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1、绵阳市涪城区2023年考研英语一预测试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)In 1988, I began to work as a flight attendant. 1 my wings was my childhood dream that I had set for myself after my f

2、irst plane ride at the age of five. Like so many others before me, I fell in love with the romance of airplanes and 2 others.I have flown hundreds of flights since graduation, but one 3 among them. We were flying from Los Angeles to Washington, DC, when I found a young mother 4 with her baby. Everyt

3、hing was a 5 , and the mother told me that she had no more diapers (尿布) or other 6 on the aircraft. Through her tears, she 7 me that they had missed their flight the 8 night in Los Angeles. Since she hadnt 9 to miss the flight, she was 10 to use up most of her 11 and whatever money she had to 12 her

4、self and her baby. As she stood in front of me, crying, I could see the hopelessness on her face. I 13 rang the flight attendant call button and asked for 14 from the other flight attendants. They brought cloth towels from first 15 to assist in cleaning up both mom and the baby. I gave her a sweater

5、 and a pair of pants.As she thanked me for all I had done she said 16 , “Youre not the flight attendant, but youre a sky angel.” Touching my flight attendant wings, she 17 , “And those are your angel wing.”Though I am no longer a flight attendant, my “angel wings” are 18 on display in my office. And

6、 each time I see them, I am 19 of that young woman, her son and the 20 that she gave me on that special day.1、AProducing BEarning CImagining DDesigning2、Acalling Brescuing Chelping Dguiding3、Agoes away Bcomes up Cstands out Dsets off4、Astruggling Bplaying Ccommunicating Dcompeting5、Amess Bmistake Ct

7、rick Djoke6、Afriends Bclothing Cfortune Dbabies7、Asuggested Bpersuaded Cinformed Dconfirmed8、Aprevious Bdangerous Cextra Dremaining9、Aremembered Bregretted Cmanaged Dexpected10、Awarned Blikely Cable Dforced11、Awealth Bfood Csupplies Dsouvenirs12、Araise Bteach Csupport Ddefeat13、Asuddenly Bactually C

8、immediately Dgenerally14、Aunderstanding Badvice Cpermission Dassistance15、Aairport Baid Cnumber Dclass16、Apatiently Bquickly Ceagerly Delegantly17、Acontinued Bexplained Crecalled Drepeated18、Aseldom Bstill Ceven Djust19、Aaccused Bapproved Ccomplained Dreminded20、Ascene Bexcuse Cpresent DstorySection

9、 II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1How many girls in this world fall behind? The answer is hardtoo many to count. This is why the phrase “Go Ge

10、t It Girl” popped up in my head one day. This would be my project. Thus begins the journey of my Cold Award project, the largest and most important step of Girl Scouts (女童子军).“Go Get It Girl” is a girls self-empowerment (自我授权) project centered on a website called gogetitgirl.org. It focuses on areas

11、 including education, health, and financial literacy. The education section includes information on applying to college and, maintaining good grades. The health section contains information on basic health and self-respect. Lastly, the financial literacy section has all the information a girl needs

12、to manage her money properly.As part of my project, I was able to work one-on-one with girls in elementary, middle, and high school. I gave a speech at a local high schools College Night. I spoke to Hispanic girls and their parents about applying to college. In addition, I worked with an organizatio

13、n called Cool Girls, Inc. Cool Girls is an organization focused on the advancement of girls in all aspects of their development. I worked at the afterschool program, Cool Girls Club. The girls I worked with were primarily minorities, and Cool Girls truly helps them to rise above any current difficul

14、ties in their lives.To provide inspiration for the girls who visit gogetitgirl.org, I interviewed successful women in my community, including a doctor and business owner.The project has been a lot of work, arid its not over yet. It will never be over, hopefully, because I will always look for ways t

15、o help girls.1、603What does the underlined phrase “popped up” in Paragraph to) refer to?Atook root. Bgained popularity. Cmade its way. Dappeared all of a sudden.2、605What does the writer mainly tell us in the first paragraph?AWhy the writer started “Go Get It Girl. BWhy many girls fall behind.CHow Girl Scouts is founded.



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