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1、2023年陕西省榆林市吴堡县子洲县考研英语一高分冲刺试卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)完形填空阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。When Jean Harper was in the third grade, her tea

2、cher gave the class an assignment to write a report on what they wanted to be when they grew up.Jeans father was a crop duster 1 in the little farming community where Jean was raised. She was totally 2 by airplanes and flying. She 3 her heart into her report. However, her paper came back with an F o

3、n it. The teacher said it was a fairy tale and it 4 come true. Jean was beaten down by the 5 .Several years went by, Jean was in her 6 year of high school.One day her English teacher, Mrs. Slaton, gave the class a 7 about what they would be doing 10 years later. Jean thought hard about it. Pilot? 8

4、Flight attendant? Im not pretty enough. Waitress? I could do that. That felt_, so she wrote it down.One week later, the teacher handed back the assignments and asked: “If you had unlimited 9 , what would you do?” Jean felt a rush of the old enthusiasm, and with 10 she wrote down all her old 11 . Whe

5、n the students stopped writing, the teacher asked, “ How many students wrote the 12 thing on the paper?” Not one hand 13 . Then the teacher said, “ all of you do 14 unlimited abilities. If you dont 15 your dreams, no one will do it for you. You can have what you want if you want it 16 Mrs. Slatons i

6、nspiring words 17 the course of Jeans life. After ten years of hard work, 18 Jean became one of the first three 19 pilot trainees ever accepted by United Airlines.1、AworkerBmakerCdriverDpilot2、AattractedBbeatenCfrightenedDwaken3、AturnedBputCpouredDtranslated4、AmustntBcouldntCmightDshould5、Aexplanati

7、onBtaleCdiscouragementDpaper6、AseniorBnewClongDhard7、AlessonBtaskCprojectDtopic8、ANo wayBNo problemCQuiet rightDOf course9、AcoolBinterestingCsafeDfancy10、AmoneyBtimeCimaginationDtalent11、AexcitementBcuriosityCcarelessnessDanger12、AopinionsBquestionsCdreamsDsorrows13、ArealBimportantCdifficultDsame14、

8、Awent onBwent upCkept onDkept up15、AlackBwantCpossessDfind16、Alook intoBgo forCtry onDcare about17、AenoughBtooCthoughDagain18、AstartedBmovedCchangedDmade19、AsurprisinglyBstrangelyCnaturallyDeventually20、AfemaleByoungCbeautifulDSuperSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following

9、four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1Having three cancer patients in the same household can turn a whole family upside down. Michelle Bruce, her husband, Jeremy, and their son, Holden, all had cancer. The f

10、amily moved to Michelles hometown of Franklin, Nebraska six years ago, so her parents could help.Doctors found Holdens brain tumor(肿瘤), when he was 12 years old. His family was living in a small town at the time, but there were related doctors in the state. Holden had two operations in Omaha clinic,

11、 both of which were tough.When Holdens cancer came back again in 2012, nothing could be done. But the family didnt give up. They reached out to Boston Childrens Hospital, which has better equipment and doctors with more experience operating on kids. After looking at Holdens records, the doctor sent

12、back her diagnosis: She was confident that she could remove the tumor.The family was beyond relieved, until they learned insurance wouldnt cover any of the operations costs. The operation would cost $39,000 more than the parents could afford. The family got desperate.In a town of just 1,000 people,

13、however, word traveled fast. Within days, a local woman Michelle had never met in person called to say she was planning an event to raise money for Holden. Michelle was touched.The event was uplifting. Finally, the town raised $45,000 enough to cover not just Holdens hospital bills, but for Michelle

14、 and Jeremys trip to Boston with their son. “I just didnt know what to say,” said Michelle. “Nobody could really believe it.”Holdens operation went much more smoothly than the first two. He is cancer-free and now is attending Central Community College-Hastings on a full-ride scholarship.1、Where did

15、Michelles parents live?AFlorida. BBoston.COmaha. DFranklin.2、Why did Holdens family go to Boston Childrens hospital?ABecause it was near their home.BBecause it had better equipment and doctors.CBecause the medical expense there was cheaper.DBecause they were familiar with the doctors there.3、What was the feeling of the family when they learned the operations cost?AThey were in despair.BThey were very delighted.C


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