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1、大理白族自治州洱源县2023年考研英语一考前冲刺试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)An accidental injury taught me how to deal with my siblings(兄弟姐妹).On a typical autumn 1 , the eight people of ou

2、r afterschool carpool(拼车) 2 into a car built for seven. My brother teased me the entire way home. Hearing the 3 in the back of the car, my mother dropped us off first.As we 4 the car, I ran after my little brother, planning on getting back at him. Because of my 5 backpack, uncomfortable shoes, and t

3、errible sense of balance. I fell on the hard pavement. 6 , whole carpool rushed to my aid. They lifted my weighty backpack, 7 my fallen items, and helped me stand up. With tears in my eyes, I dragged myself into the 8 .“You realize I will 9 you for chasing your brother after this,” my mom said to me

4、 in her most 10 voice. She obviously didnt know how much I was 11 , or she would have been more 12 . I complained to her the pain I was feeling in my right 13 . The bone doctor concluded that I had a 14 break in my right elbow.I got 15 at school the next day because friends surrounded me carefully.

5、But breaking my arm had more 16 that benefits. I was 17 to write with my left hand. I had to wrap my arm in garbage bag before 18 , and I had to go to health instead of PE. 19 it was an awful week, I think I deserved it 20 plotting revenge(报复)against my brother. Since then, there hasnt been anything

6、 disharmonious among our siblings.1、Amorning Bafternoon Cevening Dnight2、Adashed Bstepped Cpiled Dlooked3、Afight Bjoke Ccry Dnoise4、Astopped Bfixed Cexited Dreturned5、Ahuge Bfull Cnew Dheavy6、ASwiftly BSuddenly CFortunately DEventually7、Acounted Bcollected Ccleaned Dstored8、Aschool Bcar Cclinic Dhou

7、se9、Apunish Blook into Ccomfort Dworry about10、Apeaceful Bcareful Csevere Dfamiliar11、Aastonished Bmoved Cinspired Dhurt12、Asensitive Bconcerned Canxious Ddisappointed13、Aleg Barm Cfoot Dhand14、Aserious Bslight Ccommon Dspecial15、Areward Brespect Cattention Dprivilege16、Atrouble Bpain Close Dbusines

8、s17、Aexpected Badvised Cinstructed Dforced18、Aswimming Bshowering Ctreating Dsleeping19、ASince BIf CAlthough DWhen20、Afor Bon Cwith DasSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on t

9、he ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1In addition to being a financial success, Disneyland was a personal satisfaction to his founder Walt Disney. It expressed his ideas of all that is true and good and beautiful in this world. He never was tired of visiting the park himself, of expanding it and improvi

10、ng it. Even today, Disneyland is kept spotless. Every night, each street and walkway is washed, and workers with knives get down on their hands and knees to scrape (刮,擦) up chewing gum that has been dropped by visitors. (Visitors to the park are called “guests” never “customers”) Every year, some 80

11、0,000 plants are replaced because Disney refused to put up signs asking his “guests” not to step on them. All of this has reduced the profits, but it adds immeasurably to the attraction of the park. Undoubtedly it helps explain why an amazing fifty percent of the people who enter Disneylands gates h

12、ave been there before.The parks general design contributes to the visitors pleasure. There are plenty of shade trees, much grass, and lots of cool water in ponds and lakes and riversall man-made. The park is divided into five sections. In one section, the visitor walks along an American Main Street

13、as Disney remembered from his childhood. Another section (Tomorrow land) shows the world of the future. A third, Adventure land, satisfies the universal love of exploration. Still another, Fantasyland, takes the visitor into the dreamlike worlds made famous by Disney films. Finally there is Frontier

14、 land, which represents the Old west. It is possible, in a single day, to visit in imagination every continent and almost every historical period. There is something for every group.Most of what has been said about Disneyland is also true of Walt Disney World. This is a second huge amusement park ou

15、tside of Orlando, Florida, designed to thrill east-coast visitors as Disneyland has thrilled those in the west. Millions of children and adults have visited its Main Street, Magic Kingdom, and other unforgettable attractions.1、From the 1st paragraph we learn that .ADisneyland is rather wasteful in that it often replaced the destroye


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