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1、2023年贵州省贵阳市云岩区考研英语一临考冲刺试卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)This happened several weeks ago. On my way to work, I accidentally got on the wrong bus because I was 1 the news

2、on my phone. I had to 2 and walk several blocks to work, a path I had never taken.I met a man sitting on a bench looking very 3 , so I asked him what was wrong. He said his 4 had been dragged away (拖走) from a public lot and that he had no 5 to get to the airport to meet his wife. I told him that I c

3、ould help him out and let him 6 there.I went to the 7 one block away and got cash. When I returned, the man was standing there, watching me 8 him. When I gave him the cash, he hugged me, thanked me, and started 9 !I nearly cried, too. I wished him to get to the airport safely, explained 10 he could

4、take public transport to get there, and then continued to go to my office.I 11 at my usual restaurant for a to go (带走的) breakfast and, at the door, I met another man who 12 said, “Excuse me, sir. I dont want your money, 13 could you please help me get some food?” I said, “Of course, please come with

5、 me. ” I 14 my breakfast and paid for this mans order. I 15 him a wonderful day.As you may 16 I was so thankful for putting 17 on the wrong bus at the right time. This let me 18 two people who needed help and 19 . During each meeting, I never felt afraid; I only felt 20 to help them.1、Areading Bmaki

6、ng Ccollecting Dtelling2、Aturn up Bturn off Cget off Dgive up3、Aguilty Bbored Ctired Dupset4、Acase Bdriver Ccar Dtool5、Atime Bmoney Cchance Dmood6、Await Bleave Cwalk Dcomplain7、Aoffice Bbus Ccafe Dbank8、Aapproach Breceive Csave Dcall9、Alaughing Bcrying Csinging Ddancing10、Awhy Bwhether Chow Dwhen11、

7、Aworked Bstopped Cchatted Dplanned12、Aproudly Bbravely Crudely Dpolitely13、Abut Band Cso Dor14、Ahad Bmade Cordered Dsold15、Aexpected Bwished Cshowed Dlent16、Ahope Bremember Cguess Ddoubt17、Ahim Bthem Courselves Dmyself18、Ameet Bjoin Cvisit Dgreet19、Awarmth Benthusiasm Cconfidence Dsurprise20、Agratef

8、ul Binterested Cdelighted DcuriousSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1 When most of us look at our hands, we might notice that we need to

9、 clean, or stop biting our fingernails, and thats about it. But if you ask a doctor, he can see a whole lot more. Everything from poor diet and stress to serious kidney (肾) problems can be revealed by a glance at your fingernails.There are about 30 different nail signs that can be associated with me

10、dical issues, though may indicate more than one problem, according to Dr. Amy Derick, a clinical instructor of dermatology at Northwestern University.Here are five of the things a doctor can tell about your health based on your fingernails.1. People who arent eating well and lack vitamin or dietary

11、may have thinner than normal nails, which are more likely to break.2. Horizontal lines are associated with serious physical stress. They frequently occur in people who have gone through chemotherapy(化疗).They can also occur after some illnesses, injuries, or with severe malnourishment(营养不良).Interesti

12、ngly, there may be an altitude connection too. Theyve also been found in people who dove 1,000 feet and others who participated in an Everest exploration.3. Vertical lines, however, are generally not such a big deal. Some people are more genetically prone to them than others, but theyre commonly ass

13、ociated with aging.4. When people lack iron, their nails can turn spoon-like. Instead of curving down and covering the finger normally, they ll start to rise up on the sides and front, like the part of a spoon that holds liquid.5. Kidney and liver problems can create “half-and-half nails”, where one

14、 part of the nail is white and the other part dark or pink, according to Derick.Doctors note that because disease diagnosis is complex and some symptoms can be associated with different diseases, you should always see a medical professional if you are concerned about something you notice.1、What is t

15、he main idea of the passage?ADoctors can tell us something about our health by looking at our nails.BWe should see a doctor if we find nails in bad condition.CA famous doctor in the USA conducted an interesting research.DIf we dont want to get ill, we need to clean and stop biting our fingernails.2、If we dont eat well or regularly, our


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