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1、海东地区化隆回族自治县2023年考研英语一深度预测试卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)Tu Youyou has become the first Chinese woman to win a Nobel Prize, for her work in helping to 1 an anti-malaria

2、 (抗疱疾) medicine. The 84-year-olds route to the honour has been anything 2 traditional.Tu Youyou went to a 3 school in Beijing. Shortly after, she became a researcher at the Academy of Chinese Traditional Medicine. In 1967, Chinese government decided there was an national 4 to find a cure for malaria

3、. 5 the time, malaria 6 by mosquitoes was killing Chinese soldiers fighting Americans in the jungles of northern Vietnam. A secret research unit was 7 to find a 8 of the illness.Two years later, Tu Youyou became the new 9 of the research team. She went to the southern Chinese island of Hainan to stu

4、dy 10 malaria damaged human 11 . For six months, she stayed there. 12 her four-year-old daughter at a local nursery. 13 Chinese texts inspired Tu Youyous search for her Nobel-prize winning medicine. She and her teammates poured over ancient books to find 14 ways of fighting malaria. 15 the team foun

5、d a brief reference to one substance,which had been used to treat malaria in China around 400 ADAfter the drug showed 16 results in mice and monkeys ,Tu Youyou volunteered to be the 17 human recipient(接受者) of the new drug.Fuming Liao, who has worked with Tu Youyou for more than 40 years, 18 her as a

6、 “tough and 19 woman” Stubborn enough to spend decades reading ancient texts and use them in modern scientific 20 . The result has saved millions of lives.1、Ado Bcreate Cgive Dtest2、Aand Bwhile Cwhether Dbut3、Amedical Bcold Cexcellent Daffordable4、Awonder Bdoubt Cneed Dexpression5、AIn BAfter CBefore

7、 DAt6、Aspread Boffered Cheld Dsaid7、Aopened Bfixed Cformed Dinvented8、Ahand Btreatment Ccure Drescue9、Ahead Bjudge Cresearcher Dworkmate10、Awhere Bwhen Cwhat Dhow11、Apower Bability Chealth Dconcern12、Aasking Bletting Cleaving Dsending13、AAncient BMany CReliable DNew14、Auseful Bhistorical Chopeful Dh

8、elpful15、AFinally BExactly CGradually DFrequently16、Agrateful Bactive Chopeful Dthankful17、Aonly Bfirst Cwilling Dright18、Atells Bdescribes Cspeaks Dthinks19、Astubborn Bhard Cgenerous Deducated20、Aclasses Bconditions Cstyles DresearchSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the followin

9、g four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1 Americas latest superhero Austin Perine,who calls himself President Austin,is now taking the country by storm.But he is not a typical superhero.Two things set him apa

10、rt:He doesnt fight human enemies,but hunger and homelessness.Also,hes only four years old.Our superheros origin story started from the day when TJ Perine,his father,took Austin to the Firehouse Ministries,a local shelter that provides housing,food and other services for the homeless.As they drove by

11、 the building,they saw a group of 25 homeless men standing on the street corner.That day,Austin used his allowance to buy each man a sandwich and handed the food out himself with his slogan,“Dont forget to show love!”After he returned every week for five weeks in a row,word of Austins kindness sprea

12、d through social media.Austin and TJ could feed 25 to 50 people at a time before,and now,thanks to community support,they can feed 800 to 2,000 people.But Austin isnt merely filling stomachs.He has been improving the lives of the homeless people he meets.On that first trip to Firehouse Ministries,TJ

13、 and Austin talked to a poor man named Raymont.The respect Austin showed for him touched 41-year-old Raymont,who regained his confidence in life and finally found a job with the help of TJ.All that was made possible because a little boy took the time to care.Austins passion has become his familys ca

14、lling.After raising money through a GoFundMe page,Audrey,TJs mother established the nonprofit Show Love Foundation,dedicated to fighting homelessness. She now serves as president,and TJ oversees public relations for the foundation full time.They offer medical and mental health care as preventive ste

15、ps against homelessness.As for President Austin,he continues to give out food,smiles,and his inspirational message of love.“It makes me feel like Im saving the day,”he said proudly.1、Why has Austin become wellknown to the entire country?AHe has super power to fill the stomachs of the homeless.BHe fights hunger



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