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1、2022年度江西省上饶市县第四中学高三英语模拟试卷含解析一、选择题1.i n the classroom are the people who are attending the parents9 meeting.A.Seating B.To sit C.Seated D.Havingseated参考答案:c27.the exact departure time,he missed his train.A.Not be told B.Having not been told C.Not having told D.Not having beentold.参考答案:D略3.Im not goin

2、g to say sorry to h i m.I wont today.A.A t f i r s t B.A t l a s t C.A t m o s t D.A t l e a s t参考答案:D4.Miss Lee didnt notice little Tom slide out of the classroom;she _ something on theblackboard.A.was writing B.wrote C.had written D.has written参考答案:A试题分析:考查动词时态。Miss Lee没有注意到little Tom 悄悄出了教室;也就是说:

3、MissLee出教室时,她正在黑板上些东西。可知用过去进行时态。故选A。5.It will not be long we enter university.ItH be a time we celebrate.A.before;/B.after;when C.since;that D.when;which参考答案:A6.Help is greatly needed for families homes were destroyed in the bombing.A.which B.of whom C.of which D.whose参考答案:D7.The boy on the ground t

4、o his father that the hen two eggs thatday.A.laying;lied;laidC.lying;lay;lied B.lying;lied;laidD.lay;lied;laid参考答案:B8.The villagers are extremely thankful to him,without whose help theroad to the village.A.can t bebuiltB.couldn,t have been builtC.m u s t n,t b eD.m u s t n,tb u i l th a v e b e e n

5、b u i l t参考答案:B9.I hope my teacher will take my bad illness into when judging my examination.A.statement B.conclusion C.account D.story参考答案:C.10.“How could you lose so much moneyPCharlie asked his wife,eyeing her angrilyfrom the kitchen table.A.at B.through C.acrossD.on参考答案:C30.When_questions in cla

6、ss,one should answer them as clearly as possible.A.asking B.asked C.to be asked D.to ask参考答案:B略12.is the first time I a public speech,so I am a little nervous.A.This;had given B.This;have given C.What;had given D.What;have given参考答案:B选 B o 本题考查现在完成时的特殊句型:“This is th e序 数 词 time that现在完成时”,表达“这是我第几次做

7、某事本题句意为“这是我第一次做公众演讲,所以我觉得有点紧张。”因此本题选B。13.She will tell us why she feels so strongly that each of us has a role in makingthe earth a better place to live.A.playing B.to play C.played D.to be playing参考答案:B略14.From the word on the old pot,we decide that it dates back to at least fivehundred years ago.A

8、.having been marked B.markedC.to be marked D.being marked参考答案:B15.2012 四川卷】The hotel is almost finished,but it needs one or two weeks toget ready for guests.A.only B.also C.even D.still参考答案:31.D 本题考查副词用法。根据句意“这个旅馆差不多竣工了,但仍需要一两周才可以接待客人。“still仍然,还。略16.The parents rushed to the hospital they heard that

9、 their son was injured.A.a t t h e m o m e nt B.f o r t h e m o m e ntC.t h e m o m e ntD.i nt h e m o m e nt参考答案:C略二、单词拼写17.根据所给中文或句意填出正确的单词。71.Our school is e with modern facilities.72.1 was totally c,not knowing what to do.73.AII the students p at the lecture were deeply touched by his success st

10、ory.74.With the Internet,we have easy a to almost any information we need.75.The power f caused by Typhoon Meranti brought great inconvenience topeoples life.76.He is intelligent and likes(挑战性)tasks.77.The students must wear school (制服)from Monday to Friday.78.Without knowledge,its not easy to survi

11、ve in such a h i g h l y (竞争)society.79.With winter(至 ij来),leaves of trees turn yellow and begin to fall.80.You have to weigh your strengths and weaknesses before(申请)forthe position.参考答案:petitive79.approaching8O.applying【解析】试题分析:根据所给中文或句意填出正确的单词。71.equied 固定置图:be equi印ed with 用一装备,故埴 equipped。72 con

12、fused句意:我完全感到困惑,不知道要做什么。故填co血d。73 p resen t句意:到场的所有学生被他成功的故事深深打动。present到场的,在场的。在此处作后置定语,故填 present。74 a c c e ss固定结构:access to可用的,可接近的,故埴access。75.fa ilu re句意:台风引起的停电给人们的生活带来极大的不便。故填侬1皿。76 chdlengiiig句意:他勤奋,喜欢挑战性的任务。challenging具有挑战性的,故填chdlengiiig。77.unifonns句意:学生从星期一到星期五必须穿校服。可知用名词复数形式,故填umfonnso7

13、8 com petitive句意:具有竟争性的社会。形容词修饰名词,故填8mpetitive。79.approadiiiig 句意:随着冬天的到来。此处是with的独立主格结构,表示主动,故填approaddng。80 applying 句意:申请般位以前。before是介词,后跟动名词,故填applying。【知识拓展】l.be satisfied with/be content with 对一满意;be faced with 面临着;be located 一坐落于一;be lost in 陷入沉思;be equipped with 用-装备。2.with+名词/代词+doing表示主动关系

14、;with+名词/代词+done表示被动关系。With time going by,we have forgot the past.随着时间的流逝,我己经忘记了过去。With my homework done,I went to bed,作业做完,我去睡了。三、阅读理解18.阅 读 下 列 短 文,从 每 题 所 给 的 四 个 选 项(A、B、C、D)中,选 出 最 佳 选 项。Are you stressed out,scared or worried all the time?Do you avoid going to certain places,seeing friends or d

15、oing certain things because of your worries?Do your worries keep youawake at night?If youve answered yes,you may be suffering from anxiety.Anxiety is a normal and necessary part of life.Anxiety is your brain9s way oftelling you about danger.It is anxiety which helps you jump out of the way if a car

16、isspeeding towards you.But if it gets out of hand,anxiety can get in the way of you gettingon with life and can become a real problem.If this is the case for you,treatment may be ahelpful way for you to get your anxiety under control.Anxiety is a normal part of life.Some people may feel uneasy if moving to a newplace and some may get overly anxious in certain situations.There are lots of reasons forthis.One main reason is after a stressful thing which has happened in your life.So,if youare invol


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