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1、2021-2022年度海南省银行招聘之银行招聘职业能力测验精选试题及答案七一单选题(共60题)1、美国哈佛大学教授戴维麦克利兰把人的高级需要分为三类,即()。A.心理、独立和发展需要B.生理、安全和社交需要C.权力、交往和成就需要D.生存、交际和实现需要【答案】 C2、在一次国际美食大赛中,中、法、日、俄四国的评委对一道菜品进行打分。中国评委和法国 评委给出的平均分是94,法国评委和日本评委给出的平均分是90,日本评委和俄罗斯评 委给出的平均分是92,那么中国评委和俄罗斯评委给出的平均分是( )。A.93 分B.94 分C.96 分D.98 分【答案】 C3、根据下列内容,回答181-185题

2、。A.Less working timeB.More unemploymentC.Fewer factoriesD.More jobs【答案】 A4、建行推出“商会贷”服务,为微小企业提供了融资新模式。主要是为商会、行业协会会员单位的控股股东、实际控制人、主要负责人、主要出资人等发放的,用于其经营实体生产经营用途的个人助业贷款,贷款人可以采取抵押、质押、信用、保证方式(含个人担保、法人担保)及组合担保方式,贷款额度最高达到( )万元。A.500B.400C.300D.200【答案】 A5、Ive loved my mothers desk since I was just tall enoug

3、h to see above the top of it as mother sat writing letters. Standing by her chair, looking at the ink bottle, pens, and white paper, I decided that the act of writing must be the more wonderful thing in the world. Years later, during her final illness, mother kept different things for my sister and

4、brother.But the desk, shed said again, its for Elizaheth. A.deep understanding between the old and the youngB.different ideas between the mother and the daughterC.free talks between mother and daughterD.part of the sea going far in land【答案】 B6、Take more money. The tickets are _ to be expensive.A.pos

5、sibleB.likelyC.likeD.probable【答案】 B7、In recent decades, there is a phenomenon which makes us give some attention, the so-called Southeast Asian Tigers have rivaled the westernlions for stock cliches that make economic headlines. The myth of American economic hegemony over Asia in the imposing and pa

6、triarchal figure of Uncle Sam has provided frequent political grist( 有利 ) for Southeast Asian political leaders,particularlyMalaysiasPrimeMinisterMahathir.Hehasattemptedtoforgean international reputation as a snarling tiger, but lately sounds more like a barnyard dog groaning at shadows. Without dem

7、eaning in any way the remarkable achievements of the newly developing economics of Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia, these nations at times appear to be their own worst enemies. This is often exemplified by Dr. Mahathir, who rails at Western evil whenever an international or domestic crisis provides

8、 an opportunity. A.are poor because they weaken his own credibilityB.are sharp in identifying the cause of the problemC.prove that he has been a poor leader in generalD.reveal his keen insight into the complex issue【答案】 B8、甲、乙、丙各出资1万元合伙开一小加工厂,现甲急需用钱,他有权( )。A.将该加工厂出售给丁B.经乙、丙同意将自己的份额转让给丁C.直接将自己的份额转让给丁

9、D.将该加工厂抵押给银行借贷【答案】 B9、一般来说,流动性与偿还期限()。A.无关B.正相关C.负相关D.不确定【答案】 C10、10,11, 36, 185,( )。A.1302B.1344C.930D.1116【答案】 A11、Which of the information should be entered on the form?A.Amount of money earnedB.Name of employerC.Remittance method usedD.Employees company address【答案】 A12、We require all visitors to

10、_ photo identification prior to entering the building.A.assignB.notifyC.presentD.permit【答案】 C13、第54题答案是_A.thusB.evenC.thoughD.still【答案】 C14、提供不同产品以满足不同需求的竞争者属于()。A.愿望竞争者B.品牌竞争者C.属类竞争者D.产品形式竞争者【答案】 A15、-Its $500, but that is my last offer.A.costB.priceC.rewardD.deal【答案】 C16、关于以下银行财务指标的说法不正确的是()。A.ROA

11、反映了银行运用其全部资金获取利润的能力B.净利息收益率(NIM)反映了银行存贷款业务的收益能力C.ROE反映了银行运用其全部资金获取利润的能力D.拨备覆盖率反映了银行抵御信贷风险的能力【答案】 C17、2015年11月22日上午在吉隆坡国际会议中心的第十届东亚峰会,李克强总理就各国共同维护()提出五点倡议。A.黄海和平稳定B.北海和平稳定C.南海和平稳定D.东海和平稳定【答案】 C18、下列句子中语序排列最连贯的一项是() 。A.(1)(3)(4)(2)B.(3)(1)(2)(4)C.(1)(4)(3)(2)D.(3)(2)(1)(4)【答案】 C19、The Savvy ShoppersA.

12、Busy business menB.Stay-at-home parentsC.Working professional womenD.Chief Executive Officers【答案】 C20、与上年同期相比,2006年1月增幅最小的轿车主要生产企业为()。A.上海通用B.上海大众C.北京现代D.奇瑞【答案】 C21、既针对未来预期的汇率变动又针对未来收益的风险类型是()。A.未来风险B.经济风险C.汇率风险D.预期风险【答案】 B22、交通银行始建于( )年,是中国历史最悠久的银行之一,也是近代中国的发钞行之一。A.1898B.1908C.191 lD.1949【答案】 B23、2

13、015年,某省工业企业全年实现主营业务收入37864亿元、税金1680亿元、利润2080亿元,分别增长19.1、19.4、26.4,分别高出全国7.9、8.4、14.2个百分点。该省工业企业主营业务收入占全国工业的3.7,比上年提高0.3个百分点。百户重点企业主营业务收入、税金、利润分别增长10.2、11.1、20.8,分别占全省工业的29.5、51、27.6。A.石化行业,建材行业,机械行业B.建材行业,石化行业,食品(含烟草)行业C.汽车行业,食品(含烟草)行业,钢铁行业D.食品(含烟草)行业,钢铁行业,汽车行业【答案】 B24、刻板印象:指社会上对于某一类事物产生一种比较固定的看法,也是一种概括而笼统的看法。A.老板第一眼看到小李就非常喜欢他,在工作中予以重用B.张三不想与日本人合作,因为日本人尚武、有野心C.王五从不买温州产品,觉得那里生产的商品质量不好D.在人们的心目中,母亲是一个伟大的形象,她们慈爱、温柔、贤惠,为家庭尽心尽力【答案】 A25、取景器与液晶显示屏与传统相机不同,数码相机的取景方式除了用传统的光学取景器取景,也可采用LCD液晶显示屏取景。只有LCD取景器的数码相机在拍摄色彩细节丰富的影像时,由于LCD表现色彩景深上的问题,可能无法正确反映出所拍景物的实际状况;但仅用光学取景器



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