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1、考研英语一通榆县2023年预测试卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)While most students in the USAare worrying about getting into their dream universities, others worry about a bigger probl

2、em. Students brought to the USA illegally, who have to leave a 36 on applications that need their Social Security number, know they will not be accepted 37 their outstanding grades and performance. The young immigrants 38 from the U.S. school system, but only up through high school. Their education

3、often 39 there due to a 1996 federal law that bans states from offering in-state tuition rate(学费) to illegal immigrants 40 the state also offers it to all U.S. citizens. However, there may be some hope because of the DREAM Act, which will be voted on in Congress (国会).The DREAM Act is a/an 41 aid pro

4、gram for the young illegal immigrants who entered the U.S. before they were 16. Those who apply for this program can get 42 and temporary residing (居住) status, which can be changed, once 43 , to a green card after six years. These immigrants can then use their newly acquired status to seek green car

5、ds for their 44 .In this way, it can also provide citizenship for the illegal foreigners who brought their children to the US. “I dont live in fear of being driven out of this 45 ,” says Juan, a high school junior born in Mexico. “I live a normal life here 46 that now everyone is getting their drive

6、rs license, and I cant.” Juan came to the U.S. with his mother and older brother at eight. He is hoping for the DREAM Act to be 47 . While he admits that there is no obvious prejudice in high school, Juan 48 faces unfair racial treatment. “It 49 me when people joke around and ask me for my green car

7、d,” Juan explains. “I 50 , but deep down I know they are offending me for 51 I have no control over. I was born in Mexico, but my 52 is here.”His brothernow attends a community (社区) college and plans to enter a university. Juan hopes to take a 53 path. “For long,I have no 54 that I can go to univers

8、ity” Juan says. “I know its going to be hard, but as long as I stay in this country, I have a/an 55 .” 1、Ablank BtrackCnameDmessage2、Abecause ofBinstead of Cin terms of Dregardless of3、AsufferBbenefit ClearnDgraduate4、AstopsBbeginsCcontinuesDchanges5、AifBuntilCunless Dafter6、Alegal BinternationalCse

9、asonalDeducational7、Alow Bconditional Cstable Dregular8、Adenied Blost CboughtDearned9、Achildren Bparents CfriendsDrelatives10、AschoolBprogramCsystemDcountry11、Awith Bin Cexcept Dnow12、AintroducedBdiscussed Cpassed Dcorrected13、AalmostBstillCevenDonly14、Abothers BworriesCconfusesDsurprises15、Alaugh B

10、cryCshoutDsigh16、AeverythingBnothing C somethingDanything17、AsuccessB originClife Dexperience 18、AsimilarBrightCdifferentDdirect19、AconfidenceBideaCinterest Ddoubt1、A. attempt B. chance C. dream D.choice Section II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the quest

11、ions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1 Musicians are said to have better language skills and scientific studies have backed that up. But its not clear why that might be the case.Now, a study of 74 Chinese kindergarteners suggests six m

12、onths of piano lessons can heighten the brains response to changes in pitch (声调). And kids who got piano lessons were also better at telling apart two similar-sounding Mandarin (普通话) words, which contained different consonants (辅音), than were students who got extra reading training or who went throu

13、gh regular kindergarten.Mandarin is a tonal language the famous example is the word ma which can mean mother or horse depending on its pitch. So might musical training translate better to Mandarin than it would to English?Yeah, its possible that this influenced the results, said Robert Desimone, a n

14、euroscientist (神经科学家) at the McGovern Institute at MIT. But he says other studies do back up the fact that music lessons benefit language learners, even in countries without tonal languages. “And what our study added on top of that was some idea of the neural basis for those benefits.”And if you don

15、t own a piano, dont despair. The reading group actually did just as well on many measures as the piano group. “Readings pretty good actually. We dont mean to disvalue reading instruction.”More important, he says, was to show piano wasnt actually worse than reading for these kills. thus perhaps encouraging cash-strapped schools to bring their music programs alive.1、Which of the following is


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