期末复习+Module+12+短语句型的翻译练习 外研版英语九年级上册

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期末复习+Module+12+短语句型的翻译练习 外研版英语九年级上册_第1页
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《期末复习+Module+12+短语句型的翻译练习 外研版英语九年级上册》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《期末复习+Module+12+短语句型的翻译练习 外研版英语九年级上册(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、短语搭配句型表达之背诵默写 + 应用检测应用检测(含答案)用所学短语或句型将下列句子翻译成英文:1. 我宁愿步行而不是坐公交车。_2. 他喜欢每天骑自行车去学校。_3. 离开房间时请关灯。_4. 吸烟对健康有害。_5. 我想尝试一些新鲜有趣的事物。_6. 小心,你的行为可能会给他人带来伤害。_7. 请尽快完成工作。_8. 我会尽可能长时间地学习备考。_9. 如果可能的话,我想去巴黎旅行。_10. 让我们把备用房间改成书房。_11. 是时候改变我们的日常习惯了。_12. 我买了一些杂货,以便我们能做晚餐。_13. 过马路时注意交通。_14. 我会尽力按时完成这个项目。_15. 让我们使用纸袋而不

2、是塑料袋。_16. 我们应该携带布袋购物。_17. 她用精致的瓷杯和碗盛茶。_18. 我们希望社区能迅速变化。_19. 让我们互相帮助做家务。_20. 他们组织了一次慈善活动来筹款。_21. 为了子孙后代,保护环境很重要。_22. 我想参加学校的剧目。_23. 我每天锻炼一次,保持健康。_24. 我们每周有两次英语课。_参考答案1. I prefer to walk on foot rather than take the bus.2. He likes to ride a bike to school every day.3. Please turn off the lights when

3、you leave the room.4. Smoking is harmful to your health.5. I want to try something new and exciting.6. Be careful that your actions can do harm to others.7. Please finish the work as soon as possible.8. I will study as long as possible for the exam.9. If possible, I would like to visit Paris.10. Let

4、s change the spare room into a study.11. Its time to make a change in our daily habits.12. I bought some groceries so that we can cook dinner.13. Pay attention to the road while crossing it.14. I will try my best to finish the project on time.15. Lets use paper bags instead of plastic bags.16. We sh

5、ould bring cloth bags for shopping.17. She served tea in delicate china cups and bowls.18. We hope for rapid change in our community.19. Lets help each other do the chores.20. They organized a charity event to raise money.21. Its important to protect the environment for future generations.22. I want to take part in the school play.23. I exercise once a day to stay healthy.24. We have English class twice a week.学科网(北京)股份有限公司



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