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1、大学英语四级作文之文章过渡锦集二十一篇 下面是小编精心整理的大学英语四级作文之文章过渡锦集二十一篇,仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。 大学英语四级作文之文章过渡1 英语四级 图表作文常用过渡句 1) It can be seen from the table that 2) The table(chart. graph) shows/ indicates that 3) According to the figures given in the table 4) As the graph depicts/ shows/ indicates 5) Its clearly/ vividly shown

2、 from the table that 6) The table represents the development and changes in 7) After considering the information in the table we might conclude that 8) According to the above table.we can see that 9) Depending on the statistics given here, most people think that 10) On the basis of the data given. w

3、e can clearly see that 英语四级提纲/提示式作文讲解 提纲/提示式作文测试题型,给出作文题目,并给出两三个汉语或英语提示句作为写作指导,要求考生按照提示的内容进行阐述、解释或说明,将其扩展成一篇文章。提供提纲的目的是为了控制短文的写作,以便按照给定的主题或内容进行拓展。 因此,提纲/提示式作文也属于控制性作文,但与段首句作文和关键词作文相比,该类作文具有更大的发挥余地。该题型是四级作文测试中常见的一种。自从1990年以来,四级作文题型的重点就是提纲式作文.在该种题型中,题目只给出了写作的中心和大概方向,因此写作的关键同样是抓住中心和主题.提纲式作文有两种:一种是中文提纲/

4、提示,另一种是英文提纲/提示。历年真题多要求考生就某问题或现象发表个人观点,分析原因,提供建议,侧重考查学生的思辨能力.(英语培训学校) 题目和提纲对短文写作起着控制和指导的作用.题目限定了短文写作的主题,而提纲则对短文的主要内容进行了规定.因此在写这种作文时.考生首先要细心钻研文章题目和提纲,展开思路,把题目和提纲联系起来,找出提纲中的关键性词语,从而确立文章的中心思想。 大学英语四级作文之文章过渡2 one day, when we were all in classroom., wang fang suddenly cried, oh! we all looked at her and

5、found that she was groaning. teacher turned to ask her what was wrong. she said, i have got a fever, my head is very hot! immediately, our teacher sent her to hospital, and we all followed them. in the hospital, we asked doctor wang to give an injection to her, and she gradually became calm and not

6、as hot as before. we all thanked the doctor. the day has passed, but it is clearly in my mind. i think if we can do things like that in the incident, the society will be better, and the relationship between people will be better as well! 大学英语四级作文之文章过渡3 How to Eliminate Noise Pollution 如何消除噪音污染 Nowad

7、ays, along with the fast pace of urban development, noise pollution has largely disturbed the normal life of city dwellers. It has becomes such a serious problem that it has aroused the concern from the whole society. 现如今,伴随着城市快速发展的步伐,噪音污染对城市居民的正常生活干扰很大。噪音污染成了一个如此严重的问题,所以引起了整个社会的关注。 To put an end to

8、 such a serious problem, in my mind, calls for the efforts from all sides. First of all, major factories, as main noise creators, should be moved to industrial zones in suburbs. Department stores and big restaurants should not to be established too close to residential quarters. Moreover, the munici

9、pal government should increase the ratio of green land in the city, which can reduce all kinds of noises significantly. Last but not least, all urban constructions should be stopped during the night so as not to disturb the neighboring dwellers. 依我看来,要解决这一严重的问题,需要各方的努力。第一,大型工厂作为主要噪音制造者,应该搬到郊外的工业区。百货

10、商店和大型餐厅不应该建得离居民区太近。另外,市政府应该提高城市土地的绿化率,这能很大程度上减少各种噪音。最后但同样重要的是,在夜间,所有的城市建设都应该停止,以防打扰周围的居民。 How can anybody expect to lead a meaningful life until he is far from noise pollution Only when all of us join in the efforts of eliminating noise pollution at all levels can we expect to have a better environm

11、ent and a more beautiful future. 如果人们不远离噪音污染,如何期望能在一个意义的人生?只有当我们所有人都加入到消除各种噪音污染的努力中,我们才能期望有一个更好的环境,和更美好的未来。 大学英语四级作文之文章过渡4 If Im the guide of my foreign friends visit to our campus, I will choose the Cherry Avenue as our first destination. As the name implies, the Cherry Avenue is lined with hundred

12、s of neatly-placed cherry blossom trees. It is about 200 meters long and a major scenic spot in our campus. In spring when the cherry trees bloom, the flowers are so dense that looking from a distance, it seems as if the road were surrounded by pink-hued clouds. Especially when there is a breeze, pe

13、tals of cherry blossoms flutter and fall gently like a drizzle. Such breath-taking scene will put visitors into a kind of trance.Whats more special is the buildings along the avenue. Built in early 1900s, they are now called “cherry blossom castle”. Theyve witnessed the history of our school and eve

14、n our country. You can learn a lot about our school there. In a word, a tour to the Cherry Avenue is both an amazing sight-seeing and a great opportunity to know about the culture of our school. 大学英语四级作文之文章过渡5 1.语篇的连贯性 英语议论文的段落多采取直线展开式,即段落开始直接切入主题,并给出事实、例证、推理等。英语议论文段落这种展开方式是形成其语篇连贯的基础。语篇的连贯是指段落中各句的意

15、义通过某种有序的排列而相互关联。在论述该段落主题的时候,每后一个句子都是建立在前面一个句子的基础之上的。如果去掉段落中的一个句子,这种连贯便会受到影响,就会造成读者在理解上的困难。 2. 议论文中心段落的主题句及其论据、议论文中常用的词句与短语 议论文中心段落的主题句及其论据 一篇议论文能否获得高分与其中心段落主题句的质量不无关联,而主题句质量的高低则又取决于审题的好坏和论据的选择。需要明确的是,中心段落只应有两个组成部分:段落的主题句和支持主题句的论据。 段落的主题句也应有两个部分组成,即:主题句=主题+作者对主题的看法或态度,两者缺一不可。假设应试者被要求写一篇有关吸烟的议论文,那么 SMOKING 就是中心段落的主题。请看下面这个主题句: Smoking is a habit of many men. 该主题句暴露出两个问题:作者审题不清;作者没有表明对主题的看法或态度。 1.大学英语四级议论文写作 2.中考作文议论文论据写作之素材:积累 3.科技议论文写作思路 4.关于议论文的写作方法 5.议论文写作论据:知错就改 6.高中议论文写作要点 7.高中议论文写作指要 8.高中议论文的写作方法



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