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1、博尔塔拉蒙古自治州2023年考研英语一高分冲刺试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)I woke up to answer a phone call from a taxi driver who had my friends cell phone. My friend had apparently 1 it

2、in the taxi the night before. The driver had called others, 2 I was the first one who 3 to answer.The cab driver asked me where he could 4 the cell phone off. I told him the cross streets to where I lived and 5 jumped out of bed, got dressed and told the cab driver IW meet him on the 6 of those stre

3、ets. The driver drove all the way from Queens to 7 this phone to where I lived. I 8 if he had taken on a 9 or two. He could have made some good 10 from driving that distance.When I met up with the taxi driver I 11 him for having such a kind and beautiful soul. I was so 12 for my friend! My friend re

4、cently moved here from out of the country and I can only imagine how 13 his cell phone is to him! I further asked the taxi driver if I could get his 14 , so that my friend can thank him as well. He said my 15 was all that he needed and drove off.I e-mailed my friend 16 him I had his phone and later

5、that day met up with him to tell him how I had received it. My friend smiled 17 bigger and said he couldnt believe such kindness 18 in this big city. He told me he cannot 19 to pay it forward. I was so touched to witness the kind story that 20 early that morning and it just made my day!1、Aused Bleft

6、 Cplayed Dshowed2、Afor Bor Cso Dbut3、Apicked up Bwatched over Cturned up Dcalmed down4、Atake Bpay Cdrop Dring5、Aquickly Bfinally Cslowly Danxiously6、Aback Bside Cfront Dcorner7、Adeliver Bmove Cenjoy Drepair8、Adetermined Basked Cwondered Ddoubted9、Astranger Bpassenger Cwitness Dfriend10、Apleasure Bfa

7、me Cexperience Dmoney11、Athanked Bremembered Ctreasured Dpaid12、Asorry Bencouraged Cexcited Dhappy13、Alovely Bimportant Creliable Drare14、Aname Bopinion Cinformation Drequest15、Aidentity Bgratitude Chelp Dtip16、Aconvincing Btelling Cwarning Dreminding17、Anever Bjust Ceven Dever18、Aexisted Bsurvived

8、Cformed Drecovered19、Adecide Bpretend Cwait Drefuse20、Adiffered Bsucceeded Ccounted DhappenedSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1 Darwin

9、noted that some human emotional expressions might have started as part of a physiological function: for example, exposing the teeth to bite food. The function, however, took on meaning and became a form of communication which signals anger.The same may be true for the animals. Baby monkeys cry for a

10、ttention. They also cry to signal to an adult that they want to be carried.“Chimpanzees do make upset voice when they are being weaned (断奶) by their mothers or have lost their mothers or another individual,” says Anne Pusey, a professor at the University of Minnesota. “They whimper (呜咽) and cry and

11、scream. When we hear these calls, the emotion involved seems obvious. However, they do not weep in the sense of producing tears. I have seen an adolescent male whimpering when he lost sight of his older brother with whom he had been traveling.”Babies of many mammalian species, including rats, cry. M

12、oreover, when a baby rat cries, often his mother brings the fallen pup back into the nest. This is probably a straightforward communication, as it is with humans. However, psychologists at the University of Iowa arent convinced.The Iowan researchers can cause the same crying sounds by producing larg

13、e decreases and then increases in blood flow. The blood flow also goes down when baby rats get cold. Thus, they conclude baby rats cry in the same way that we sneeze. Of course the rat baby could be crying because hes cold and wants his mother to know.“All young mammals make cries when separated fro

14、m their mother,” says Jaak Panksepp, a psychologist at Bowling Green State University. “If youre willing to call this crying, then certainly other animals show this emotional response.” he says, “Some of us take seriously that animals do have emotions.”1、According to the first paragraph, what kind o

15、f emotion does “exposing the teeth” express?ADisappointment.BExcitement.CAnger.DHappiness.2、Which is one probable reason why young chimpanzees might be crying?AThey meet their brother.BThey have nothing to eat.CThey are being breast-fed.DThey are parted from their mother.3、Under what circumstance will ba


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