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1、2023年宁德市考研英语一模拟试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) It was 1952 and my father was away at war, leaving my mother and me behind to face hardship alone. I was ten. My mother

2、was a 1 and worked at the local hospital a few blocks from where we lived.The bell rang and 2 of Christmas were the only thing on my mind. I raced home. The apartment was empty and a note was 3 to the refrigerator. My mother was working a double shift and 4 me instructions for the day. We had planne

3、d on making Christmas biscuits 5 , but my mother 6 it.I carefully 7 through mothers closet, finding most of the 8 for Christmas wrapped in linen cloth, all but one toy, a model airplane. I was still 9 at my mother and I threw the airplane onto the floor, breaking one of its wings. I stood 10 . How w

4、as I going to explain this Then I heard my mother coming through the door. I 11 to my room.After telling my mother the horrible 12 , I did not hear my mother 13 me. She just told me to follow her. Climbing the steps without catching our 14 , we entered the clinic. There in a bed was a boy who looked

5、 very sick.“He is going to die, Danny,” my mother told me, “ 15 today, maybe tomorrow. He loves planes. I knew his mother could not 16 to buy him one. So I did. I count my blessings every night and think of this boy and how 17 I am that you are not in that bed.”The 18 cut hard and sharp in my heart.

6、 The tears 19 down my face and I was so guilty. I ran home as fast as I could and into my room where I 20 myself to sleep.1、AsaleswomanBdoctorCteacherDclerk2、AthoughtsBmemoriesCdesiresDhopes3、AwrittenBfoundCattachedDsent4、AremindedBprovidedCsavedDleft5、AaloneBsoonCtogetherDimmediately6、AruinedBrefus

7、edCforgotDchallenged7、AwalkedBhuntedCbrokeDgot8、AtoysBgiftsCclothesDsupplies9、AanxiousBpleasedCmadDeager10、AawakeBhappyCwildDfrozen11、AracedBremovedCstruggledDwandered12、AnoteBideaCtruthDmessage13、Aquarrel withBshout atCworry aboutDcheer up14、AcalmnessBsweatCrestDbreath15、APossiblyBCertainlyCProperl

8、yDRegularly16、AencourageBpersuadeCaffordDforce17、AwonderfulBgratefulChopefulDhelpful18、AscoldsBcommentsCphrasesDwords19、AfloatedBdroppedCslowedDrolled20、AcriedBmadeCturnedDmovedSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by cho

9、osing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1 When 12 girls from San Fernando high school in California received a grant (助学金) to develop an invention to solve a real-world problem, they decided to create a solar-powered shelter. Now for over a year, the girls have bee

10、n working after school and over the winter and spring breaks to complete their project. “They have this amazing drive that Ive never seen before, ” said Violet Mardirosian, a math teacher at San Fernando High. “I thought at the beginning that maybe some of them would give up, saying I didnt expect t

11、his much work, but they dont. Theyre just working hard and theyre not giving up.”Living in a low-income community (社区), the girls have seen the problem of homelessness first-hand, which is why they chose that population to create a product for. Many of them are also from immigrant families and hope

12、the solar-powered shelter might help refugees(难民). Seventeen-year-old Maggie Mejia said that while she had no engineering experience, the girls figured out as a team how to create the prototype (雏形), using how-to videos and books that taught them how to code. But the most important lesson shes learn

13、ed over the course of the project isnt technical. “Ive learned a lot about helping others, helping the community and showing a better world to other people,” she said.The girls have been invited to MIT to show their invention. Mardirosian says all the participating students have expressed interest i

14、n going into STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) fields and that students from lower grades are already expressing interest in being involved next year. She says, “Many of them didnt think about engineering before. They thought maybe theyre not made out to be an engineer. But workin

15、g together, now they realize theyre all needed in this field. Everyone has found their importance in this picture.”1、Why did Mardirosian think some girls would quit the subject?AIt was not practical in real life.BIt demanded a lot of time and energy.CIt was not supported by their math teacher.DIt required a lot of money and expert knowledge.2、Why did the girls decide to create a solar-powered shelter?ATo save energy.BTo win a scholarship.


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