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1、考研英语一2023年北京市通州区高分通关卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)As a child, Bill was untidy. It has been said that in order to 1 this, his Mum drew up 2 clothing plans for him. On M

2、ondays he might go to school in blueon Thursdays in black, and so on. Weekend meal 3 might also be planned in detail.People around Bill 4 that he was exceptional. One of his friends recalled, “he was 5 the kind of kid you didnt want 6 our team. We all knew Bill was 7 than us. Even back then, when he

3、 was nine or ten years old, he talked like a(an) 8 and could express himself in ways that none of us understood.”Bill was also well 9 his classmates in mathematics and science. He needed to go to a school that 10 him, Lakeside, an all-boys school for 11 students.Lakeside allowed students to go after

4、 their own 12 , to whatever extent they wished. The school 13 itself on helping all its students to reach their 14 potential. It was the ideal environment for someone like Bill Gates.During his time at Lakeside, Bill scored a 15 eight hundred on a mathematics test. It was extremely important to him

5、to get this gradehe had to take the 16 more than once in order to do it.Computer time was expensive and, because he was anxious to get more 17 and because Bill already had an understanding 18 what he could achieve 19 , he decided to 20 a company: The Lakeside Programmers Group. “Lets call the real w

6、orld and try to sell something to it!” Bill announced.1、Abalance Bkeep Cwatch Dcontrol2、Acertain Bstrict Cweekly Dtimely3、Adishes Bconferences Cplaces Dschedules4、Asaw Bdiscussed Cconfused Drecognized5、Aever Bnever Cseldom Dalways6、Afor Bon Camong Dagainst7、Asmarter Bolder Cstronger Dbraver8、Achild

7、Bteacher Cadult Dman9、Aback off Bfar from Cahead of Dmore than10、Adefeated Bchallenged Centertained Dmonitored11、Aexceptional Brich Cordinary Dspecial12、Afriends Bvalues Ccareers Dinterests13、Alooked Bopened Cprided Dtricked14、Adeep Bsacred Cfull Drich15、Alogical Btough Cimaginary Dperfect16、Atest B

8、lesson Ctask Dmeasure17、Atime Bfund Chelp Dgrade18、Ato Bof Cfrom Dbehind19、Apsychologically Bfinancially Cwisely Duniversally20、Apick up Btake up Csend up Dset upSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C o

9、r D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1Traceys husband told her. “If you build it, they will come.” So Tracey built a dance studio four years ago, and he was right.Tracey built Revere Dance Studio in an old large church in Cincinnati, Ohio. It may seem like an odd place to run

10、a dance studio, but this church was disability accessible and thats just what Tracey was looking for. Tracey needed a new home for her wheelchair dance students after the studio that was hosting the classes closed.Now Tracey has been teaching free dance classes to students in wheelchairs for over fo

11、ur years. This season, her class is made up of six boys and girls ranging in age from 6 to 11 who attend dance rehearsals (排练) twice a month. Tracey says these classes are about more than the dancing. “For any child to get out on stage is an accomplishment,” Tracey said. Tracey has always considered

12、 the students in her “Wonders on Wheels” class to be talented, but this week she got to share their talents with the world. On Sunday, the WOW class debuted(初次登台) a dance routine theyve been working on since October.Last October, one week before the dance class reunited for a new season, one of the

13、WOW children, Katie, passed away unexpectedly. Her teammates were heartbroken. They decided to honor their friend by giving this seasons dance to her. Everyone knew how much Katie loved Celine Dion, so the group chose the song My Heart Will Go On for the dance routine.The six WOW dancers, dressed in

14、 white, were surrounded by fourteen dancers dressed in black. These “shadows” are high school girls who volunteer to dance alongside the children in wheelchairs, helping them move across the dance floor. As the song came to an end, a huge round of applause erupted from the audience.1、Why did Tracey

15、build the dance studio in the church?AIt is free of charge. BIt is near her home.CIts easy for the disabled to use. DIt is big enough to hold dancers.2、Tracey offered her dance class .Afor free Btwice a weekConly to girls in wheelchairs Dwith the help of volunteers3、What can best describe Tracey?ABrave an


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