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1、2023年九江市武宁县考研英语一全真模拟试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)I had been playing hockey(冰球)for about 10 years. I was always the one sitting at the end of the bench, and 1 got int

2、o a game. I went to all the 2 and showed up even when it was so 3 that your breath froze and when the otherplayers had decided to stay home. I felt I had 4 enough and thought of quitting.I finally decided to 5 the news to my mom that I was leaving the team. My mom may have looked like a tiny and qui

3、et lady but on 6 my words, she said, “Remember, A quitter never wins and a winner never quits. Your mother didnt raise 7 , so think about yourself in a 8 way and see yourself as a winner!” So I worked harder than ever at getting in better shape, 9 my shot(投球) accuracy and changing my 10 .Once in a m

4、atch, we 11 our first game badly. Whats worse, one of our best players got hurt. I was sitting at my 12 place, at the end of the bench, when the coach came over and told me I was going 13 . I was nervous, excited and terrified all at the same time.The opposing team was fast and I had to admit I was

5、a little 14 . But my moms words 15 out in my head like a church bell. Instead of being afraid, I was “pumped” and I very quickly found that all my 16 work was paying off. I was as fast a skater as anyone else on the ice, and I seemed to get the 17 to score. The crowd went quiet. All the time I spent

6、 on the ice when everyone had gone home had 18 me for this moment.Won! I won! The lesson I learned from my moms 19 has stayed with me over the years. I hear them whenever I am faced with a challenge, or whenever I 20 myself.1、AonceBseldomCusuallyDevenB2、AmeetingsBshowsCmatchesDpractices3、AcloudyBwet


8、ualBsafeCsecretDprivate13、AoffBinCbyDup14、AannoyedBawkwardCscaredDbitter15、AputBrangCgaveDstood16、AexactBextraCcreativeDcasual17、AchanceBmessageCorderDnote18、AsparedBrequestedCpreparedDsent19、AactionsBreasonsCwordsDpromises20、AjudgeBexpressCcomfortDdoubtSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirectio

9、ns:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1 For the first time ever scientists prepare to set about a 3-year-long project,the Nekton Mission,to explore the Indian Ocean and document changes

10、taking place beneath the waves that could affect the surrounding region over the coming decades.The ambitious exploration team will reach one of the last major unexplored frontiers on the planet,a vast body of water thats already feeling the effects of global warming with rising water temperatures d

11、amaging its coral reefs(珊瑚礁).Understanding the Indian Oceans ecosystem is important not just for the species that live in it,but also for the 2.5 billion people living in the region.The Nekton Mission is supported by more than 40 organizations.Researchers will spend seven weeks surveying underwater

12、life,map the sea floor,and drop sensors(传感器)to depths of up to 6,560 feet in the seas around the Seychelles.The Seychelles aims to become a leader in the development of a“blue economy”that draws on the resources of the ocean.It relies on fishing and tourism,but has lately also been exploiting oil an

13、d gas from beneath the sea floor.“Our ocean is undergoing rapid ecological transformation by human activities.The Nekton Mission is vital to help us better know our ocean space and resources to make wise decisions.Only when we know what we have in the ocean and what is its value call we properly dec

14、ide what to exploit and what to leave untouched,”said Jumeau,the Seychellesambassador to the UN.The mission will conduct further dives in other parts of the Indian Ocean over three years.The researchers expect to discover new species and send videos to the world by satellite.The research will provid

15、e information for a summit(峰会)about the Indian Ocean planned for late 2021.1、Why do the scientists plan to explore the Indian Ocean?ATo save the endangered creatures living in the sea.BTo discover the damage mankind has done to the ocean.CTo make the best use of the natural resources in the sea.DTo protect its species and people living around the region.2、Which is not included in the tasks to be carried out around the Seychelles?ADrawing maps of the sea floo


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