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1、山东省烟台市龙口市2023年考研英语一全真模拟试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)第一节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A,B,C和D)中,选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Iusedtoabandonmyselftodespa




5、ltagain.Butinstead,Ismiledafterthecompetition.IwashappythatatleastIhadgotsomestageLifeisnotjustabedofroses.Therearethorns(刺)aswell,butthesethornshelpusbecomeandstrong.Whenlifeusalemon,letstrytomakealemonade.1、 AresultedBsufferedCsurvivedDescaped2、 AhopeBwonderCideaDdoubt3、 ApainBanxietyCfearDpressur

6、e4、 AreceivedBsoldCfixedDlost5、 AunbelievableBshamefulCangryDterrible6、 AdiseasesBmemoriesCincidentsDdifficulties7、AwhenBuntilCthoughDsince8、AlessonBlemonadeCdecisionDchallenge9、AcontrolBacceptCimproveDavoid10、ArealizedBthoughtCdiscoveredDpredicted11、 AhealthyBindependentCseriousDpositive12、Aexactly

7、BdifferentlyCeasilyDpractically13、ArecoveryBlifeCfreedomDhappiness14、 AshoutingBhidingCquarrelingDregretting15、AexpectBmissCwinDrefuse16、 AfiguredoutBwrittendownCfoundoutDcomeacross17、 AembarrassedBdiscouragedCexcitedDconcerned18、 AperformanceBexperienceCprogressDeffect19、 AbraveBcalmCgreatDclever20

8、、 AshowsBmakesCgivesDsendsSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1It is that time of the year again. Up and down the country, thousands of st

9、udents stay in the library, attempting to cram( 死记硬背) the information necessary to get through finals. I am one of them a Cambridge finalist, attempting to deal with the Oxbridge stress in the only way I know: caffeine hits and reclusion(隐遁生活). Whether you love or hate Oxbridge, the fact that these

10、two universities provide unique learning environments is something of a double-edged sword. On the one hand, students have access to some of the best education in the world; on the other hand, the pressure that comes with this can prove damaging to them and cant be swept under the carpet for they ha

11、ve to face it eventually.Many Cambridge students find themselves trapped in a pressure of expectation, whether this comes from their supervisors or tutors, their director of studies or even from themselves. The drive towards achievement is either the key to success or to possible serious personal is

12、sues, as Mark Phippen, head of the University of Cambridges Counseling Service said, “There are plenty of perfectionists in Cambridge, but it can work two ways: it can push them to accomplish and to achieve, or it can get out of hand, disabling them.”Many students say that they cant handle it any mo

13、re while working in certain libraries which are filled with other students hard at work. The competition and paranoia( 多 疑 ) are more common than what we realize or question: you can feel as if you are being judged for how much time you spend on Facebook or YouTube, or how little time you spend read

14、ing.Too many students feel almost frustrated by the pressure to achieve but feel unable to speak about it. As everyone seems to be coping, they must also pretend to cope too. The only thing students have: tutors and supervisors regularly encourage students to avoid extracurricular activities, urging

15、 them to focus on their studies to such an extent that many find it hard to handle it. One current Cambridge tutor has been known for checking up on the activities of students involved in extracurricular theatre by searching for them on the website, which details who is involved in certain plays each term just in case it affects the students work output.Problems arise when the pressure produces mental health issues. Problems have been brought to attention in articles primarily from Oxfords Cherwell and Cambridges The Tab. The attention has made the Cambridge University Student Union set up St


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