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1、考研英语一河南省开封市南关区2023年统考试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) When my dad finally finished the triathlon(铁人三项)in Montauk, the crowd cheered. It showed me how his hard work paid

2、 off and it 1 my curiosity. I wondered whether a small boy of my size could 2 something like that. I found myself 3 this out loud and my father overheard me. He 4 me and said I could train with him.Training with my dad turned out to be very 5 .We would get up early for a morning jog, or go for a swi

3、m in the pool after school. After a few weeks of 6 , I signed up for my first triathlon. Before the competition, I nervously waited for the 7 .When someone fired the gun, I was 8 , swimming towards the distant buoy(浮标)that marked my tum. I 9 the half-mile swim and ran towards my bike. I was dripping

4、 wet, trying to 10 it. Once on my bike, I experienced an excitement specific to 11 . I went through the transition zone(转换区)again and 12 my running shoes. At the start of the run part of the triathlon, my 13 already felt like they were made of cement(水泥).For me, the real competition began during the

5、 run, 14 now I could see each competitor as a target. No matter my 15 in the field, each racer was either following me or being followed. The run part of the race boiled down to 16 tolerance. Shut up, legs, one of my favorite quotes, kept me from 17 the burning feeling. Then I crossed the finish lin

6、e. I took a breath and then began a(n) 18 with the other finishers. The sense of accomplishment was there for all of us.Looking back, I 19 the small boy on that day in Montauk who thought he couldnt 20 it. Now, that same boy is not only a huge fan, but also a training partner.1、AshowedBexcitedCteste


8、oint atBget onCget backDfind out11、ArunningBtravelingCcyclingDswimming12、Atook offBswitched toCcleanedDrepaired13、AarmsBhandsCshouldersDlegs14、AbecauseBalthoughCuntilDunless15、AstatusBpositionCtaskDfunction16、AriskBdrugCstressDpain17、Ashowing offBbringing inCthinking aboutDcarrying out18、Aexperiment

9、BcelebrationCargumentDcooperation19、ArememberBbelieveCdiscoverDrespect20、AuseBmoveCdoDproveSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1Have you e

10、ver noticed how Americans fill up their entire glass with ice and then pour their beverage(饮品) in, but Europeans take their drinks at room temperature? In the U. S., weve created fridges that give you cold ice at the press of a button, but in Britain they typically serve their tap water warm.This tr

11、aditionif thats what you want to call it-dates back to the 19th century. During that time, it was already commonplace for most American homes to have an ice box. Ice would be harvested in northern America or Canada and shipped across the Atlantic and sold at a high price in British department stores

12、. Can you imagine heading to Macys to treat yourself to a block of ice?Putting ice in your drink started to become somewhat of a fashion(时尚) trend for the wealthy in Britain. Some would put a few cubes in their champagne and sip on their chilled drinks at high-class parties. But, like with any fashi

13、on trend, it eventually faded, mainly because the ice was just too expensive. And even once ice boxes began appearing in homes in Britain as well, Brits never took a liking to ice in their drinks.So, next time you travel overseas, dont feel offended(冒犯) when your server gives you an eye roll when yo

14、u ask for ice water.1、Who has written the text?AA European.BAn American.CA Canadian.DAn Asian.2、Why do Europeans take their drinks at room temperature?ABecause they have no fridges.BBecause they have warm taps.CBecause they are accustomed to it.DBecause they cant afford ice.3、What can we infer about

15、 Brits?AThey treat their guests to cold drinks.BThey always follow what Americans do.CThey dont know where to get ice blocks.DThey have ice boxes later than Americans.4、What does the text mainly talk about?AWhy Americans like icy drinks while Europeans dont.BWhen people overseas have icy drinks with their meals.CWhere people can entertain themselves with icy drinks.DHow Europeans and Americans make different



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