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1、考研英语一内丘县2023年押题密卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)Throughout the junior-and senior-high mornings I watched my father go to work, I 1 told him how that affected me . I simp

2、ly 2 about his ability to do what he did; keeping the 3 filled with food, paying my tuition fees and 4 Christmas gifts under the tree, taking me to Boston to buy new clothes, dragging me to church on Sundays Perhaps it was because these scenes seemed so 5 that I never spoke of them.And then at colle

3、ge, away from him-when his 6 became merely the voice over the phone-I thought other men were more 7 than Daddy. Those men who taught my classes and 8 complex theories.Then, I entered society. I looked forward to 9 home, talking with Daddy, sharing a ball game, watching an old Western movie on televi

4、sion, drinking a beet, listening to the 10 about his childhood days. I 11 Daddy again-not as a boy in awe(敬畏), but with respect as a man. And I 12 that he was my father, a man who committed himself to a thankless job in a society.And now, when I spend precious moments with my own son. I wonder what

5、he thinks of me. At what point will I 13 in his world of important men, and will there be a point when hell return to me with a nod of 14 ? Will he treat me with love and 15 ? How will he measure my weaknesses and strengths?Sometimes the 16 lessons are the most difficult to teach. Sometimes the most

6、 essential truths are the difficult to learn. I hope my son will one day value all the 17 and truths that have passed to him, through 18 , from his grandfather. And as my son grows older. I believe that he, too, will measure his steps by the strides(大步) I have made for him, just as I have 19 my goal

7、s because of the strides my father has made for me. When my son does this, perhaps he will feel the same 20 and fulfillment that I do when I say, ”I am fathers son.”1、Aoften Bonce Csometimes Dnever2、Aforgot Blearned Cdoubted Dwondered3、Akitchen Bmarket Crestaurant Dbedroom4、Apreparing Bburying Cpili

8、ng Dhiding5、Amysterious Bordinary Cspecial Dboring6、Aduty Bpresence Cabsence Dperformance7、Aconsiderate Bkind Cimportant Dbelievable8、Aexplained Bcreated Cproved Dstudied9、Aleaving Brebuilding Cvisiting Dreturning10、Ajokes Bstories Cnews Dtruth11、Arediscovered Brecalled Cretold Drepeat12、Anoticed Bs

9、aw Crealized Dwatched13、Arise Bdisappear Cfall Ddie14、Aapproval Bsympathy Csupporting Dunderstanding15、Apraise Bhate Crespect Denvy16、Asimple Buseful Ccomplex Dbig17、Aopportunities Blessons Cgifts Dknowledge18、Aher Bthem Cme Dhimself19、Aachieved Bset Cquitted Dchanged20、Aembarrassment Bdisappointmen

10、t Cexcitement DprideSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1 I went up to Peets Coffee the other morning and there was a young man, Mike, pro

11、bably my age. With him he had all his physical belongings on a small roll cart. I first thought, how nice to have so few possessions. That was followed with the thought of how ironic (讽刺的) it is that we live in one of the financially wealthiest areas of the U.S., if not the world, yet we cant, or do

12、nt, take care of the basic needs of human beings. Yes, we are financially wealthy, but we lack in wealth of compassion (同情), kindness, and understanding. I tear up as I ponder the inequality and injustice that exists.Anyway, I invited Mike in for a bite to eat and he eagerly accepted. He talked abou

13、t looking up a friend for a place to stay that night. On Christmas Eve as many eagerly and greedily stuff their bellies with food in nice, warm homes and then open presents, Mike just wanted a place to spend the evening.Then I was really blown away. As he waited for his sandwich, Mike began cleaning

14、 up the condiment (佐料) area. He took some paper and wiped up the spills of others and rearranged the milks and other condiments, making everything neat and orderly. Here is a person with very little and hes serving others in a way thats just natural to him.I spoke with Mike about this afterward, tha

15、nking him. He said he always did that sort of thingstraightening up. To him, it was just common politeness. I just asked him for a hug and we parted to go our separate ways. There is a lot for us.me. to learn in the most unlikely place.1、Which of the following can best replace the underlined word “ponder” in Paragraph


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