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1、考研英语一阜阳市颍上县2023年高分冲刺试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)Mark Twain said that habit is habit, and not to be flung(扔) out the window by anyone, but coaxed(劝诱) downstairs a st

2、ep at a time. The chances of successfully changing negative behavior 1 when you make gradual changes that give you time to 2 negative patterns for positive ones.On any given day, countless numbers of us get out of bed and 3 to begin to change a given behavior today. Whether it be exercising more, dr

3、inking less, managing time 4 or some other change in a negative behavior, we start out with high 5 In a short time, however, a vast majority of people fail and are soon doing 6 it was they thought they shouldnt be doing.After considerable research, some researchers believe that behavior changes usua

4、lly do not 7 if they start with the change itself. 8 they believe that we must 9 a series of “stages” to adequately prepare ourselves for that 10 change. Once you have analyzed all the factors that 11 what you do ,you must decide which behavior-change technique will work best for you.According to th

5、e psychologist Albert Ellis, most 12 problems and related behaviors arise from irrational (不理性的) statements that people make to 13 when events in their lives are different from what they would like them to be. For example, suppose after doing 14 on an exam, you say to yourself, “I can not believe I

6、failed that easy exam. I am so stupid.”By changing this irrational “catastrophic” self-talk into rational, 15 statements about what is really going on, you can increase the 16 that positive behaviors will occur.Positive self-talk might be 17 as follows: I really didnt study enough for the exam. I ju

7、st need to prepare for the next 18 ”.Such self-talk will help you to recover quickly from 19 and take positive steps to correct the situation. Some other technique like purposefully 20 or stopping negative thoughts and refusing to dwell on (沉湎于) negative images can also spare you wasted energy, time

8、 and emotional resources and move on to positive changes.1、AdeclineBremainCdisappearDimprove2、AsubstituteBcancelCfindDignore3、ArefuseBdetermineChesitateDadvocate4、AmoreBbetterCworseDless5、AvaluesBrequirementsCexpectationsDlevels6、AwhicheverBhoweverCwhereverDwhatever7、AsucceedBfailCexistDfade8、ANever

9、thelessBOtherwiseCInsteadDMoreover9、Alook throughBbreak throughCgo throughDpull through10、AinitialBtemporaryCinstantDeventual11、AinvolveBinfluenceCexplainDadjust12、AemotionalBphysicalCtechnicalDprofessional13、AallBothersCsomeoneDthemselves14、ApoorlyBcarefullyCcompletelyDslowly15、ApositiveBridiculous

10、CnegativeDexplicit16、AdangerBawarenessCamountDprobability17、AwrittenBphrasedClistedDcaptioned18、AresearchBtestCtalkDproblem19、AtirednessBhabitsCdisappointmentDburdens20、ArecallingBstartingCblockingDholdingSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the ques

11、tions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1SUBSCRIPTIONS FROM EUROPE/REST OF THE WORLD (ROW)Option 1: Hot English for Students.Includes: 12 Hot English magazines + audio MP3S+1 English Unlocked Book.(100 pages, 4 levels: Pre-Intermediate;

12、Intermediate; Upper Intermediate; Advanced) Europe 92.70 Row 108.90Indicate the English Unlocked level you require (one book included in price)Option 2: Hot English for TeachersIncludes: 12 Hot English magazines + audio MP3S + 1 Teachers English Unlocked Book.(110 pages, 4 levels: Pre-Intermediate;

13、Intermediate; Upper Intermediate; Advanced): Europe 92.70/ROW 108.90 Indicate the English Unlocked level you require (one book included in price)Option 3: Standard.Includes: 12 magazines + audio MP3S = Europe 79.70/Row95.40Option 4: Web SchoolVideos, readings, listenings, online exercises 4 levels.

14、Indicate the level you require: Pre-Intermediate; Intermediate; Upper Intermediate; Advanced. Code is valid for one level and one year = 24.99Access to all levels: one year =59.97English UnlockedYour complete self-study solution to learning English at home. With audio MP3s and video MP4s! Choose fro

15、m 4 levels: Pre-Intermediate; Intermediate; Upper Intermediate; Advanced.Student or Teacher Students/Teachers Book: Europe 18.95/Row 19.95Phrasal verbs/IdiomsBooklets with 150 phrasal verbs or idioms + images + MP3s AUDIO FILES. Phrasal verbs I Phrasal verbs II Idioms I Idioms II Europe per book 17.95 / ROW per book 18.95Academies, institutes, official language schools, etc. Photocopying Hot English magazine for use in their classes wherever th


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