高三英语一轮复习 第1周 Practice教学设计人教版高三全册英语教案高中教育

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《高三英语一轮复习 第1周 Practice教学设计人教版高三全册英语教案高中教育》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高三英语一轮复习 第1周 Practice教学设计人教版高三全册英语教案高中教育(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、讨论其它教学内容设计师生活动设计StepI.SummaryAskthestudentstowrith/inthefield/experience)StepIII.HomeworkCopydowntwaystodoitandchecktheanswers.(Thetexttellsusthatdiakes.(Keywords:knowsthabout/livingcondition/workwi.Practice(授课日期: 年月 日 星期班级 )授课题目明确目标Practice1、知识与技能: Enable the students to practiseabilities.拟 课时第 课时w

2、riting to improve their writing2、过程与方法: Do some practice and check the answers .3、情感态度与价值观: Develop the students attitude to their future .重点难点 重点: Help the students to improve their writing skill.难点: Help the students to improve their writing skill.课型 讲授 习题 复习 讨论 其它教 学 内 容 设 计 师生活动设计Step I. Summary

3、Ask the students to write a summary of a passage in about 30 words andthen revise the ways to do it and check the answers.(The text tells us that different people have different ideas aboutjobs. Some students want to start their own business while others willchoose to take an ordinary full-time job.

4、)Step II. Basic writingGet the students to write a passage and then correct the mistakes.(Key words: know sth about/living condition/work with/in thefield/experience)Step III . HomeworkCopy down the passage in the basic writing and hand it in.Preview the next part.专业.hepassageinthebasicwritiGetthestudentstowriteapassageandthencorrectthemistfferentpeoplehavedifferentideasaboutjobs.Somestude.因材施教:教学后记:专业.


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