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1、初二英语竞赛试题情景对话练习题98道学校名称:班级:学号:姓名:1.情景交际根据对话内容,从方框中选出五个合适的句子补全对话,并将其标号填入题号后空白处。A:Hi,Mr s.Wang IB:Hello,Mr s.Lin!A:I called y ou at 8:0 0 t his mor ning,bu t t her e w as no r eply.B:I w ent s hopping at t hat t ime.A:(4 6)_B:Yes,I bou ght t w o T-s hir t s and a pair of s por t s s hoes.(4 7)A:(4 8)_B

2、:It t ook me t he w hole mor ning.I hat e s hopping in t he cr ow ded s hop.A:(49)Bu t I like s hopping online.B:Shopping online?A:Yes,it s fas t and eas y.(5 0)B:I t hink I 1 1 hav e a t r y nex t t ime.A.So do I.B.Did y ou bu y any t hing?C.It can s av e a lot of t ime.D.How long did it t ake y ou

3、?E.Bu t t her e w er e t oo many people in t he s u per mar ket.2.情景交际根据对话内容及上下文,在题号后的空白处填入适当的词,使对话意思完整。每空只填一词。A:What w er e y ou doing(86)noon t oday?B:I(87)making my kit e in t he gar den.A:What w as Li Hong doing at t hat t ime?B:She w as dr aw ing a hor s e for t he ar t les s on.It w as q u ick

4、 a nice(88).A:Can y ou as k her t o s how me t he pict u r e?B:Of(89),Li Hong,br ing y ou r pict u r e her e,pleas e.Dad w ant s t ohav e a look.A:OK!Bu t it s u ps t air s.Let me go and t ake it.Wait a(90)pleas e.3.情景会话。1 6.Wou ld y ou like s ome mor e r ice?r m fu ll.A.You,pleas e.B.Thanks all t h

5、e s ame.C.Don,t t r ou ble me.D.Yes,pleas e.1 7.-The s ame t o y ou.A.Happy bir t hday t o y ou.B.You look v er y beau t ifu l.C.Happy New Year.1).Good idea.1 8.my hair?Mm.I like it.r m glad y ou like it.A.How long isB.What do y ou t hink ofC.What do y ou like abou tD.Wher e did y ou make1 9.一Help y

6、 ou r s elf t o s ome fr u it.A.Oh,r m hu ngr y.B.Yes,pleas e.C.No,I can,t.D.Oh,t hank y ou.2 0.Can I help y ou,Sir?OK!I*1 1 s how y ou.-Thank y ou.A.What can I do for y ou?B.Yes Wher e iC.Thank y ou all t he s ame.D.No,t hank y ou.5 t he w as hr oom,pleas e?Bu t w her e can I go for help?4.4 6.情景会话

7、。Oh,I*m not feeling w ell,I v e got a cold.4 7.A.It s my pleas u r e B.Well,C.I*m s or r y t o hear t hat D.Fine.一I like eat ing at a KFC r es t au r ant.Food t her e.Eat ing t oo mu ch ju nk food is badA.That*s r ightC.I r eally can,t agr ee w it h y ouI,m s u r e t o get w ell s oonr m glad t os d

8、eliciou s and healt hy!for y ou r healt h.B.That s all r ightD.It does n,t mat t er4 8.What s y ou r bes t fr iend like?A.She is fine.Thank y ouB.She is a doct orC.She likes w at ching TVD.She is helpfu l and kind4 9.Thank y ou v er y mu ch for helping u s.A.That s ou nds gr eatB.You r e good5 0.C.D

9、on,t t hank meD.You r e w elcomeWou ld y ou like a cu p of coffee?A.Sor r y,I w on tB.Yes,giv e me a cu p of t eaC.Yes,pleas eD.That*s not hing5.情景交际根据情景,选择正确的上句或者下句。()1.一一 一 一Mu ch bet t er,t hank y ou.A.How ar e y ou feeling t oday?B.What happened t o y ou?C.What can I do for y ou?()2.-Sor r y.I f

10、illed t he for m by mis t ake y es t er day ev ening.一A.Shame on y ou.You r e t oo car eles s.B.Don,t make t he s ame mis t ake again!C.It does n,t mat t er.()3.Mu s t w e lift t he heav y box es now?-A.Yes,y ou may not.B.No,y ou mu s t n,t.C.No,y ou don t hav e t o.()4.一一 一 一She s pends mor e t han

11、 half an hou r t her e.A.How oft en does s he s pend in t he r eading-r oom ev er y w eek?B.How long does s he s pend in t he r eading-r oom ev er y w eek?C.How mu ch does s he s pend in t he r eading-r oom ev er y w eek?()5.-Why not go w it h u s?A.I m afr aid not.My r ight hand is painfu l.B.Su e.

12、P d be glad t o.C.I don,t t hink s o.I 1 1 go w it h y ou nex t t ime.()6.一一 一 一Yes,he s w ims w ell.A.Is he good at s w imming?B.Ar e y ou good at s w imming?C.Does he s w im v er y w ell?6 .句子排序,完整对话。()7.A:How s hou ld w e pr ev ent (预 防)it effect iv ely (有 效 地)?()8.B:Hi,May I as k y ou s ome q u

13、es t ions,Dr Wang?()9.C:We s hou ld for m a nice liv ing habit.We mu s t eat balanced diet and domor e ex er cis e.()1 0 D:Oh,s u r e,bu t w e mu s t n t be afr aid of cat ching a cold.It s a v er ycommon dis eas e.()1 1.E:Yes,pleas e.()1 2.F:I oft en hav e a bad cold.Is it going t o be v er y s er

14、iou s for me?7 .情景会话。1 6.Do y ou t hink he 1 1 come back home t his ev ening?Don t y ou mis s him?A.May be.B.So.C.Wher e?D.When?1 7._一Not hing bu t a lit t le s ick.Take car e of y ou r s elf,dear.A.What,s t hat?B.What s y ou r name?C.Is it w r ong?D.What s t he mat t er?1 8.一Mis s Lin,Tim br oke hi

15、s leg.A.You ar e t oo car eles s.C.Help y ou r s elf t o s ome fis h.1 9.A pair of glas s es w ou ld be aThen let s go and bu y a pairA.Me,eit her.So he can t come t o s chool t oday.B.r m s or r y t o hear t hat.D.You s hou ld go t o s chool.good pr es ent for Dad.for him.B.I like y ou r idea.C.Hap

16、py bir t hday,Fat her.D.You r glas s es ar e s o moder n.2 0.Can y ou go t o t he concer t w it h me?r d lov e t o.A.Bu t r m t oo bu s y t o go.Sor r y.C.Sor r y abou t it.B.I,m afr aidD.You can gonot.alone.8 .根据对话情景,选择正确答案。()1 _”T d lov e t o.Bu t I hav e no t ime.”A.Can y ou s kat e?B.Wou ld y ou like t o s kat e w it h me?C.Do y ou like s kat ing?D.Will y ou go s kat ing w it h me?()2.“It s t en fiv e.”A.What day is it t oday?B.What s t he w eat her?C.What s t he t ime?D.What s t hr ee t ime



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