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1、2023年江苏省南通市海安县考研英语一深度预测试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)In Thanks for What We HaveI sat nervously and waited for Kathleen to speak. Being called to the human resources d

2、epartment is a little like being called to the principals office. “Annie,” she said, “A food bank in our town that serves the elderly is asking for 1 . Id like you to organize the event and see it through.” “Well, um, errr.sure. I guess so.” As I stuttered (结结巴巴地说)through my 2 , all I could think wa

3、s, “What? Why me?”I walked back to my office without any idea as to where to 3 . This was a time when the economy was 4 . The rise in unemployment forced the families of many of my coworkers to 5 to survive. How could I ask my coworkers for more?That evening I drove home filled with 6 . Then I remem

4、bered a time long ago when my father was out of work. Mom wrote a note to Jim, the milkman, asking him not to 7 any more milk. Two days later Jim picked up the 8 and left four liters of milk. He wrote his own message on the back side of Moms. It read, “Kids need milk.” The milk; delivery 9 as usual

5、and Jim left four liters of milk every other day, never collecting a cent with us.The memory of Jims 40 fired my enthusiasm Perhaps Id be in for a pleasant surprise.The next morning I 10 signs about our food drive all over the cafeteria and on every notice board I could find. Each sign read, “Food d

6、rive to support the elderly poor of our town! 11 of non-perishable(不易腐的)foods are greatly needed.”Within a few days I had to locate empty office space to 12 the massive number of contributions we had 13 . One of my coworkers, Maggie, made the rounds with me every day from one department to another t

7、o pick up the canned goods and other 14 . Maggie was over sixty but pushed our food trolley around with the 15 of a woman half her age.As we were making our rounds one day, I asked her where she got all the energy and enthusiasm. “Annie,” she said, “with the unemployment rate touching 10 percent, I

8、cant think of a better way to be 16 for keeping our jobs when so many have 17 theirs. Sure money is 18 . But when isnt it? People need food.”As I listened to Maggie, the milkmans words 19 in my ears, “Kids need milk.”1、Aadvice Bhelp Cpity Dmedicine2、Aresponse Bcomment Cexplanation Dcomplaint3、Asit B

9、stay Cbegin Dwork4、Agrowing Bfading Crecovering Dbooming5、Adrive Battempt Crefuse Dstruggle6、Aappreciation Bidentity Cresponsibility Dnegativity7、Aspare Bdrink Cdeliver Dsell8、Akeys Bkids Ccents Dempties9、Areturned Bcontinued Cstopped Ddelayed10、Akindness Bhappiness Cpatience Dpoliteness11、Adesigned

10、 Bnoticed Cmarked Dposted12、ABargains BDemands CDonations DPurchases13、Acheck Bstore Cseparate Dclear14、Acollected Bbought Cfound Dselected15、Aclothes Bbooks Cfoods Dgifts16、Asatisfaction Bquality Cenergy Dmotivation17、Alucky Bproud Cdelighted Dgrateful18、Alost Bdeserved Cabandoned Dwarned19、Aavaila

11、ble Btight Cenough Dpowerful20、Arang Btransformed Chid DrespondedSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1Castle Dale is a small town in centr

12、al Utah. My grandpas farm is a few miles to the north. I grew up there. Milking a cow, feeding the chickens and cutting firewood were daily routines. Grandpa had me carrying a broom to do snow cleaning when it was actually taller than I was. This was the work kids like me learned to do at a young ag

13、e.I was tall, very tall at a really young age. My unusual height caused people to look, ask questions, laugh, tease, and sometimes even challenge me to fight. I was teased cruelly as a kid. It wasnt fair, I knew, but that was just the way it was. Luckily, I was taught at a very young age a very impo

14、rtant lesson. I am different and thats OkayIm unique and I matter. No one could ever take that away from me. I knew this then, and I know this now. That alone helped me through the frustrations and heartaches of normal life.When I was in junior high school, I realized something else that helped me c

15、ope. Most teasing came from one of two placespeople who were either jealous or ignorant (愚昧). I couldnt change the way they were, but I could change the way I felt. I was not going to feel bad because of their ignorance or jealousy. It wasnt worth it. Realizing this didnt stop them, or change the fact that these comments



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