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1、考研英语一通江县2023年全真模拟试卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)Any housewife who went to the new supermarket wished to be the lucky customer who did not have to pay for her shopping.

2、 This was what the 1 just inside the entrance 2 It said: “Remember, 3 ,one of our customers gets 4 goods. THIS MAY BE YOUR LUCKY DAY!” For quite a long time Mrs. Edwards 5 like many of her 6 to be the lucky customer. Unlike her friends, she never 7 hoping. The 8 in the kitchen was full of things whi

3、ch she did not need. Her husband tried to advise her 9 buying so many things but failed. She 10 dreamed of the DAY when the manager of the supermarket would come up to her and say, “Madam, THIS IS YOUR LUCKY DAY. Everything in your 11 doesnt need to be paid!” One Friday afternoon Mrs. Edwards shoppe

4、d 12 But she was not the lucky customer. No sooner had she just put the things inside her 13 than she found that she had forgotten to 14 tea. She dashed back to the 15 , got some tea and went towards the 16 As she did so, she saw the 17 came 18 his hand he said, “I want to 19 you. You are our LUCKY

5、CUSTOMER this week! Everything you have in your basket 20 !”1、AnoticeBreportCboardDnewspaper2、AdidBpromisedCmadeDagreed3、Aevery dayBevery monthCtwice a weekDonce a week4、AexcellentBfreeCextraDunexpected5、AwaitedBcameChopedDwent6、AfriendsBneighborsCrelativesDcustomers7、Agot rid ofBgot along withCgave

6、 upDgave out8、AcounterBcushionCfoodDcupboard9、AagainstBforCwithDabout10、AoftenBalwaysCusuallyDseldom11、AbillBhandCcarDbasket12、AanxiouslyBseriouslyCcrazilyDwonderfully13、ApocketsBcarCbasketDhouse14、AbuyBfindCtakeDhave15、AshopBcounterCdepartmentDsupermarket16、AdoorBentranceCcash-deskDshelves17、Asecre

7、taryBpolicemanCmanagerDsalesman18、APutting outBHolding outCShakingDWaving19、AcongratulateBtellCinformDthank20、Ais yoursBmeans nothingCbelongs to youDcosts nothingSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C o

8、r D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1I love going out with my mate Jerry. People stare at him with admiration. Some even ask for his signature. But Jerry isnt famous. He just bears a resemblance(长得像) to someone who is the actor Daniel Radcliffe. Yes, Harry Potter himself! And

9、 it has a magical effect on people!I told Jerry he should be a twin model. Thats what Pauline Bailey did. She decided to replicate (模仿) Marilyn Monroes image after she was told she bore a likeness to the star.Bailey says: “I bought books and started reading about Marilyn. I realized we had a similar

10、 upbringing, so I had an affinity(亲近感) with her. Then people started saying when I went to places that I looked like her. I didnt realize you could make a living out of it.”Now the blonde(金发的) model gets jobs through a specialized agency. She jumps out of cakes, allowing men to live the fantasy of m

11、eeting the late goddess of the silver screen.But not everybody profits from the lookalike business. Iranian actor Mahmoud Basiri claims his likeness to a famous person cost him eight years of earnings. He happens to be the spitting image of former Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. He was told i

12、n 2005 that he could only work with the leaders agreement. So will Ahmadinejad ever give his agreement to the actor to play him? Dont hold your breathBasiri specializes in comedy!But overall, a resemblance to a popular artist is a good thing, isnt it? The biggest challenge must be to keep the illusi

13、on goingfor example, by gaining or losing weight if they do. However, Pauline Bailey thinks its important to keep a sense of yourself. She says: “Im very much an individual person, away from Marilyn. I think you could lose yourself very easily being someone else all the time and lose your own identi

14、ty”.I asked Jerry if he thinks impersonating Daniel Radcliffe professionally could go to his head. I worried that all the adulation(恭维) might change him and make him leave me behind. “No way,”he said. “We do everything together.”What about you? Which celebrity would you like to be the spitting image

15、 of?1、Why do some people ask for Jerrys signature?AThey think that he is admirable.BThey mistake him as Daniel Radcliffe.CThey think he has magic power.DThey take him for Harry Potter.2、What can we learn about Pauline Bailey?AShe looks like Marilyn Monroe.BShe is Jerrys girlfriend.CShe has a twin sister.DShe is a famous film star.3、What do we know about Basiri?AHe is the former Iranian president.BHe is fond of acting leaders.CHe has made much mo



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