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1、考研英语一2023年蚌埠市蚌山区模拟预测试卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)Once upon a time, there was an old man who spread rumors(谣言) that his neighbor was a thief. 1 , the neighbor, a youn

2、g man, was 2 . Several days later the young man was proven 3 . After being released, the young man felt 4 as be walked to his home. Then he charged the old man with 5 accusing him.In 6 , the old man told the judge, “They were just 7 . and I hadnt meant to harm anyone.” The judge, before passing 8 on

3、 the case, told the old man, “Write all the things you said about him on a piece of 9 . Cut it up and throw the pieces out on the way home. 10 , come back to know the result”.The next day, the judge told the old man, “Before 11 the sentence, you will have to go out and 12 all the pieces of the paper

4、 that you 13 yesterday”. The old man said, “I cant do that! The wind must have spread them and I wont know where to 14 them”.The judge then replied, “The 15 way, simple comments may destroy the 16 of a man to such an extent(程度)that one is not able to fix it. If you cant speak 17 , of someone, rather

5、 dont say anything.” The old man realized his mistake and asked for 18 , but it was too late.As an old saying goes, “If we are not 19 of our mouths, we will be slaves of our words.” So think twice 20 you speak.1、AAfter all BIn addition CAs a result DOn the contrary2、Aarrested Binspected Cwitnessed D

6、challenged3、Aguilty Binnocent Cselfish Dstubborn4、Anervous Bexcited Cproud Dshamed5、Aslightly Bspecially Cwrongly Dactually6、Acourt Bsurprise Cprison Dpeace7、Acomments Bfacts Cevidences Dquestions8、Aexplanation Bsentence Cdocument Devaluation9、Aleaf Bcloth Cpaper Dwood10、AImmediately BTomorrow CNext

7、 week DNext year11、Agiving Bcollecting Creceiving Drefusing12、Agather Bpossess Cmix Dselect13、Ahanded out Bleft out Cwiped out Dthrew out14、Afinish Bread Cmake Dfind15、Aopposite Bsimple Cdifferent Dsame16、Amind Bbody Creputation Dability17、Aill Bwell Cmuch Dlittle18、Aforgiveness Brespect Cleave Drel

8、axation19、Ajudges Bdirectors Clisteners Dmasters20、Aafter Bbefore Cwhile DunlessSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1 Kindergarten outside

9、? Yes,indeed. Its part of a growing worldwide trend toward outdoor education. The schools are called Forest Kindergartens.Now the numbers are small in the U. S.,but the idea is well established in Europe, with schools in Scotland, England, and Switzerland. By far most of such schools are in Germany,

10、 which has more than 400W aldkindergartens.Children attending such particular school enjoy a good amount of outdoor education each day,rain or shine. Some lessons are focused on nature ; others are academic topics delivered in a natural setting. In all cases,students are active not sitting at desks

11、or on mats on the floor but walking, running, jumping, solving problems like how to get the mud off the bottoms of their shoes before their parents find out.At these forest kindergartens, students learn science by observing and doing it, learn math by applying it to the natural world around them,lea

12、rn letters and words by putting them together using sights and sounds. The children learn to make comparisons using natural things like apples and rocks. They develop an appreciation for animals and plants in their natural environment not just by looking at pictures in a book or on a computer screen

13、.Some of the science activities involve teamwork, like explaining the best way to move a heavy object, showing how a lever(杠杆)works. In other sessions,teachers encourage students to develop their motor skills by building wooden tools such as hammers and knives.These students also learn how to get al

14、ong with one another, individually and in a group. They also develop healthy levels of self-confidence,just from being able to do the everyday activities that the school offers.In a time when so many children are being classified as obese because of long time watching television and playing video ga

15、mes, these outdoor schools help children learn just as much, if not more,from opening their eyes to the world around them.1、Which of the following country has the most Forest Kindergartens?AThe U. S.BGermany.CThe U. K.DSwitzerland2、What is the purpose of the fourth paragraph?ATo analyse how children learn socially.



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