖 8_min 机器 9_ 洞 10_snwt 三明治 11_ trki火鸡 12_ trdnl 传统的 13. _秋天14_ trvl 旅行者15_selbret 庆祝;庆贺 16. _填满,充满 17_coverkvr 遮盖,盖子, 18._srv 接待,服务 19. _temprtr 温度,气候二、词汇拓展1. shake (过去式)2.

2、 final (adv. 最后) (近义词)3. salt (adj 咸的)4. dig (过去式)5. tradition (adj. 传统的)6. autumn (近义词)7. celebrate (n. 庆祝)8. prepare (n. 准备)9. mash (adj. 捣碎的)10. mix (混合物)11. serve (n. 服务) (n. 仆人)12. four (第四)13. tomato (复数)14. fill (adj.满的) (近义词)用所给词的适当形式填空。1. (not) make any noise in class!2. I (add) some beef t

3、o the soup just now.3. Leo (dig) a hole and then put a box in it.4. How many (spoon) of sugar do you want? 5. Dont forget (take) your homework home.6. They often give thanks by (have) a big meal at home.7. We need two spoons of (honey) to make milk shake.8. Its time (show) love to your mother on Mot

4、hers Day.9. Jane (shake) the bottle before she drank the orange juice.10. Kates mother is showing her how (make) turkey.11. My mother needs (cook) dinner after work every day.12. Wait a moment. Ill finish (cut) up these vegetables.13. Alan, how do you decide (celebrate) you birthday?14. As we all kn

5、ow, dumplings are (tradition) food in China.15. Dont come here. I (pour) hot water into the thermos (热水瓶) bottle.16. They walked for an hour, and (final) they arrived at the small village.17. I like eating (watermelon) in summer. Theyre pretty delicious. 18. The new restaurant (serve) people many ki

6、nds of delicious foods. Why not go there? 19. Linda was so shy that she (cover) her face with her hands when she met me for the first time.20. In the United States, Thanksgiving is always on the fourth Thursday in November, but in Canada it (fall) on the second Monday in October.三、短语复习1. 打开 2. 切碎 3.

7、 把倒进 4. 剥香蕉皮 _ 5. 香蕉奶昔 _ 6. 一杯酸奶 _ 7. 把放进 8. 种树 _ 9. 另外十分钟 _ 10. 把加到上/里 11. 还有一件事 12. 忘记去做某事 13. 洗衣服 _ 14.用招待某人 15. 用覆盖 16. 将切成片 17. 一片面包 _ 18. 传统食物 19. 感谢;感恩 20. 逐一地 _ 21. 把.混在一起 22.用填满 23. 主菜 _ 24. 在高温下 25. 米线 _ 26. 鸡汤 _ 27. 到(某人)做某事的时间了 _28. 在大多数时间_ 29.忘记去做某事_ 30.使怎样 _ 31.使某人做某事_32.记得去做某事_ 33.忘记去

8、做某事_34.忘记做过某事_完成句子 1. 制作水果沙拉很容易。Its quite easy .2. 汤姆喜欢喝奶昔,但是他的姐姐不喜欢。Tom likes to , but his sister doesnt.3. 你能告诉我怎样打开电脑吗?Can you tell me the computer?4. 最后不要忘了加盐。Finally, dont some salt.5. 请剥三根香蕉并把它们切碎。Tom, please peel three bananas and .6. 我的妈妈让我帮她把汤倒进碗里。My mother asked me to help her the bowl.7.

9、我妈妈经常用报纸把桌子盖住。My mother often the table newspapers.8. 请帮我把这些肉切成薄片。Please help me the meat .9. 我们应当对父母所提供的一切表示感谢。We should everything that our parents give us.10. 请帮我将洋葱和鸡肉混合在一起。Please help me the onion and the chicken.11. 请把这个瓶子装满水。Please this bottle water.12. 汤姆很爱他的叔叔。他把叔叔看作他的父亲。Tom loves his uncle. He his father.13. 首先, 挖一个洞,然后将树放进里面。First, and t



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